04 May, 2023

International health insurers Globality Health and ERGO-Bezirksdirektion Haus complement BARIG Business Partner Network

                          In aviation, the consequences of the Corona pandemic are still evident today. The entire industry finds itself in the midst of a profound transformation that is bringing numerous changes. Airlines together with partner companies are driving this transformation forward, thereby responding to the changing demands of customers, business partners, and employees. 

In this context, the Board of Airline Representatives in Germany (BARIG) is further expanding its cross-industrial network in a target-oriented way. With the internationally experienced health insurers Globality Health and ERGO-Bezirksdirektion Haus, which has its regional office in Dreieich near Frankfurt am Main, the BARIG community welcomes two new business partners who provide extensive global expertise in the insurance industry and support companies which are sending employees abroad to work on a short- and long-term basis. In this way, they facilitate, among other things, the fulfilment of the employers’ duty of care as well as the adherence to international compliance regulations. The new partners’ know-how supports BARIG member companies in being able to act with more contemporary flexibility, especially with regard to personnel management.

“Rarely before have there been so many challenges in our industry simultaneously, but they can be solved efficiently while working together with partners from other industrial fields. Cooperation across different sectors is a key to common and sustainable success,” Michael Hoppe, BARIG Chairman and Executive Director, explains. “With Globality Health and ERGO-Bezirksdirektion Haus, we welcome two renowned experts in our network that provide profound, international expertise.” 

Air Travel growth continues in March

Total air traffic in March 2023 (measured in revenue passenger kilometres or RPKs) rose 52.4% compared to March 2022. Globally, traffic is now at 88.0% of March 2019 levels, reports the International Air Transport Association - IATA. 
Domestic traffic for March rose 34.1% compared to the year-ago period. Total March 2023 domestic traffic was at 98.9% of the March 2019 level. 
International traffic climbed 68.9% versus March 2022 with all markets recording healthy growth, led once again by carriers in the Asia-Pacific region. International RPKs reached 81.6% of March 2019 levels while the load factor at 81.3% exceeded the March 2019 level by 10.1 percentage points.

“The calendar year first quarter ended on a strong note for air travel demand. Domestic markets have been near their pre-pandemic levels for months. And for international travel two key waypoints were topped. First, demand increased by 3.5 percentage points compared to the previous month’s growth, to reach 81.6% of pre-COVID levels. This was led by a near-tripling of demand for Asia-Pacific carriers as China’s re-opening took hold. And efficiency is improving as international load factors reached 81.3%. Even more importantly, ticket sales for both domestic and international travel give every indication that strong growth will continue into the peak Northern Hemisphere summer travel season,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General. 

International Passenger Markets

Asia-Pacific airlines had a 283.1% increase in March 2023 traffic compared to March 2022, continuing the robust momentum since the lifting of travel restrictions in the region. Capacity rose 161.5% and the load factor increased 26.8 percentage points to 84.5%, the second highest among the regions.
European carriers posted a 38.5% traffic rise versus March 2022. Capacity climbed 27.0%, and load factor rose 6.6 percentage points to 79.4%, which was the second lowest among the regions.
Middle Eastern airlines saw a 43.1% traffic increase compared to March a year ago. Capacity climbed 30.5% and load factor pushed up 7.0 percentage points to 79.4%. 
North American carriers’ traffic climbed 51.6% in March 2023 versus the 2022 period. Capacity increased 34.0%, and load factor rose 9.8 percentage points to 84.8%, the highest among the regions.
Latin American airlines had a 36.5% traffic increase compared to the same month in 2022. March capacity climbed 33.4% and load factor rose 1.9 percentage points to 82.8%. 
African airlines’ traffic rose 71.7% in March 2023 versus a year ago, the second highest among the regions. March capacity was up 56.2% and load factor climbed 6.5 percentage points to 72.2%, lowest among the regions.

March 2023 (% year-on-year)World share1RPKASKPLF (%-pt)2PLF (level)3
Total Market 100.0%52.4%41.2%5.9%80.7%
Asia Pacific22.1%158.9%109.0%15.3%79.2%
Latin America6.4%19.9%19.8%0.1%81.2%
Middle East9.8%40.4%28.3%6.9%79.4%
North America28.9%16.9%15.9%0.7%83.7%

1% of industry RPKs in 2022   2year-on-year change in load factor   3Load Factor Level

33 years ago, the 4th of May became a significant and special day in the history of Latvia. Happy independence day. 

Annual Safety Review 2022 released from UK's : Air Accidents Investigation Branch - AAIB

The AAIB Annual Safety Review 2022 has been published. It includes information on occurrences and the safety action taken or planned in response to AAIB investigations concluded in 2022.

The Air Accidents Investigation Branch has published its Annual Safety Review which includes information on occurrences and the safety action taken or planned in response to AAIB investigations concluded in 2022.

The AAIB received 778 occurrence notifications (compared to 746 in 2021, 553 in 2020 and 826 in 2019) and opened two formal and 27 field investigations. A further 78 investigations were opened by correspondence.

Nine of which were into fatal accidents in the UK resulting in 11 deaths.

In 2022, the AAIB published two Special Bulletins, 27 field investigation reports and 85 correspondence investigations.

There were nine investigations into fatal accidents which involved 11 deaths. All but one involved General Aviation (three light aircraft, two microlights, two gliders and one helicopter).

The Branch issued 19 Safety Recommendations, including two which were classified as safety recommendations of global concern (SRGC).

The Review provides details of 101 significant actions to enhance safety taken proactively by the industry in 2022 as a direct result of AAIB investigations.

The recurring themes for General Aviation continued to be loss of control in flight during aerobatics, partial power loss or flight into clouds by unqualified pilots.

The dominant recurring themes in the accidents and serious incidents involving commercial air transport aircraft were mishandling of the aircraft during landing or go-around, complex electrical failures leading to system degradation, and failures to achieve take-off performance.

The Annual Safety Review also contains articles on 100 years of Accident Investigation Regulations and the use of test flights during Aircraft Accident Investigation.

Reflecting on 100 years of accident investigation regulations, Crispin Orr, Chief Inspector of Air Accidents said “It is remarkable how much aviation safety has improved over the last 100 years through incremental changes to way that aircraft are designed, manufactured, maintained and operated. Almost everywhere one looks across the aviation eco-system there are physical systems and standard practices that have been introduced to improve safety as a direct result of learning from previous accidents and incidents. This has been underpinned by an open reporting culture, and a clear focus on improving safety without attribution of blame.”

East Midlands Airport receives a Disability Smart Award

East Midlands Airport (EMA) has won a prestigious Business Disability Forum ‘Disability Smart Inclusive Customer Service’ award in the category of inclusive customer service.

Disability Smart Awards recognise the work of teams and individuals who have gone above and beyond to improve the experiences of disabled people. Ten Disability Smart Awards were presented at the annual event in London. Other winners included global brands, a UK charity, a social enterprise, and a local police force.

Chris Drury, Head of Customer Services at EMA, said: “On behalf of the entire team who work hard to ensure that all customers have the best possible experience when using this airport, I am thrilled to have received this award. It shows our recent investment is being recognised and, more importantly, passengers who rely on the support of our assisted travel team can easily access travel for which there should be no barriers.”

East Midlands Airport was congratulated for its innovative and inclusive approach to customer service. The airport has invested heavily in new specialist equipment for disabled passengers. It has introduced easier ways for customers to communicate with the Assisted Travel team wherever they are in the airport.

Airbus reports First Quarter (Q1) 2023 results

127 commercial aircraft delivered in Q1 2023

Revenues € 11.8 billion; EBIT Adjusted € 0.8 billion

EBIT (reported) € 0.4 billion; EPS (reported) € 0.59

Free cash flow before M&A and customer financing € -0.9 billion

Airbus reported consolidated financial results for its First Quarter (Q1) ending 31 March 2023.

“The first quarter confirmed strong demand for our products, particularly for commercial aircraft. We delivered 127 commercial aircraft, which is reflected in the Q1 financials. The quarter also benefited from a good performance in Helicopters,” said Guillaume Faury, Airbus Chief Executive Officer. “We continue to face an adverse operating environment that includes in particular persistent tensions in the supply chain. Our 2023 guidance is unchanged with commercial aircraft deliveries expected to be backloaded. We remain focused on delivering the commercial aircraft ramp-up and longer-term transformation.”

Gross commercial aircraft orders totalled 156 (Q1 2022: 253 aircraft), with net orders of 142 aircraft after cancellations (Q1 2022: 83 aircraft). The order backlog amounted to 7,254 commercial aircraft at the end of March 2023. Airbus Helicopters registered 39 net orders (Q1 2022: 56 units) which were well spread across programmes. Airbus Defence and Space’s order intake by value was € 2.5 billion (Q1 2022: € 3.2 billion).

Consolidated revenues decreased slightly to € 11.8 billion (Q1 2022: € 12.0 billion). A total of 127 commercial aircraft were delivered (Q1 2022: 142(1) aircraft), comprising 10 A220s, 106 A320 Family, 6 A330s and 5 A350s. Revenues generated by Airbus’ commercial aircraft activities decreased 5 percent year-on-year, mainly reflecting the lower deliveries, partly offset by the strengthening of the US dollar. Airbus Helicopters deliveries increased to 71 units (Q1 2022: 39 units), mainly driven by the Light helicopter segment. The Division’s revenues rose 26 percent, mainly reflecting deliveries and a solid performance across programmes, favourable mix effects as well as a good start to the year in services. Revenues at Airbus Defence and Space decreased 6 percent, mainly driven by lower volume in Military Air Systems and in Space Systems. One A400M transport aircraft was delivered in Q1 2023.

Consolidated EBIT Adjusted – an alternative performance measure and key indicator capturing the underlying business margin by excluding material charges or profits caused by movements in provisions related to programmes, restructuring or foreign exchange impacts as well as capital gains/losses from the disposal and acquisition of businesses – decreased to € 773 million (Q1 2022: € 1,263 million).

EBIT Adjusted related to Airbus’ commercial aircraft activities decreased to € 580 million (Q1 2022: € 1,065 million). The decrease reflects the lower deliveries, a slightly less favourable hedge rate compared to Q1 2022 and investments for preparing the future. Q1 2022 included the positive impact from retirement obligations partly offset by the impact resulting from international sanctions against Russia.

The ramp-up on the A220 programme is continuing towards a monthly production rate of 14 aircraft by the middle of the decade. On the A320 Family programme, the Company continues to ramp-up towards a monthly production rate of 65 aircraft by the end of 2024. The recently announced decision to add a second Final Assembly Line in Tianjin will increase global industrial capacity to 10 Final Assembly Lines for the A320 Family, supporting Airbus' plans to produce 75 aircraft per month in 2026. The flight test programme of the A321XLR is progressing and entry-into-service is expected to take place in Q2 2024.

Air Cargo drops during March advises IATA

                           The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released data for March 2023 global air cargo markets showing a continued decline against the previous year’s demand performance. This trend began in March 2022.

Global demand, measured in cargo tonne-kilometres (CTKs*), fell 7.7% compared to March 2022 (-8.1% for international operations). This was a slight improvement over the previous February’s performance (-9.4%) and half the rate of annual decline seen in January and December (-16.8% and -15.6% respectively). At this point, it is unclear if this is a potentially modest start of an improvement trend or the upside of market volatility. Irrespective of this, March performance slipped back into negative territory compared to pre-COVID levels (-8.1%). 

Capacity (measured in available cargo tonne-kilometres, ACTK) was up 9.9% compared to March 2022. The strong uptick in ACTKs reflects the addition of belly capacity as the passenger side of the business continues to recover. 

Several factors in the operating environment should be noted

Even with record low unemployment rates, the global economy continues to decelerate due to a combination of factors such as tightening global financial conditions, high levels of global debt, and supply chain problems including those linked to the war in Ukraine. 

In line with the weakening global trade, the Purchasing Manager Indices (PMIs) for new export orders at the global level remained below the 50-critical line for a full year as of March. China’s PMI retreated to below the 50-mark in March, following a slight improvement observed in February. 

The PMI for supplier delivery times indicates high inventory levels, which tends to have a negative impact on air cargo.

Global goods trade decreased by 2.6% in February; this was a faster rate of decline than the previous month of -1.0%.

“Air cargo had a volatile first quarter. In March, overall demand slipped back below pre-COVID-19 levels and most of the indicators for the fundamental drivers of air cargo demand are weak or weakening. While the trading environment is tough, there is some good news. Airlines are getting help in managing through the volatility with yields that have remained high and fuel prices that have moderated from exceptionally high levels. Looking ahead, with inflation reducing in G7 countries policy makers are expected to ease economic cooling measures and that would stimulate demand,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General. 

March Regional Performance

Allegiant reports its Income before tax in the first quarter was $74.4 million

The Allegiant Travel Company has reported the following financial results for the first quarter 2023, as well as comparisons to the prior year. 

First Quarter 2023 Results

  • Income before income tax of $74.4 million, yielding a pre-tax margin of 11.5 percent
    • Airline-only income before income tax(1) of $78.9 million, yielding a pre-tax margin of 12.1 percent
  • Operating income of $94.8 million, yielding an operating margin of 14.6 percent
    • Airline-only operating income(1) of $97.6 million, yielding an airline-only operating margin of 15.0 percent
  • Consolidated EBITDA(1) of $149.5 million, yielding an EBITDA margin of 23.0 percent
    • Airline-only EBITDA(1) of $152.2 million, a 23.4 percent margin
  • Total operating revenue was $649.7 million, up 29.9 percent over prior year
    • Total fixed fee contracts revenue of $14.1 million, the highest first-quarter total in company history
    • TRASM of 13.89 cents, up 28.8 percent year-over-year
    • Load factor of 85.8 percent, a 6.9 point improvement year-over-year, among the highest in the industry
  • Total average fare of $154.12, up 17.5 percent year-over-year, the highest quarterly average fare in company history
    • Total average ancillary fare of $75.19, up 10.7 percent as compared to 2022 driven by overall strength in core products and promising early results related to the Allegiant Extra rollout
  • Acquired over 46 thousand new Allways rewards credit card holders during the quarter, the highest quarterly acquisition in program history
    • Received $28 million in remuneration during the quarter
  • Airline-only Operating CASM, excluding fuel, of 7.75 cents, up 9.8 percent year-over-year
  • Allegiant recently named to the Forbes' America's Best Midsize Employers for 2023, Newsweek's America's Greatest Workplaces for Diversity 2023, and Fortune's America's Most Innovative Companies 2023 lists


Denotes a non-GAAP financial measure. Refer to the Non-GAAP Presentation section within this document for further information and for calculation of per share figures

Balance Sheet, Cash and Liquidity

  • Total available liquidity at March 31, 2023 of $1.5 billion, which includes $1.1 billion in cash and investments, and $412.2 million in undrawn revolving credit facilities and PDP facilities
  • Repurchased 118 thousand shares during the first quarter at an average share price of $100.33
  • $215.4 million in cash from operations during first quarter 2023, the highest first quarter in company history
  • Total debt at March 31, 2023 was $2.1 billion
    • Net debt at March 31, 2023 was $1.0 billion
  • Debt principal payments of $51.5 million during the first quarter
  • Air traffic liability at March 31, 2023 was $479.5 million

Airline Capital Expenditures

  • First quarter capital expenditures of $92 million, which includes $56 million for aircraft purchases and inductions, pre-delivery deposits, and other related costs, and $36 million in other airline capital expenditures
    • First quarter deferred heavy maintenance spend was $15 million

Sunseeker Resort Charlotte Harbor

  • Total capital expenditures(1) as of March 31, 2023 were $571 million
    • First quarter capital expenditures(1) were $82 million
  • Previously recorded special charges were reduced by $1.6 million for approved insurance net recoveries related to outstanding insurance claims at Sunseeker Resort

"I am happy to report we delivered strong financial results during the first quarter with diluted earnings per share of $3.09," stated John Redmond, CEO of Allegiant Travel Company. "The team worked tirelessly to ensure operational integrity, and our controllable completion of 99.9 percent for the quarter is a testament to their efforts. Running a safe, reliable operation is a critical component to our success, and I could not be prouder of the team's performance.

Bombardier gets new credit rating from S&P

Bombardier has announced that S&P Global Ratings has upgraded the company’s credit rating from B- to B, citing solid execution, successful deleveraging efforts, backlog stability and effective management of supply chain risks as contributing factors as part of a release issued on May 1, 2023. S&P Global Ratings’ outlook for Bombardier remains stable.  

“This upgrade comes on the heels of a solid first quarter and reflects the company’s positive trajectory toward its objectives. This enhanced rating is a testament to Bombardier’s solid plan and financial discipline, as well as to the commitment of its talented teams,” said Bart Demosky, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. “We remain focused on delivering a robust and predictable financial performance, all while providing an incredible experience to our valued customers.”  

As part of its recently published quarterly results for Q1 2023, Bombardier reported positive net income as well as higher year-over-year revenues and profit margins. During the first three months of 2023, Bombardier also continued its strong progress on debt reduction with a repayment of approximately $400 million from cash on balance sheet and ended the first three months of 2023 with a stable, diversified $14.8 billion dollar backlog. Also, during the first quarter, Moody’s Investors Service upgraded Bombardier’s corporate family and Senior unsecured notes rating to B2.  

“Allow me to reiterate that I am very pleased with how we have started 2023,” added Demosky. “We have built Bombardier to perform well with a solid company structure, and we continue to show great progress toward our raised 2025 objectives.” 

03 May, 2023

AeroVironment awarded $10 Million contract by NASA/JPL to co-design and develop two helicopters for Mars Sample return mission

AeroVironment, Inc. has been awarded a $10 million contract by NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) to co-design and co-develop conceptual designs and engineering development units of Mars Sample Recovery Helicopter flight systems. Future efforts could include detailed design, build, and test of qualification and flight hardware. The helicopters build upon the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter design heritage and feature upgraded robotics to supplement aerial mobility.

AeroVironment engineers from the MacCready Works team previously worked with NASA JPL to co-design and develop the Ingenuity Mars Helicopter, which has completed 52 successful flights to date on Mars and survived 781 sols on the surface, far outperforming its design objectives.

“Accomplishing the impossible has been AeroVironment’s mission for more than 50 years and we are excited to be working with the NASA JPL team again to conquer the next challenge,” said Scott Newbern, AeroVironment’s vice president and chief technology officer. “Ingenuity’s flights on Mars are a giant leap for robotic technology. Now we’re advancing this science further by helping to build helicopters that not only will continue flight on Mars, but also will include apparatus to collect samples to bring back to Earth for this historic mission.”

The two planned Sample Recovery Helicopters would be a secondary method of sample retrieval for the NASA/ESA Mars Sample Return Campaign. NASA’s Perseverance rover, which has already been collecting a diverse set of scientifically selected samples for potential safe return to Earth, is currently planned as the primary method of delivering samples to the Sample Retrieval Lander.

Air Canada and Bell today announced a multi-year partnership that will make it even easier to stay connected.......

Air Canada and Bell today announced a multi-year partnership that will make it even easier to stay connected — both on the ground and in the skies. The partnership delivers on Air Canada and Bell's longstanding commitments to elevating the customer experience, while focusing on added benefits for newcomers and visitors to Canada, preparing them to connect to Canada's best network as soon as they land.

Bell to be Air Canada's premier sponsor of in-flight Wi-Fi services

Aeroplan members will benefit from free in-flight messaging

Bell and Air Canada to introduce additional benefits designed for newcomers and visitors to Canada

Starting May 15, Air Canada and Bell will offer free messaging for all Aeroplan members worldwide on all Wi-Fi equipped aircraft across Air Canada's fleet, including Air Canada Rouge and Air Canada Express flights. This offering will enable customers to send and receive text-based messages via onboard Wi-Fi using popular messaging apps including Apple's iMessage, Meta's WhatsApp and Messenger, Rakuten's Viber, and Messages by Google.  Also, this benefit will be available to strategic partner airline loyalty members, including customers of United MileagePlus, Lufthansa Group Miles & More and Emirates Skywards when their account numbers are associated with an Air Canada booking.

Additionally, with this new partnership, newcomers and visitors to Canada will gain easy and immediate ways to stay connected as they arrive in Canada. With complimentary mobile SIM cards on select inbound international flights, newcomers and visitors can activate in flight, allowing them to walk off the plane and be connected.

Airbus Perlan Mission II back in air to set world altitude record

Airbus Perlan Mission II, the world’s first initiative to pilot an engineless aircraft to the edge of space, has successfully completed a flight test campaign in the U.S., clearing the way for an attempt later this year to set a new aviation world altitude record for manned, level flight.

Airbus Perlan Mission II is an initiative to fly an engineless glider to the edge of space, higher than any other winged aircraft has operated in manned, level flight, to open up a world of discoveries related to high-altitude flight, weather and climate change. 

“Over the past decade, we have been on a thrilling adventure to inspire, educate and explore in the stratosphere, and Airbus has been a great partner on that journey as together we’ve attempted — and achieved — the seemingly impossible,” said Ed Warnock, CEO of The Perlan Project.

The pressurized Perlan 2 glider, which set the subsonic world altitude record at over 76,000 feet in 2018, set sail yesterday from the U.S. for the long journey to El Calafate, Argentina. Above the Patagonian Andes where atmospheric conditions are optimal, expert pilots and engineers from the nonprofit The Perlan Project will attempt to soar the experimental glider to its service ceiling of 90,000 feet.

“If a glider, which is a truly zero-emission aircraft, can become the highest-flying aircraft of all time, it sends a powerful message that decarbonization of aviation is no impediment to achievement, and can even be an enabler,” said C. Jeffrey Knittel, Airbus Americas Chairman and CEO.

As a research platform that emits no exhaust, Perlan 2 is ideally suited to the high-altitude atmospheric research the team will conduct to inform more accurate climate-change models. The aircraft will soar to altitudes where the air density is similar to the atmosphere on Mars, providing unique opportunities for aerodynamic studies related to turbulence, extreme weather and future space exploration.

The aircraft will also carry aloft experiments designed by school students through The Perlan Project’s STEM partnership with Teachers in Space.

Airbus began its title sponsorship of The Perlan Project in 2014, facilitating the completion of Perlan 2’s construction. The glider, described by Warnock as “a space capsule with wings,” is equipped with sophisticated life support systems and instrumentation to ensure pilot safety.

The aircraft is able to soar without an engine to its record altitudes thanks to very rare air currents known as “stratospheric mountain waves,” which form when mountain winds are strengthened by the polar vortex.

The Airbus Perlan Mission II team, made up of some of the aviation industry’s most celebrated test pilots and world-renowned climate scientists, will conduct its 2023 flying campaign from late July through mid-September, when stratospheric mountain waves are most likely to occur in the Southern Hemisphere. After setting multiple successive records in prior years, the team took a hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dominican Republic's Arajet launches 42 connections in 9 countries

Dominican Republic's low-cost airline 
Arajet confirmed that it has 42 round-trip connections, two days a week to and from 9 countries in its route network, turning the Dominican Republic into the low-cost hub of the Caribbean.

"What we promised is already a reality: Arajet offers connections and brings 9 of the 11 countries in our network closer through low fares so that more people can fly for the first time, reconnect with friends and family, or visit our region," assured Víctor Pacheco, CEO and founder of Arajet. "Today an Arajet passenger who is in Mexico City can book a dinner in Medellín and have lunch in the colonial zone of Santo Domingo, generating business and tourism opportunities in our country and contributing to its development.”

Arajet customers can buy from the 300,000 new seats incorporated into the airline's offer until March 30, 2024, and with 42 new connections already operating normally in the network, plan the vacation of their dreams for a fraction of what they imagined: "We offer the lowest rate, so that our passengers can customize their flights and pay only for what they need," Pacheco added.

Arajet connects through two weekly frequencies on Tuesdays and Saturdays Mexico City (NLU), Cancun (CUN), Guatemala City (GUA) and San Salvador (SAL) with Aruba (AUA), Curaçao (CUR), St. Marteen (SXM), Kingston (KIN) and Cartagena (CRT), opening new possibilities for development and exchange between the continent and the Caribbean.

Mr Pacheco added that the airline will soon open new routes to South America, including Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Uruguay. “We are about to open new destinations to bring closer together tourists from the south of the continent to the Caribbean,” he said.

Mr Pacheco´s remarks closed with a presentation of Arajet´s Pilot for a Day social impact program, which has already benefited more than 350 Dominican children and young people from vulnerable communities and seeks to motivate them to become passionate about the world of aviation and develop technical and professional careers as flight attendants, pilots, engineers, and technicians. 

WestJet starts service between Calgary and Tokyo

Canadian airline Westjet has launched flights between Calgary International Airport and Tokyo's Narita International Airport, which will operate three times a week on the airline's Dreamliner aircraft.

"We are thrilled to see our new service to Tokyo, Japan take flight as we welcome our newest destination to our 787 intercontinental hub at YYC," said John Weatherill, WestJet Executive Vice-President and Chief Commercial Officer. "Not only does this new route increase opportunities for business, leisure and cargo customers to expand their horizons in Asia, it also provides an exceptional opportunity to welcome transpacific leisure and business travellers direct to Calgary and Alberta."

"We are delighted about WestJet's new flight between Calgary and Tokyo," said Rob Palmer, Vice President, Commercial, Strategy and Chief Financial Officer for The Calgary Airport Authority. "YYC Calgary International Airport is proud to be the first impression of Alberta's western hospitality for many travellers coming to explore the region from Asia. As WestJet's sole connecting global hub, the airline has been a key part of YYC's success. We look forward to continuing to support our partners' growth, and welcoming travellers from around the world."

"For decades, Japanese travellers have had a special relationship with Alberta. The Calgary-Tokyo flight represents an important opportunity to rebuild that bridge," said David Goldstein, Chief Executive Officer, Travel Alberta. "This new flight will deliver approximately $1.1B in potential tourism income and 24,000 passenger seats. We look forward to welcoming back this important international market to our beautiful province."

European Space and Telecoms Players sign partnership agreement to bid for IRIS2 constellation

A group of European space and telecommunications players have come together to form a partnership to respond to the European Commission’s call for tender related to the future European satellite constellation IRIS² (Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite). IRIS² aims to bring a new secure and resilient connectivity infrastructure to European governments, businesses and citizens.

The open consortium will be governed by Airbus Defence and Space, Eutelsat, Hispasat, SES and Thales Alenia Space. The consortium will also rely on the core team of the following companies: Deutsche Telekom, OHB, Orange, Hisdesat, Telespazio, and Thales. Together, they will aim to create a state-of-the-art satellite constellation based on a multi-orbit architecture that would be interoperable with the terrestrial ecosystem.

This partnership will set up an integrated best-in-class European space and telecoms team across these companies to leverage the expertise and capabilities in the field of secure satellite communications solutions. The consortium will encourage start-ups, mid-Caps and SMEs to join the partnership, resulting in a more innovative and competitive European space sector where new business models will emerge.
