05 February, 2024

2024 Top 25 Historic Hotels of America Where U.S. Presidents Made History List.

Here is the 2024 Top 25 Historic Hotels of America Where U.S. Presidents Made History List. The 25 noteworthy historic hotels included on this list illustrate the many ways presidents of the United States of America worked, entertained, relaxed with their families, and made history at historic hotels that are open to the public today.

John Rutledge House Inn (1763) Charleston, South Carolina

The historic John Rutledge House Inn in Charleston, South Carolina, dates to 1763, the start of an era when dissatisfaction and tension grew between England and its colonies in North America. In its early decades, the historic inn was the private home of John Rutledge, a prominent jurist and politician who was instrumental in guiding South Carolina through the American Revolution. Rutledge organized protests against England’s efforts to tax the colonies in the wake of the Seven Years’ War and served as a delegate to the Stamp Act Congress. After the American Revolutionary War and the failure of the Articles of Confederation, Rutledge helped frame the new U.S. Constitution. A vigorous proponent of a strong centralized government, Rutledge was one of the more vocal delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. Though Rutledge never served as president, he was an acquaintance and a political ally of both George Washington and John Adams. The John Rutledge House Inn has the distinct honour of being one of the few surviving historic hotels that hosted President Washington while he was in office. During a tour of the new nation, Washington visited Charleston in 1791 and, although he was often careful to avoid staying in private homes lest he be accused of favouritism, he did visit the Rutledge family home and stayed for breakfast. The second notable presidential visit occurred in the 1920s, when President William Taft—after serving in office—visited his friend, Mayor Robert Goodwyn Rhett. Charleston’s mayor lived at the John Rutledge House Inn and hosted Taft for dinner. This visit is very well-known in the city, in part because it inspired one of Charleston’s classic recipes. Before Taft arrived, Mayor Rhett asked Chef William Deas, butler at the grand house, to “dress up” their typical crab soup. Deas’s presidential variation of the soup featured orange crab eggs, giving the dish a bright colour and unique taste—and its name, She-Crab Soup. Guests of the Inn today can enjoy She-Crab Soup just like Taft, and anyone can recreate the historic dish at home with the recipe. Designated a National Historic Landmark by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, the John Rutledge House Inn is a Charter Member of Historic Hotels of America, founded in 1989.

Beekman Arms and Delamater Inn (1766) Rhinebeck, New York

The two historic buildings that constitute the Beekman Arms and Delamater Inn in Rhinebeck, New York, have a long and storied history. The Beekman Arms tavern was built in 1766, and played an important role in the American Revolution as it unfolded in the Hudson Valley. During the early 1770s, the 4th Regiment of the Continental Army performed drills on the front lawn of the Beekman Arms tavern, and colonists took refuge here while the British burned the first state capital, Kingston, across the river. After the war, President George Washington and Vice President Aaron Burr—as well as Philip Schuyler, Benedict Arnold, and Alexander Hamilton—all slept, ate, drank, argued about politics, and laughed at the Beekman Arms tavern. In the 1840s, the Delamater Inn was built a block away. In 1888, when Benjamin Harrison was nominated for president, he and his running mate, Vice President Levi P. Morton, assembled their supporters in the Delamater Inn when they learned that they had been selected by the Republican Convention. Harrison won the election that year, becoming the 23rd President of the United States. In the 20th century, President Franklin D. Roosevelt—who called the Hudson Valley home for many years—was a frequent guest at the Beekman Arms. Roosevelt was responsible for the construction of the nearby Rhinebeck Post Office, which was built by the Works Progress Administration during the Great Depression. Roosevelt concluded each of his political campaigns for governor and president with a public address from the tavern’s front porch. Other Vice Presidents who have visited include Nelson Rockefeller and Al Gore. The Beekman Arms and Delamater Inn was inducted into Historic Hotels of America in 2006.

The Omni Homestead Resort (1766) Hot Springs, Virginia

Best known for its historic championship golf courses and natural Warm Springs Pools, The Omni Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, Virginia, has offered rest and relaxation to U.S. Presidents for over 200 years. Two major springs from the Allegheny Mountains flow through the resort, and separate men’s and women’s bathhouses allow visitors to soak in the natural mineral waters. In the 1750s, George Washington travelled through the region a few times, and historians suspect, but cannot officially determine, that he bathed in the springs in 1756. Washington’s visit was followed more than 60 years later by an ageing Thomas Jefferson, who sought relief there in 1818 for his rheumatoid arthritis. The trip proved to be so uplifting that Jefferson praised the entire location as being one of the best places to vacation in the whole country. Other presidents followed: President James Madison; President Martin Van Buren and his son; President John Tyler and First Lady Julia Tyler visited twice; President Millard Fillmore; President Franklin Pierce and First Lady Jane Pierce; President Benjamin Harrison and First Lady Caroline Harrison; President William McKinley and First Lady Ida McKinley; President Herbert Hoover; Harry S. Truman and First Lady Bess Truman; President Richard Nixon; Gerald Ford; George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush. President William Howard Taft and his family stayed at the resort for months at a time in the early 20th century. Woodrow Wilson honeymooned at the resort with First Lady Edith Wilson in 1915. President Franklin D. Roosevelt celebrated the Fourth of July at the resort in 1931. Dwight D. Eisenhower was a frequent visitor who stayed before, during, and after being in office. Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter both visited (separately) to attend meetings during their terms as governors of California and Georgia, respectively. In addition to enjoying the Warm Springs Pools, many of these presidents and first ladies played on the resort’s two famous golf courses, the Old Course and The Cascades. Notably, William McKinley was the first U.S. President to play golf while in office, and he did so on the Old Course, teeing off in 1899. While enjoying their honeymoon, Woodrow Wilson and Edith Wilson played golf together each morning on the Old Course, and Jacqueline Bouvier learned to play golf on The Cascades as a young girl in the 1930s. The historic resort offers five Presidential Suites named after Madison, McKinley, Taft, Wilson, and Eisenhower. In the Lobby Bar, guests can discover 23 portraits by Paul Bertholet that represent each president who has been a guest of the Resort. Designated a National Historic Landmark by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior, The Omni Homestead Resort is a Charter Member of Historic Hotels of America, founded in 1989.

Historic Inns of Annapolis (1772) Annapolis, Maryland

Three historic 18th-century Inns make up the Historic Inns of Annapolis, a charming trio located in the heart of Annapolis, Maryland, across the street from the Maryland State House. The Governor Calvert House and Robert Johnson House were established first as private homes, but since 1772, the Maryland Inn has hosted politicians visiting the city. Annapolis briefly became the capital of the United States of America under the Articles of Confederation. On September 3, 1783, the Treaty of Paris that ended the war between England and its former colonies was ratified by George Washington at the Maryland State House, a block away from the Maryland Inn. This document was signed at the State House by diplomat and inventor Benjamin Franklin, 6th President of the Continental Congress John Jay, and future president John Adams. After the peace treaty was ratified, the three Founding Fathers retired to the tavern at the Maryland Inn to celebrate. The Maryland Inn’s tavern is today an event space and restaurant named The Treaty of Paris in honour of that history. Historic Inns of Annapolis are contributing structures to the Colonial Annapolis Historic District, listed in the National Register of Historic Places, and were inducted into Historic Hotels of America in 1996.

Omni Bedford Springs Resort (1806) Bedford, Pennsylvania

On August 16, 1858, Queen Victoria sent the very first telegram over the newly built Transatlantic telegraph cable. Sitting President James Buchanan received it at his favourite “Summer White House,” the Omni Bedford Springs Resort in Bedford, Pennsylvania. From his Sheraton desk at the historic resort hotel, Buchanan read:

London, England: Come let us talk together. American genius and English enterprise have this day joined together the Old and the New World. Let us hope that they may be as closely allied in the bonds of peace, harmony, and kindred feeling. Signed, Victoria R.

Buchanan responded:

Bedford Springs: New England accepts with gladness, the hand of fellowship proffered by Old England, and if ever discord of diversity of interest should threaten this alliance, let our language be, “entreat me not to leave thee, or return from following thee, for the interests of thy people shall be the interests of my people, and thy God shall be my God.” Signed, James Buchanan, President, U.S.A.

It was an international achievement, marking the moment when messages could travel thousands of miles in minutes, instead of days or weeks. After forty messages were sent over three days, the first working Transatlantic cable failed, and eight years passed before a new cable was completed. The 15th President of the United States, James Buchanan, ran his campaign for office from Bedford Springs. Many important papers were signed at Bedford Springs on a Sheraton desk, which he refused to let the hotel dispose of; he maintained that the drawers were just the right size for his shirts. In all, the popular Pennsylvania bachelor president spent 25 summers at the resort. Other presidents who have visited the Omni Bedford Springs Resort include Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, William Henry Harrison, John Tyler, James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, James Garfield, Dwight D. Eisenhower, William Howard Taft, and Ronald Reagan. On a guided history tour of the resort, guests can view historical photos, record books, and even James Buchanan’s desk in the lobby. The Omni Bedford Springs Resort is designated a National Historic Landmark by the U.S. Secretary of the Interior and was inducted into Historic Hotels of America in 2008.

Battle House Renaissance Mobile Hotel & Spa (1852) Mobile, Alabama

Established in 1852 in the rapidly expanding port city of Mobile, Alabama, the Battle House Renaissance Mobile Hotel & Spa is a must-see for anyone travelling through the city on a tour of the Gulf Coast. Many illustrious guests visited the “Battle House Hotel” over the years, including the likes of Senator Henry Clay, General Winfield Scott, and U.S. President Millard Fillmore. In 1860, Senator and presidential candidate Stephen A. Douglas spent Election Night inside the hotel. The present-day site of the Battle House Renaissance Mobile Hotel & Spa was once the headquarters of General—and future U.S. President—Andrew Jackson during the War of 1812. The most significant presidential visit was by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. During his visit to Mobile, members of the Southern Commercial Congress held a Presidential Breakfast in his honour with nearly 200 guests in attendance. Hotel staff at the time recalled how seemingly countless Secret Service agents had sprawled across the building’s interior. Afterwards, Wilson travelled a block south to the Lyric Theatre, where he gave a speech repudiating the Monroe Doctrine as a means of appeasing the country’s Latin American allies. It was here that President Wilson gave his now-famous remark: “The United States will never again seek one additional foot of territory by conquest.” The Lyric Theatre was demolished in the 1950s, but the elegant historic hotel is still welcoming guests after 172 years. Listed in the National Register of Historic Places, the Battle House Renaissance Mobile Hotel & Spa was inducted into Historic Hotels of America in 2009.

The Menger Hotel (1859) San Antonio, Texas

When The Menger Hotel opened on February 1, 1859, it was hailed as “the finest hotel west of the Mississippi River.” Since then, the San Antonio, Texas, hotel has hosted U.S. Presidents, including Ulysses S. Grant, Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley, William Howard Taft, and Dwight D. Eisenhower. The Menger Hotel is best known for its ties to Theodore Roosevelt, who visited before, during, and after his time in office. In 1892, Teddy Roosevelt visited The Menger Hotel at age 29 while on a trip to hunt javelina, a pig-like animal. In 1898, he returned with Colonel Leonard Wood to organize the first U.S. Volunteer Calvary, the Rough Riders, who fought in Cuba during the Spanish-American War. When the Rough Riders trained in San Antonio, Roosevelt and his soldiers were known to gallop their horses up to the hotel entrance. In 1905, when Roosevelt was President, he and the Rough Riders returned to The Menger Hotel for an elegant reunion banquet. Today, guests can reserve the hotel’s Roosevelt Luxury Suite, which features decor and memorabilia related to the president’s life and his time at the hotel. Visitors at the hotel’s Roosevelt Bar can view a collection of photographs of its namesake. One legend suggests that Roosevelt occasionally haunts the bar. The Menger Hotel brings Roosevelt to life for visitors, too, through an annual show put on by Joe Wiegand, a Theodore Roosevelt Reprisor. During Wiegand’s show, he takes on the persona of the President, and shares stories of his time in San Antonio recruiting the Rough Riders, his path to the White House, and his land conservation legacy. The Menger Hotel is a Charter Member of Historic Hotels of America, founded in 1989.

Palace Hotel (1875) San Francisco, California

When the Palace Hotel opened in 1875, it was San Francisco’s first luxury hotel, and the largest hotel in the world. The first U.S. President to visit the hotel was Ulysses S. Grant in 1875, and 19 presidents followed him, 13 of whom stayed in the hotel’s Presidential Suite: Rutherford B. Hayes, Grover Cleveland, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson, Warren G. Harding, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama. Of great historical significance was President Woodrow Wilson’s visit in 1919, when he hosted two luncheons at the Palace Hotel to garner support for the Treaty of Versailles to end World War I. Wilson also advocated for the creation of the League of Nations during these meetings. Decades later, when the United Nations was chartered in San Francisco, the hotel hosted a grand soiree in The Garden Court to honour the opening session of the new international body in 1945. President Harry S. Truman was present for this historic event. The Palace Hotel manages its own museum to share stories from its past with visitors. At the Landmark 18 Museum and Gallery, photographs, artefacts, and one-of-a-kind memorabilia left or donated by honoured guests are on display. Within the museum, there is a dedicated exhibit for the presidents who have visited and resided at the Palace Hotel since its opening. In February 2022, in honour of Presidents’ Day, the Palace Hotel's Pied Piper Bar debuted a Presidential Cocktail Menu. This menu shares historical anecdotes of each of the 20 presidents and dignitaries who have visited the Palace Hotel and showcases their beverage of choice. The Palace Hotel was inducted into Historic Hotels of America in 2010.

Reliable Robotics gets military airworthiness approval for a commercial autonomous flight system

Reliable Robotics, a leader in autonomous aircraft systems, announced that it has received military airworthiness approval to begin flight testing and operational missions of its remotely piloted Cessna 208 Caravan for the U.S. Air Force. This approval signifies a deeper level of engagement with the Department of Defense (DoD) by enabling Reliable to demonstrate dual-use automated flight capabilities for military use cases, including cargo missions.

“Nothing compares to showcasing how our autonomous flight capabilities will immediately enable new ways for the U.S. Air Force and other departments of the military to lead with innovation, improve safety and project power across the globe,” said Dr. David O’Brien, Major General (Ret.), and Senior Vice President of Government Solutions at Reliable Robotics.

DoD airworthiness policies require all aircraft and air systems owned, leased, operated, used, designed, or modified for Air Force applications complete an airworthiness assessment in accordance with Air Force standards. In order to meet these requirements, Reliable completed a comprehensive safety analysis, maintenance and operational evaluations and testing of the automated flight technologies. This airworthiness achievement was a key milestone of Reliable’s Phase III Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract.

“Our AFWERX partners are developing exciting automation technologies through robust engineering and flight test campaigns,” said Hank “Hog” Griffiths, AFWERX Airworthiness and Test Lead. “The technology is maturing rapidly and this airworthiness approval for a certified aircraft retrofitted with an autonomous flight system provides significant opportunities for the military.”

Reliable’s collaboration with the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) and AFWERX began in 2021 and includes SBIR awards, as well as a large aircraft automation study. In 2023, Reliable demonstrated automated flight for distinguished military personnel as part of the Golden Phoenix exercise at Travis Air Force base.

20 of the coolest travel adventures for 2024.....

National Geographic has published its top
"BEST OF THE WORLD 2024" most exciting, meaningful, and one-of-a-kind travel experiences for 2024. 

Curated by National Geographic’s team of experts and editors around the globe, this year’s list features not only must-see destinations but expands the franchise to include a complete and authoritative suite of must-do, must-stay and must-consume recommendations for travellers to engage with these destinations more deeply and meaningfully.

“National Geographic is synonymous with the best in travel, adventure and exploration, and now our editors are sharing the full breadth of their insight across a variety of categories with our fans all over the world,” said Courteney Monroe, president of National Geographic Content.

For the first time ever, Nat Geo’s BEST OF THE WORLD recommendations also include a selection of wellness retreats, hotels, cultural gems and restaurants that National Geographic’s experts agree are “worth building a trip around,” as well as a list of the top 20 travel adventures for the year ahead. Also new for 2024 is a list of the top expert-approved travel products and a newly introduced set of changemakers who inspire National Geographic’s own global community of travel experts on where and how to travel.

From horseback safaris in Kenya to exclusive travel insight from Dolly Parton, BEST OF THE WORLD 2024 has something to inspire everyone.

“At National Geographic, we know that travel has the power to move you. That the experiences you have can make you see the world — and yourself — in a new light. Our expanded BEST OF THE WORLD franchise is the ultimate guide to the exceptional experiences that we and our global community of experts are most excited about right now, whether that’s hiking to the El Valle de Antón volcano in Panama or listening to live music in Kyoto or bear-watching in Alaska,” said Nathan Lump, National Geographic’s editor-in-chief. “This year, we wanted to give travellers more ideas than ever before to jumpstart their travel planning for 2024 and beyond, so we grew our lists to include curated hotels, restaurants, wellness retreats and cultural spots that we believe are worth getting on a plane for, and gear that will make your travels smoother. And because we know that people can also be a great source of inspiration, we’re sharing our picks for Travelers of the Year—those individuals who, through their example, make us all want to get out there and experience something new.”

BEST OF THE WORLD 2024 is available online now at NatGeo.com/BestOfTheWorld.

The world’s first metal 3D printer for space is on its way to the ISS

The first metal 3D printer for space, developed by Airbus* for the European Space Agency (ESA), will soon be tested aboard the Columbus module of the International Space Station (ISS). It could be a real game changer for manufacturing in space and future missions to the Moon or Mars. 

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is an industrial process that has opened up new ways of looking at how parts are designed. It has many uses from the day-to-day to the surprising: from simple repairs to bio-ink implants, from printing whole houses to producing spacecraft parts. 

Metal 3D printing makes life easier for astronauts

There are already several plastic 3D printers on board the International Space Station (ISS), the first of which arrived  in 2014. Astronauts have already used them to replace or repair plastic parts, since one of the major problems of everyday life in space is the supply of equipment, which can take months to arrive. But not everything can be made from plastic… 

This logistical constraint will intensify on future Moon and Mars stations in the next few decades. Even though the raw material still needs to be launched, printing the part is still more efficient than transporting it whole up to its final destination.

Gwenaëlle Aridon, Airbus Space Assembly lead engineer, says: “The metal 3D printer will bring new on-orbit manufacturing capabilities, including the possibility to produce load-bearing structural parts that are more resilient than a plastic equivalent. Astronauts will be able to directly manufacture tools such as wrenches or mounting interfaces that could connect several parts together. The flexibility and rapid availability of 3D printing will greatly improve astronauts’ autonomy.” 

The challenges of printing metal in space

Another new Airbus jet for Spirit.

Spirit Airlines has taken delivery of one new Airbus A321neo aircraft on long-term lease basis from Aviation Capital Group LLC (ACG), a premier global full-service aircraft asset manager.  The new jet is powered by ultra-efficient Pratt & Whitney GTF engines and is the fourth of four aircraft ordered from ACG and taken from their existing orderbook with planemaker Airbus.

ACG is one of the globe's leading aircraft leasing firms, with over 490 owned, managed and committed aircraft as of September 30, 2023, leased to roughly 90 airlines in approximately 45 countries.

The budget carrier recently celebrated twenty years of flying between the U.S. and Mexico, with its routes to  Cancun International Airport.  "For 20 years, we've been pleased to offer our Guests affordable, nonstop service to Cancun, making the popular beach destination more accessible and affordable with the opportunity to save on airfare while enjoying more of Cancun's tourist attractions," said John Kirby, Vice President of Network Planning at Spirit Airlines. "We're grateful to Cancun International Airport and our Guests in Southeast Mexico for embracing our business model and trusting us with their travels for the past two decades."

Spirit currently offers nonstop service from Cancun to nine cities in the United States: Baltimore (BWI), Chicago (ORD), Dallas (DFW), Detroit (DTW), Fort Lauderdale (FLL), Houston (IAH), Orlando (MCO), New Orleans (MSY) and Philadelphia (PHL). 

BAE Systems takes over Malloy Aeronautics

BAE Systems confirmed at the end of last week it had acquired Malloy Aeronautics – a leading company in innovative heavy-lift drone and aeronautical technologies. 

Malloy Aeronautics designs and supplies all-electric uncrewed aerial systems (UAS) to both civil and military customers. Its range of uncrewed, heavy-lift quadcopters are capable of lifting payloads from 68kg to 300kg over short to medium-range missions.

These platforms offer interchangeable capabilities and greater flexibility at a fraction of the cost and time of more traditional methods, whilst minimising risk to more expensive assets and human life.

Malloy’s approximately 80 strong workforce will continue to operate from its site in Berkshire, supporting its existing customers. BAE Systems and Malloy, who have been working together in advancing cutting-edge UAS solutions since 2021, will further develop Malloy’s existing portfolio and accelerate new and novel technologies to customers worldwide.

Simon Barnes, Group Managing Director of BAE Systems’ Air sector, said: “Our acquisition of Malloy Aeronautics is part of our ongoing strategy to develop and invest in breakthrough technologies which augment our existing capabilities and provide our customers with the innovation they need in response to evolving requirements. We’re confident that the synergy between our two companies will pave the way for even greater achievements in uncrewed aerial systems and technologies.”

Oriol Badia, Chief Operating Officer of Malloy Aeronautics, said: “We’ve come a long way over the last ten years, turning our vision of sustainable electric heavy lift technology into reality, thanks to the dedication and efforts of our team. This new step in our journey with BAE Systems will allow us to combine the strengths and vision of a young company with the reach and support of an experienced one, ultimately giving our customers the ability to scale their demands and allow us to deliver innovative new products – including the T-650 – at pace.”

Arajet secures second place for ch-aviation’s North America’s youngest aircraft fleet award 2024

Arajet, the low-price airline of the Caribbean, which recently was awarded Best Startup Airline of the world at the World Aviation Summit, today announced that it won two new international awards for the modernity of its aircraft fleet. ch-aviation, the world’s leading airline intelligence provider, recognized Arajet as the airline with the second youngest aircraft fleet in the Americas and as the third youngest fleet worldwide.

According to ch-aviation, only Lynx Air, with an average of 2.81 years old, has a younger aircraft fleet in the Americas than Arajet, which has a fleet with an average of 2.93 years old. The World’s Youngest Aircraft Fleet of the World ranking was led by Starlux Airlines followed by Lynx Air, Arajet, Vistara and JetSmart.

Victor Pacheco, CEO and Founder of Arajet, affirmed that this new recognition is a testament to the airline’s commitment to have a modern and efficient aircraft fleet with a great partner in The Boeing Company.

"Our fleet, besides being among the most modern in the world, is also the most efficient and environmentally friendly fleet, thanks to the technology used by the Boeing 737 Max 8, that consumes less fuel and produces less sonic pollution than other aircraft of its style,” said Mr. Pacheco.

Arajet closed 2023 with a fleet consisting of 8 Boeing 737 Max 8 airplanes. In 2024, Arajet will continue adding new aircraft to its fleet to further expand its network, which currently connects 23 destinations in 16 countries throughout the Americas.

BARIG welcomes Capital City Airport Berlin Brandenburg as new partner

Working together to drive innovation and improve processes


With Berlin Brandenburg Airport, BARIG (Board of Airline Representatives in Germany) welcomes another airport in its partner portfolio. In this context, the association of airlines operating in Germany is intensifying the exchange with relevant system partners from a wide range of aviation sectors to jointly meet the manifold challenges of the industry. 

“Well-coordinated processes at airports are essential for reliable air transport operations,” Michael Hoppe, BARIG Chairman and Executive Director, emphasizes. “We are therefore delighted to welcome the capital city airport of Berlin Brandenburg as a new partner in our network. In a constructive exchange, we can drive forward important initiatives and work together on improvements in the interests of the airlines, their passengers, and cargo customers.” 

As the airport for the German capital region, Berlin Brandenburg Airport registered around 23 million passengers last year, most of them being transported by BARIG member airlines. Since January 1, 2024, the airport’s operating company has taken over passenger and baggage security controls at BER from the Federal Police. The aim is to further reduce waiting times for travellers. In addition, the airport’s security controls will be equipped with highly advanced CT scanners, which will further simplify and accelerate processes. 

Aletta von Massenbach, Chief Executive Officer of Flughafen Berlin Brandenburg GmbH highlights: “At BER, we put great emphasis on innovation in order to offer our customers the best possible service and make maximum use of the airport’s potential. The most recent example for that is the takeover of responsibility and management of aviation security controls and the associated investment in new screening technology. We are looking forward to the dialogue with BARIG and its international airline representatives. Together, we want to further advance air traffic for the capital region and eastern Germany.”

04 February, 2024

Iberia Airlines now accepting UnionPay cards.....

Iberia Airline, the flag carrier of Spain, part of the massive IAG group of airlines has formed a partnership with UnionPay International, a leading global card scheme, supporting the Russian regime and officials that now allows people to book flights and make payments using UnionPay card easily through Iberia Airlines official website and APP. 

This additional payment method, accessible to all the UnionPay cardholders - including those with Russian cards, supplements Iberia's existing payment options, enhancing the security and efficiency of online transactions for its clientele.

After nearly 100 years of business development, Iberia Airlines has now reached its service to 26 domestic and 64 international destinations across Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, making it convenient for tourists to travel in the most of the destinations across the globe. With acceptance in 181 countries and regions, UnionPay as a global card scheme has also constructed a widely covered service network, making sure the UnionPay cardholders can get access to a full range the payment scenarios wherever they go to. 

With billions of cards issued globally, UnionPay is the world-leading card payment network and is the preferred payment method for the Chinese and Asian market. The partnership with UnionPay has expanded the Asian customer base who reside in Eurozone for Iberia Airlines.

02 February, 2024

Air Canada introduces new measures for customers with disabilities under accelerated accessibility plan

Air Canada said it has become the first airline in North America to adopt the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program to better serve customers with non-visible disabilities. In announcing the measure, the carrier also confirmed the first appointments to its new Customer Accessibility Advisory Committee, which will guide the carrier as it accelerates its three-year accessibility plan.

"Air Canada is the first airline in North America to adopt the Sunflower program, which will enable us to better assist and serve our customers with non-visible disabilities such as autism. Our customers make 1.3 million accessibility requests each year and this initiative further demonstrates our commitment to improve accessibility, which we are reinforcing through the creation of a Customer Accessibility Advisory Committee. Consisting of customers with disabilities from accessibility groups in Canada, the committee will contribute to heightened awareness and help us identify barriers and develop solutions," said Tom Stevens, Vice President, Customer Experience and Operations Strategy, at Air Canada.

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower is a globally recognized program that employs the use of a discreet sunflower symbol to identify customers with non-visible disabilities. By choosing to wear the Sunflower lanyard, Air Canada customers can indicate to airline staff that they may require additional assistance, have specific needs, or simply require more time while travelling. In support of the program, Air Canada is training and building awareness amongst all customer-facing employees to recognize and respond appropriately to participating customers. The lanyard is available at check-in counters at Hidden Disability Sunflower member airports in Canada and on board all flights operated by Air Canada, Air Canada Rouge and Air Canada Express.

"We are delighted for Air Canada to become the first airline in North America to officially launch the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program. Air Canada and the Sunflower are aligned in our commitment to ensure that Sunflower wearers are recognized and receive the additional support, understanding and kindness they need during their air travel journey," said Paul White, Chief Executive Officer of the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Scheme Ltd., a private company based in the UK that manages the global program.

Paul Rogers, a director on the board of Brain Injury Canada and a member of the Air Canada Customer Accessibility Advisory Committee, said: "It gives you great confidence, in that you know that you can be seen. It's a very visual tool without me having or anyone having to explain and have that conversation.  And it's reassuring knowing that there's somebody who's got your back. Who's there and can see what's going on and help you out."

Customer Accessibility Advisory Committee

Air Canada committed in its three-year Air Canada Accessibility Plan to establish an advisory group of customers with disabilities. The committee will provide input from the perspective of our customers with disabilities to help guide Air Canada's path and vision in accessibility as part of its Elevating the Customer Experience program. The advisory group will initially have representatives from four Canadian accessibility groups, including: Donna Jodhan, Barrier Free Canada; Paul Rogers, Brain Injury Canada; Isabelle Ducharme, Kéroul; and Joanne Smith, Spinal Cord Injury Canada.

Accelerated Accessibility Plan

In November 2023, Air Canada announced it was accelerating the Air Canada Accessibility Plan through a series of measures to remove barriers and improve the travel experience for its customers with disabilities. These included:

Boarding: Customers at the gate who request lift assistance will be consistently boarded first before all other customers and proactively seated at the front of the cabin they booked. Air Canada is investing significantly in new equipment at Canadian airports, such as lifts, to ensure that we can meet the expectations of our customers.

Storage of mobility aids: Mobility aids will be stored in the aircraft cabin when possible. When mobility aids are stored in the cargo hold, new systems are being put in place to track them in transit, including a process to confirm mobility aids are properly loaded before departure. Customers travelling within Canada are now able to track the journey of their mobility aid using the Air Canada app.

Training: Enhanced training will be supplied to improve all aspects of employee interactions with customers with disabilities, including understanding customer experiences in air travel. Air Canada's approximately 10,000 airport employees will receive this training as part of a new annual, recurrent training program.

Responsibility: Air Canada has created the new senior position of Director, Customer Accessibility.  The director will lead a team to manage implementation of the company's accessibility plan as well as provide a resource and common reference point for responsive management of disability issues.

British Airways adds a touch of eastern delight to its menus for Chinese new year.

To welcome the Year of the Dragon, British Airways is introducing special touches on the ground and in the air this festive season.       

During the festival, all customers flying between London and Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Singapore can enjoy traditional festive dishes* that signify luck and prosperity.  

Customers in First can enjoy black pepper spiced fillet of beef with Chinese seven spiced broccolini, while those travelling in Club World (business class) can order spicy Kung Pao prawn, a dish previously served in the Chinese Imperial Palace. Both First and Club World customers can enjoy a white chocolate tangerine mousse, a fruit that symbolises gold in Chinese culture.

Customers flying in World Traveller Plus (premium economy) and World Traveller (economy) can enjoy the traditional Huaiyang dish, Lion’s Head meatballs, which are made of steamed pork in oyster sauce. The dish is named for its round-shape resembling the head of a lion and signifies unity amongst the family.

Calum Laming, British Airways’ Chief Customer Officer said: “Many of our customers will be celebrating the Lunar New Year this month and reuniting with family and friends, so we wanted to make their journey extra special this festive season. For those celebrating we’d like to wish them a very Happy Year of the Dragon from everyone at British Airways.”

During the week of the festival, customers travelling through London Heathrow Terminal 5 will be gifted red envelopes with chocolate coins, with lion dancers performing on the concourse.

For London bound travellers, the airlines’ customer service teams will spread holiday cheer by surprising customers with upgrades to Club World (business class) and lounge access to make their journeys extra special**. The team will select a handful of customers who were born in the Year of Dragon.

JetBlue names Warren Christie as Chief Operating Officer

President & COO Joanna Geraghty Transitions to CEO, Effective February 12, 2024

JetBlue announced the promotion of Warren Christie to chief operating officer effective February 12, 2024, concurrent with the previously announced transition of current president and chief operating officer Joanna Geraghty to the role of chief executive officer. Christie will report to Geraghty.

“I’m thrilled that my first leadership appointment is to promote Warren into the role of chief operating officer, where he will help lead our teams in our effort to improve reliability and restore profitability in our airline,” said Geraghty. “With 35 years of aviation experience – 21 of those at JetBlue – he is well positioned to help us tackle the unique challenges we face while continuing to lead with safety as a core element of our culture.”

Christie currently serves as head of safety, security, fleet operations, airports and JetBlue University. In his newly expanded role, Christie will lead the airline’s day-to-day operational performance assuming responsibility for the airline’s safe and reliable operations, overseeing JetBlue’s airports, flight ops, inflight experience, safety, security, system operations, and technical operations functions, as well as JetBlue University’s training academy.

Christie said: “JetBlue has a beloved brand and culture, and to keep customers coming back we must run a reliable operation and deliver on JetBlue’s award-winning service consistently. I will work to ensure our frontline crewmembers have the right systems, resources, and tools to support their continued success.”

Christie has a robust aviation career spanning 30+ years. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame in 1988, he was commissioned as an Officer in the United States Navy where he piloted the F/A-18 Hornet. He served as a Naval Aviator and instructed at the Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN) where he led staff and student training and was responsible for the design of the graduate level strike-fighter tactics training curriculum.

Christie joined JetBlue in 2003 holding a variety of roles of increasing responsibility, including vice president, operations planning and training; vice president, JetBlue University; senior vice president, safety, security, and air operations; senior vice president, regulatory and training; and senior vice president, safety, security, fleet operations, airports and JetBlue University.

Uniformly glamorous – a history of flight attendant uniforms

One of the most recognized cabin crew uniforms in the world - Singapore Airlines.
The old-fashioned glamour of flight is brought to mind in the pristine uniforms of the cabin crew. These have had countless makeovers since the first flight attendants took to the skies in the 1930s;
Artemis Aerospace takes a trip down the aviation catwalk.

Picture a flight attendant and, whatever the uniform, you know the person wearing it will be immaculately turned out. Throughout the history of commercial flight, fashions in cabin crew uniforms have ebbed and flowed; hemlines have gone up and down, jackets and hats have come and gone, but the overarching image is one of spotless star quality.

The first flight attendants, known as stewardesses, were taken on by Boeing Air transport in 1930 and were in fact qualified nurses. This was a deliberate move to make passengers, nervous of such a new method of transport, feel that they were in safe hands. They were dressed in a uniform intended to emphasise their nursing credentials. It comprised a skirt and jacket in dark green wool, with a matching green beret-style hat and a green and grey wool cape.

The role of cabin crew has always been to look after the passengers and keep them secure and comfortable, and this requires not only glamour but comfort and ease of movement. As a result, the cape was soon dropped as impractical. In the subsequent decades, there weren’t many developments in uniform. Colours tended to be navy blue, brown or dark green in the winter and beige, light green and light blue for summer, perhaps unconsciously still echoing the nurse theme. World War ll led to more militaristic tailored designs, but once the war was over, more stylish influences began to creep in, such as the ‘New Look’ pioneered by Dior in 1947, which emphasised a cinched-in waist and a full, A-line skirt.

However, once the swinging sixties exploded onto the world, the design of flight attendant uniforms really took off. Perhaps the most ‘space age’ design was introduced when Braniff International Airways’ advertising team collaborated with Italian fashion designer Emilio Pucci, known for his geometric prints in psychedelic colours. His design was known as the Supersonic Derby uniform and comprised a multi-coloured nylon jersey dress with matching tights, bright green boots with orange cross-hatching and even a matching bowler hat. Mary Quant’s miniskirts and shift dresses also began to influence uniform design, and outfits made in the new synthetic fabrics such as terylene and polyester replaced linen and wool, as they were more practical and easy to care for.

Heart Aerospace raises $107 million in Series B funding

Heart Aerospace raises $107 million in Series B funding
Swedish hybrid-electric aeroplane maker Heart Aerospace today announced it raised a total of $107 million in Series B funding, representing another significant stepping stone toward sustainable regional air travel. The new round brings the total financing raised by Heart Aerospace since its inception to $145 million.

Among new investors is Sagitta Ventures, a Danish investor focused on early-stage companies. Other investors include Air Canada, Breakthrough Energy Ventures, European Innovation Council Fund, EQT Ventures, Lowercarbon Capital, Norrsken VC, United Airlines, and Y Combinator.

'We couldn't be more excited about this round," said Anders Forslund, co-founder, and CEO of Heart Aerospace. "This investment furthers our mission to decarbonize and democratize air travel. Air travel is globally its infancy. Billions of people around the world are looking to be connected to this amazing infrastructure over the next decade. Meanwhile, the industry has committed to net zero emissions by 2050. The only way forward is to decouple the tremendous growth in aviation from its emissions, and we believe ES-30 is the first stepping stone. Moreover, because of the superior economics of electric aircraft over their fossil-fuel counterparts, the ES-30 will bring back service to communities that have lost connectivity and open many new markets. This upcoming year is an exciting one for Heart Aerospace as we prepare to unveil our full-scale aircraft demonstrator."

In addition to announcing new funding, Heart Aerospace said EQT Ventures partner Ted Persson will be joining the company's Board of Directors.

"As someone said, the Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones and the fossil fuel age won't end because we run out of fossil fuels. Heart Aerospace is taking decarbonization to the skies and we're proud to be funding technology that will fundamentally change the aviation industry," said Ted Persson. "We believe that sustainable industrial and electrification solutions are not just the future; they are the present, and our investment strategy reflects our unwavering commitment to driving positive change in these critical sectors."

AvAir Acquires Parts Inventory of TAP Maintenance & Engineering Brazil

AvAir, an industry-leading inventory solutions provider for the aviation aftermarket, has acquired TAP Maintenance & Engineering Brazil's entire inventory. More than 100,000 line items were obtained by AvAir from TAP M&E.

TAP M&E Brazil (formerly VEM Maintenance & Engineering) is a company of TAP Portugal Group, one of the world's 10 largest aircraft and component maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) companies in the world.

AvAir has purchased TAP M&E Brazil's vast inventory of rotable and expendable parts from its Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre facilities. This inventory serviced narrow and widebody aircraft for most Boeing and Airbus fleet types. This inventory will be relocated to AvAir's Chandler warehouse.

"Costs and lead times continue to increase across the board to buy new or repair existing parts. Having the right inventory tagged and ready to go is something our customers expect from us," said Brandon Wesson, president at AvAir. "We're pleased to have been able to work with the TAP Air Portugal team to acquire this inventory and expand our offering for our customers."

With more than 26 million in-stock components, AvAir offers solutions for customers and suppliers to buy, sell, exchange, loan, lease, or manage assets and inventories. The company is ISO 9001, AS9120, and ASA 100 certified, and adheres to the highest quality standards in all phases: purchasing, receiving, stocking, sales, and shipping.

For more information about AvAir, visit AvAir.aero.

American Airlines will launch new service to Brisbane, Australia in October

Get ready to warm up next winter with more routes from American Airlines to exquisite beaches, vibrant landscapes and dream getaways in Australia, Brazil, Hawaii and Mexico.

From Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW), American will add new service to Brisbane, Australia (BNE), in October, and Veracruz, Mexico (VER), in June. Additionally, from DFW, American will add new service to Rio de Janeiro (GIG) and resume service to Kona, Hawaii (KOA), for the winter.

  • American Airlines will launch new service to Brisbane, Australia (BNE), in October with its newly designed Boeing 787-9 aircraft outfitted with Flagship Suite seats.
  • The industry’s leading domestic and short-haul international network will continue to grow this year as American adds new service to Veracruz, Mexico (VER), and resumes service from DFW to Kona, Hawaii (KOA).
  • American will also add expanded service to Rio de Janeiro (GIG), Grand Cayman (GCM), Turks & Caicos (PLS) and U.S. Virgin Islands (STT) from its hubs this year.

“American is thrilled to grow our international network to give customers more ways to escape the cold next winter,” said Brian Znotins, American’s Senior Vice President of Network and Schedule Planning. “Together with Qantas, customers can enjoy more ways to explore new destinations across one of the most comprehensive networks connecting the United States and the South Pacific.”

New places to explore are even more rewarding as an AAdvantage® member, with the opportunity to earn miles and Loyalty Points through flying and beyond. Tickets for these new routes will be available for purchase starting Feb. 5 on aa.com and American’s mobile app.

Heading to the land Down Under

American will offer the first-ever service between DFW and BNE starting in October. This new service, launching from American’s largest hub, will enable one-stop connections to BNE from more than 100 destinations across the United States that currently require at least two stops. Brisbane and the state of Queensland are known for sensational coastlines, world-famous zoos, a vibrant cultural scene and 280 days of sun every year.

When American’s seasonal service begins, it will be the longest nonstop flight in the airline’s network. For additional comfort, customers will be able to enhance their premium experience on American’s newly designed Boeing 787-9 aircraft featuring 51 Flagship Suite® seats and 32 Premium Economy seats.

The joint business between American and Qantas continues to offer customers one of the most comprehensive networks connecting North America and Australia and New Zealand. Next winter, the partnership will offer services from Los Angeles (LAX), San Francisco (SFO), New York (JFK) and Vancouver, Canada (YVR), to four major gateways in Australia and New Zealand: Auckland (AKL), Brisbane (BNE), Melbourne (MEL), and Sydney (SYD). As part of the American–Qantas partnership, customers will be able to connect to more than 200 destinations across the U.S., and nearly 70 destinations across Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific — more than any other partnership.

From the ice and snow to sun and sand

01 February, 2024

Airbus Announces Purchase of Eutelsat OneWeb’s Stake in Satellite Constellation Manufacturing Joint Venture

Airbus U.S. Space & Defense, Inc. announced the completion of a deal with Eutelsat OneWeb to purchase its 50% share of the Airbus OneWeb Satellites (AOS) joint venture. 

Airbus is now the sole owner of AOS and the satellite manufacturing facility in Merritt Island, Florida.

The new structure is expected to provide maximum efficiency and increased competitiveness for commercial, institutional and national security space customers.

“This agreement furthers our position as a market leader in the small satellite constellation business, building on our successful partnership with OneWeb,” said Robert Geckle, Chairman and CEO, of Airbus U.S. Space & Defense, Inc. “We will continue mass-producing small satellites for our customers and are excited for what the future holds for us on Florida’s Space Coast as we move forward,” he added.

Airbus U.S. Space & Defense recently retooled the Merritt Island factory to accommodate the Arrow450 production line and is starting an expansion project to meet increased demand for small satellites from commercial and government customers deepening the company’s presence in Florida.

The Airbus OneWeb Satellites joint venture, established in 2016, built more than 600 satellites at the rate of two per day for the OneWeb first-generation constellation, currently operating on-orbit. 

Sirius Aviation AG debuts world's first hydrogen powertrain with Sauber F1.....

Pioneering Swiss aerospace startup Sirius Aviation AG, proudly announces the historic unveiling of its groundbreaking Hydrogen-Electric Ducted Fan Propulsion System for the Sirius Jet, alongside esteemed partners BMW Group Designworks and Sauber Group F1. The momentous event took place on January 17, 2024, at Payerne Airport in Switzerland; marking the first public exhibition and inaugural ignition of the revolutionary propulsion system.

This historic occasion marked the inaugural firing of an aviation engine within a presentation room, releasing only water vapour and zero pollutants, an epoch-making moment in aviation technology. The event also showcased the Sirius Jet, a high-performance, zero-emission vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft, propelled by a hydrogen-electric propulsion system; poised to reshape the future of global air travel.

"This marks a new chapter in sustainable aviation and we are presenting a vehicle that will completely transform the aviation industry," said Alexey Popov, CEO at Sirius Aviation AG. "We express the utmost gratitude to our partners and trailblazing team for their continued support on this historic journey."

World-renowned industry leaders and partners of the Sirius Jet project attended and spoke at the landmark event, including:

John Schoenbeck, Director of Strategic Partnership at BMW Group Designworks
Tommy Forsgren, Lead Designer at BMW Group Designworks
Jonathan Herzog, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of Sauber Group F1
Giuseppe Sernicola, Senior Vice President at Leonardo Aerostructures
Zigmund Bluvband, President of ALD Service

Collaboration partners expressed optimism about the hydrogen era in aviation and recognized the Sirius Jet as a pivotal player in regional hydrogen flight.

"This project is about innovation, transportation, and mobility; making it the perfect realm for Designworks," said John Schoenbeck, Director of Strategic Partnership at BMW Group Designworks. "Our work spans across exterior and interior design, color material, user interface, and experience design. We are very proud to be part of the journey of this pioneering company that sets out to revolutionize air travel."

Pegasus Airlines receives two awards for youngest fleet

Pegasus receives ch-aviation World’s 4th Youngest Aircraft Fleet Award 2024 and Europe’s 4th Youngest Aircraft Fleet Award 2024
Pegasus Airlines has been awarded World’s 4th Youngest Aircraft Fleet Award 2024 in the ‘100+ aircraft in their fleet’ category and Europe’s 4th Youngest Aircraft Fleet Award 2024 by ch-aviation. The awards recognise Pegasus’ efforts in maintaining a modern fleet, contributing to fuel efficiency and sustainability.


Güliz Öztürk, CEO of Pegasus Airlines, commented: “Our continued investment in younger aircraft is a core part of our fleet strategy bringing increased fuel efficiency and supporting our sustainability objectives. Travelling on our new-generation aircraft with an average age of 4.6 years offers our guests a more comfortable experience with added sustainability benefits. We are very proud to be recognised for our collective efforts in supporting the sustainability goals of aviation.”


Thomas Jaeger, CEO of ch-aviation, said: “ch-aviation established the Youngest Aircraft Fleet Award to revere airlines worldwide who understand the value and necessity of investing in their fleets, introducing new-generation aircraft that considerably reduce CO2 emissions in the aviation industry and improve fuel economy. Sustainability represents a significant challenge and will continue to require giant leaps forward for the aviation industry. Hence, the ch-aviation has decided to honour them with this award that celebrates their effort.”


Pegasus continues to expand its fleet, particularly with Airbus A321neos, equipped with new-generation engines. Having surpassed the 100 aircraft mark in October 2023, Pegasus' fleet consists of 110 aircraft, including 16 Boeing B737-800s, 7 Airbus A320ceos, 46 Airbus A320neos, and 41 Airbus A321neos as of 31 December 2023.
