09 March, 2023

BOC Aviation reports 29th year of profitibility

BOC Aviation Limited has just announced its audited results for the year ending 31 December 2022, in which the aircraft leasing firm recorded a net profit after tax (NPAT) for the period of US$20 million, as a strong second-half performance offset the first-half write-down of the value of aircraft formerly leased to airlines in Russia. 

BOC Aviation's core NPAT and core earnings per share of US$527 million and US$0.76, respectively, when adjusted to exclude the Russian impact, were little changed from the US$561 million and US$0.81 that we reported in 2021.

During the year ended December 2022 the company generated record operating cash flow net of interest expense of US$1.5 billion, the collection rate exceeded 100%, and BOC Aviation ended the year with US$5.3 billion in available liquidity.

The Board has decided to base the final dividend for 2022 on core net profit after tax and has recommended a final dividend of US$0.1770 per share, 2% greater than that paid for the same period in 2021. This will bring the total dividend for 2022 to US$0.26591 per share and recognises the importance many of our investors place on steady distributions.

Pegasus Airlines reports 2022 financial results with 33.7% rise in passenger numbers and €2.45 billion turnover

Pegasus Airlines has announced its annual financial results for 2022. The number of the low-cost airline’s guests increased year-on-year by 33.7% to reach 26.9 million, and its turnover grew by 139% to reach €2.45 billion in 2022. Pegasus achieved a net profit of €431 million for 2022. By the end of 2022, Pegasus had flown 26.9 million guests, comprising 10.9 million on its domestic routes (in Türkiye) and 16.0 million on its international routes. The number of guests on its international routes grew by 96.4% compared to the previous year.

In 2022, as the aviation industry began to recover, Pegasus was among the airlines that recovered capacity the fastest since the pandemic; with the airline reaching EUR 2.45 billion in revenues, up 41% compared to 2019, the last full pre-pandemic year. Reaching an EBITDA margin of 34.1% at the end of the year, Pegasus achieved the highest performance in this metric for the aviation industry in the world in 2022. 

Commenting on the 2022 financial results, Güliz Öztürk, CEO of Pegasus Airlines, said: “I would like to start by saying that we are deeply saddened by the earthquake that occurred in Kahramanmaraş, and which gravely affected the neighbouring provinces. The losses and our pain are immense.  May those who lost their lives in the earthquake rest in peace, and we express our deepest sympathies to all those who have lost loved ones and wish a fast recovery to those who have been injured. As Pegasus Airlines, we started carrying out many acts of solidarity as soon as the earthquake hit. We scheduled additional flights to support those affected and to assist aid organisations. To date, we have evacuated 152,950 people with 785 evacuation flights from the earthquake zones and carried 111 tonnes of aid material. We have carried 126,926 people, including rescue workers, to the region.”  Öztürk added: "We recognise the need for long-term solidarity. The 6,852-strong Pegasus Family has worked tirelessly, and we will continue to work with all our strength for the people affected by the earthquake and to assist the aid teams. We will overcome these challenging days united in solidarity." 

“Working hard for our industry and our guests”

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that the recovery in air travel demand is continuing in 2023, based on January traffic results.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that the recovery in air travel demand is continuing in 2023, based on January traffic results. 

  • Total traffic in January 2023 (measured in revenue passenger kilometers or RPKs) rose 67.0% compared to January 2022. Globally, traffic is now at 84.2% of January 2019 levels. 
  • Domestic traffic for January 2023 rose 32.7% compared to the year-ago period, helped by the lifting of the zero-COVID policy in China. Total January 2023 domestic traffic was at 97.4% of the January 2019 level. 
  • International traffic climbed 104.0% versus January 2022 with all markets recording strong growth, led by carriers in the Asia-Pacific region. International RPKs reached 77.0% of January 2019 levels.

“Air travel demand is off to a very healthy start in 2023. The rapid removal of COVID-19 restrictions for Chinese domestic and international travel bodes well for the continued strong industry recovery from the pandemic throughout the year. And, importantly, we have not seen the many economic and geopolitical uncertainties of the day dampening demand for travel,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General. 

January 2023 (% year-on-year)World share1RPKASKPLF (%-pt)2PLF (level)3
Total Market 100.0%67.0%35.5%14.7%77.7%
Asia Pacific22.1%114.9%58.8%20.2%77.4%
Latin America6.4%24.3%20.0%2.8%81.3%
Middle East9.8%91.1%42.5%20.1%79.1%
North America28.9%42.2%19.6%12.5%78.4%

1% of industry RPKs in 2022   2year-on-year change in load factor   3Load Factor Level

blankInternational Passenger Markets

  • Asia-Pacific airlines posted a 376.3% increase in January traffic compared to January 2022, by far the strongest year-over-year rate among the regions, but off of a very low base when much of the region was still closed to travel. Capacity rose 167.1% and the load factor increased 36.6 percentage points to 83.3%, the highest among the regions.
  • European carriers saw a 60.6% traffic rise versus January 2022. Capacity increased 30.1%, and load factor rose 14.2 percentage points to 75.0%.
  • Middle Eastern airlines’ January traffic rose 97.7% compared to January a year ago. Capacity increased 45.9% and load factor climbed 20.8 percentage points to 79.2%. 
  • North American carriers reported an 82.4% traffic increase in January versus the 2022 period. Capacity rose 37.3%, and load factor climbed 19.7 percentage points to 79.6%.
  • Latin American airlines had a 46.8% traffic increase compared to the same month in 2022. January capacity climbed 34.3% and load factor rose 7.1 percentage points to 82.7%, the second highest among the regions. 
  • African airlines’ traffic rose 124.8% in January 2023 versus a year ago. January capacity was up 82.5% and load factor climbed 13.9 percentage points to 73.7%, the lowest among regions. 

Aviation is recovering faster than expected: in February, Lithuanian airports managed to restore 90 percent of their passenger flow

In the second month of this year, Lithuanian airports recorded a rapid recovery of aviation. In two airports — Kaunas and Palanga — the number of passengers exceeded the pre-pandemic flows. In total, almost 371 thousand passengers travelled, 3211 flights were serviced, and 1429 tons of cargo were transported through Lithuanian airports in February. 

According to Tomas Zitikis, the head of Lithuanian airport route development, in the second month of this year it was possible to restore 90 percent of the pre-pandemic passenger traffic, and the amount of transported cargo even grew by a fifth (compared to the results of 2019). 

"We can see that since the beginning of the year, the supply of flights has been keeping pace with the demand, and the latter should probably grow more at the start of the aviation summer season. Overall, the indicators for the first months exceed moderate expectations and show a real good trend. More and more passengers are starting to discover and use the so-called traditional airlines, whose flight numbers at Vilnius Airport will also increase in the near future," says T. Zitikis. 

At the end of March, Brussels Airlines will resume direct flights between Vilnius and Brussels that were temporarily suspended last fall; Finnair will increase the frequency of flights between the capitals of Finland and Lithuania at Vilnius Airport, and LOT Polish Airlines will also increase the frequency of flights between Vilnius and Warsaw". 

A ‘business imperative’: Delta outlines roadmap to more sustainable travel

A ‘business imperative’: Delta outlines roadmap to more sustainable travel

From pursuing sustainable aviation fuels and more efficient aircraft to reducing single-use plastics and encouraging a net-zero supply chain, Delta announced its roadmap to more sustainable travel and net-zero emissions by 2050. The strategy and goals are inspired by what is good for the planet, communities and Delta people, and driven by a recognition that sustainability is a business imperative.

Delta Chief Sustainability Officer Pam Fletcher first shared the strategy with the airline’s more than 90,000 employees in late February. It’s focused on two pillars: embedding sustainability in everything the airline does and eliminating the company’s climate impact from flying.

“Delta people are known for doing difficult things well,” Fletcher said in an email to all employees on Feb. 28. “As we reshape the fundamentals of aviation, we are as dedicated to making immediate progress as we are to investing wisely in disruptive solutions.”

The reduction of fossil fuels and an evolution to Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is at the forefront of Fletcher’s mid-term strategy. After all, the fuel that powers jets accounts for around 98% of an airline’s carbon footprint.

Delta’s sustainability strategy also accounts for near-term goals, including minimizing Delta’s impact from single-use plastic, transitioning to electric ground service equipment, and encouraging vendors in its supply chain on their own sustainability plans.

Fletcher, a well-known leader in the transportation sector, joined Delta in 2022. Her outlined sustainability strategy builds on the company’s ongoing progress and affirms its commitment to setting goals aligned and informed by science and proven metrics to ensure accountability and transparency.

Air Canada and CAE name eight recipients of the 2023 captain Judy Cameron scholarship for Aspiring Women in Aviation

The two Montreal-based global aviation companies continue their support of women in aviation, doubling the number of scholarship recipients

Air Canada and CAE announced the recipients of the 2023 Captain Judy Cameron Scholarship, which provides financial assistance to Canadian women studying to become commercial pilots or aircraft maintenance engineers. 

This year, the two Montreal-based global aviation companies have joined forces to double the number of recipients, awarding scholarships to eight young women from across Canada. In addition to the $5,000 scholarship, CAE's four recipients will become CAE Women in Flight – Air Canada Ambassadors and help inspire more women to become commercial pilots.

The Captain Judy Cameron Scholarship was established in honour of Air Canada's first female pilot to help foster the next generation of women following in her trailblazing footsteps and is awarded annually in conjunction with the Northern Lights Aero Foundation.

"Air Canada is extremely proud of the leadership position it has taken in cultivating diversity, equity and inclusion in the aviation industry, with women well represented at every level and across all branches of the airline. On International Women's Day, being able to provide support to these incredibly talented and driven young women through the Captain Judy Cameron Scholarship firmly demonstrates Air Canada and CAE's work fostering the next generation of women in their pursuit of careers in this exciting industry. We know how crucial this support is to young women seeking non-traditional aviation careers, and we have seen results first-hand from the success of past winners. Congratulations to this year's winners," said Arielle Meloul-Wechsler, Executive Vice President, Chief Human Resources Officer and Public Affairs at Air Canada.

"When we relaunched the CAE Women in Flight Ambassador program last year, our objective was to grow the movement, and we are thrilled to partner with Air Canada to support more women pursuing careers in aviation. Today, the fruits of that partnership are being seen as eight women from diverse backgrounds get a well-deserved boost to continue their training, said Nick Leontidis, CAE's Group President, Civil Aviation. "Diversity equity and inclusion are core values at CAE. Currently, only five percent of commercial pilots are women, and our newest Women in Flight Ambassadors will join six others to help spread the word about this exciting profession and serve as role models to young women who aspire to a career at the controls of a commercial airliner."

"I am delighted that Air Canada and CAE have partnered to double the number of Captain Judy Cameron scholarships for 2023. Each recipient has shown great determination in their training, and the willingness to encourage and inspire others in their aviation journey. As the scholarship goes into its fourth year, it is wonderful to hear the success stories of former recipients. Two women are flying as First Officers, another is a fire patrol pilot, and two more are flight instructors. Thank you to Air Canada and CAE for helping to make their dreams a reality," said Judy Cameron, Boeing 777 Captain at Air Canada (retired), and Director of the Northern Lights Aero Foundation.

Airbus and Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation to develop CityAirbus NextGen’s future medical missions in Norway

Airbus and Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation to develop CityAirbus NextGen’s future medical missions in Norway

Airbus Helicopters has partnered with the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation to develop CityAirbus NextGen’s future missions for medical services in Norway. To this end, the parties will jointly measure the added value of electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft for a selection of medical services use cases across the country to integrate the operational requirements right into the configuration of Airbus’ eVTOL.

Focusing on how eVTOL aircraft can be used for different types of air medical missions, Airbus Helicopters and the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation will elaborate a comprehensive roadmap toward reducing emergency response time through the researched scenarios in Norway. In order to improve patient outcome and the overall performance of the Norwegian Emergency Medical Services system, the signatories will follow a long-term strategic approach to research the complementarity of existing assets, such as conventional helicopters, and eVTOLs when the technology enters into service. This approach could be further expanded in the region through collaboration with other countries to optimise operations beyond the national healthcare system.

Prof. Hans-Morten Lossius, Secretary General of the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation, said: “Airbus’ aviation expertise across the board is a major asset to help us combine different aircraft for medical services. Complementarity is a key driver in this endeavour: helicopters remain essential to perform EMS missions, whilst eVTOLs can bring additional capabilities to support first responders, for instance by transporting medical specialists to accident scenes or organs from one medical site to another.”

Balkiz Sarihan, Head of Urban Air Mobility at Airbus, said: “The Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation has always been at the forefront of medical innovation, most recently with dedicated research to integrate a CT scanner into a five-bladed H145 helicopter. We’re looking forward to working with the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation as a strategic partner to further develop the exact missions where our eVTOL’s capabilities would contribute to protecting citizens and making sure they can access effective healthcare in Norway.”

As a result, the first step toward the creation of a medical eVTOL ecosystem will be the evaluation of the efficiency of the current emergency medical system in Norway, to then simulate different air medical services scenarios, integrating advanced air mobility assets. To develop the right concepts of operations for these complementary air medical missions, Airbus Helicopters and the Norwegian Air Ambulance Foundation will drive the definition of the foundational elements of the eVTOL ecosystem in the country, including for infrastructure, traffic management and energy sourcing and distribution.

Operating a mixed fleet of H135 and H145, the Norwegian Air Ambulance is Norway’s national Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) operator. With more than 40 years of experience in emergency medical response, the Norwegian Air Ambulance supports pre-hospital care across the country by delivering air ambulance services to provide patients with advanced medical solutions through state-of-the-art aircraft configurations and equipment.

Air Transat has confirmed it will offer a non-stop service between Montreal and Lyon

Air Transat has confirmed it will offer a non-stop service between Montreal and Lyon next winter, thus becoming the only airline to operate this route year-round. Canadian travellers will be able to discover or rediscover this city renowned for its gastronomy and enjoy easy access to the French Alps, a world-class ski destination. In winter 2023-2024, this route will operate three days a week from Montreal on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Air Transat already flies up to seven times per week between Montreal and Lyon in the summer season. It services a total of eight French cities including two on a year-round schedule, namely Paris and now Lyon.

"As the leading carrier between Quebec and France, it was natural for us to add Lyon and its region to our winter program," said Michèle Barre, Air Transat's Chief Revenue Officer. "Route annualizations are part of our development strategy and, incidentally, our A321LR fleet is the best tool to meet this goal. We are delighted to meet the growing demand between Canada and France, which will benefit winter sports enthusiasts, business travellers and the expat community alike."

The route will be operated with new generation Airbus A321LR aircraft featuring spacious cabins, state-of-the-art in-seat entertainment systems and the lowest fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (CO2 and NOx) in their class.

AWS selected by Southwest Airlines as preferred cloud provider

Amazon Web Services, has announced that Southwest Airlines has selected AWS as its preferred cloud provider as the airline advances its digital transformation initiative. This large-scale modernization with AWS is part of the airline’s long-term plan to enhance the passenger journey, optimize operations, and efficiently invest in information technology (IT) infrastructure.

“As our preferred cloud provider, AWS will offer solutions that are critical in our drive to modernize our operation, equip our employees with the tools they need to serve our customers, and improve our reliability,” said Lauren Woods, senior vice president and chief information officer of Southwest Airlines Co. “With the help of AWS’s leading cloud technology and expertise, we will launch improved digital solutions, responsive customer support, and streamlined operations as we deliver on our digital transformation initiatives.”

Deepening Value for Customers

Southwest uses their website and app to directly reach passengers, resulting in more than 83% of revenue coming from these channels. Using AWS, the airline will harness the automatic scaling capabilities of cloud technology to more efficiently process real-time fare searches on its website and mobile app. This helps customers easily and securely find and book fares quickly, even during periods of peak traffic.

The airline aims to provide next-generation customer service and employee tools in a test-and-learn capacity through their Innovation Lab powered by AWS. Southwest recently built a secure system that gathers and stores pricing and flight shopping data using AWS Lambda, a serverless compute service, and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), which offers cost-effective storage classes. Utilizing AWS’s leading availability and reliability, the new system was able to handle the scale and processing needed to offer competitive fare recommendations to customers across partner and Southwest digital properties.

In the future, Southwest also plans to leverage AWS technologies, such as analytics and machine learning, to improve the speed to market of new digital innovations to best support customers from shopping for fares to arrival at their destination.

Optimizing Flight Operations

The 2023 Top 25 Historic Hotels of America in Film & Television History List Is Announced


                         Historic Hotels of America, the official program of the National Trust for Historic Preservation for recognizing, celebrating, and promoting the finest historic hotels in the United States, is pleased to announce The 2023 Top 25 Historic Hotels of America in Film and Television History List. The historic hotels and resorts selected for this announcement have been the settings for iconic scenes in beloved blockbusters, art house favourites, cult classics, and primetime television programs. Guests of these hotels can retrace the steps of many moviemakers and film stars such as Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, and Alfred Hitchcock through the storied lobbies and guestrooms, and stand in the same historic places that brought unforgettable characters like Tarzan, Amy March, and Luke Skywalker to life. 

A few on the list even played roles in the history of the film industry. For example, The Hollywood Roosevelt (1927) in Hollywood, California, was the location of the very first awards ceremony of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences—known as the Academy Awards® or the Oscars® —and hosted by Douglas Fairbanks in the hotel's Blossom Room in 1929. Often, historic hotels have been the co-stars in movies, playing their parts through the talents of architects, interior designers, historic preservationists, and nature conservationists. Explore this year’s list to find out how the history of film intersects with historic hotels, from luxury seaside resorts to dude ranch desert escapes.

08 March, 2023

Freebird Airlines implements IBS Software’s iFly Res to boost digital capabilities and streamline tour operations function

The omnichannel platform will help popular Turkish leisure carrier improve its personalization offering and drive revenue 

IBS Software, a global leader of SaaS solutions to the travel and cargo industry, has been selected by Turkey’s fast-growing leisure airline, Freebird Airlines, to enrich its direct distribution capabilities for scheduled and charter flights with digitally-powered passenger sales and services platform iFly Res. 

Freebird, which belongs to the most extensive Turkish aviation group Gözen Holding, is a well-known and trusted brand within the European leisure market at the apex of its digital transformation journey. The solution will remove one of the biggest business challenges for Freebird, as the provider will gain ability to distribute capacity for both scheduled and charter operations under two airline codes (AOCs) within one passenger services system (PSS).

iFly Res will also improve revenue and inventory management equipping over 50 tour operators with airfares and seat allocations. Furthermore, by implementing the platform, Freebird is set to gain an estimated revenue uplift of 3% compared to the prior system. 

JetBlue starting new transatlantic service between New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport and Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport on June 29th, 2023.

JetBlue will start a new transatlantic service from New York’s John F. Kennedy International Airport to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport on June 29th, 2023. 

“Our successful London service proves customers can book low fares without compromising great service,” said Robin Hayes, chief executive officer, JetBlue. “We are excited to continue disrupting the transatlantic market and offer business and leisure customers traveling to and from Paris an opportunity to experience our highly acclaimed Mint and core products in a market that has suffered from high fares by legacy carriers for far too long.”

Flights will operate daily on JetBlue’s Airbus A321 Long Range (LR) aircraft with 24 redesigned Mint Suite® seats, 114 core seats and the sleek and spacious Airspace cabin interior. The A321 platform – offering the range of a wide-body but with the economics of a single-aisle aircraft — will allow JetBlue to effectively disrupt the market with the airline’s award-winning service and low fares on flights between the U.S. and Paris.

Seats on the new Paris route are on sale starting today with low fares for U.S.-originating travelers starting at $479 roundtrip for the airline’s award-winning core experience and starting at $1,899 for JetBlue’s premium Mint experience, available on jetblue.com.

France-originating travellers can enjoy special introductory roundtrip fares starting at €399 for core and €1,299 for Mint when booked through their preferred travel agent or online travel provider.

The airline’s Mint premium experience – which first raised the bar on transcontinental travel in the U.S. and was reimagined for transatlantic flying – offers customers a fresh choice when flying between the U.S. and Europe. JetBlue Mint features 24 fully lie-flat private suites with a sliding door – including two Mint Studio® seats – and a custom-designed seat cushion developed by innovative mattress company Tuft & Needle. Its proprietary T&N Adaptive® foam with a breathable cover creates a cool and comfortable sleep experience unlike anything in the sky. Mint also boasts countless intuitive design touches that help every customer feel at home in the air. JetBlue has also introduced its latest innovation – the stunning Mint Studio – offering even more space in a premium experience (d).

New Prime Seat on Condor's Airbus A330neo

On board the new Airbus A330neo long-haul aircraft Condor offers its guests a completely new flight experience and more comfort than ever with the Prime Seat. In addition to Condor Business Class amenities, such as a freshly boiled organic egg for breakfast, the four Prime Seats in the front row of the cabin offer even more space, a bigger bed, opposite seating, a huge screen and other exclusive benefits. A Prime Seat can be booked for guests with a Business Class ticket from EUR 199.99 per route.

Prime Seat offers exclusivity and comfort

The Prime Seats are in the front row of the A330neo's Business Class and offer even more room to stretch your legs with a larger bed and wider legroom. Comfortable pyjamas are an additional feel-good factor. The Prime Seats offer an opposite seating option, including its own seat belt and with a table in the centre. Travel partners can comfortably toast with a drink, chat or play cards. In addition, Prime Seat guests enjoy the best entertainment on the even larger 24-inch 4K monitor, with a screen diagonal of over 60 centimetres. A sweet and salty snack basket is served and remains at the seat throughout the flight. For those who would like to stay online above the clouds, the Prime Seat comes with a free internet package for unlimited text messaging.

New way of travelling on board A330neo

The new Condor A330neo impresses with numerous amenities for guests in all booking classes. Among the highlights for Business Class are full-lie-flat sleeper seats, which can be comfortably and continuously converted into a 1.99-meter-long flat bed. Each guest has direct access to the aisle and, thanks to generous storage areas and a cocktail table, plenty of space for personal items.

Condor guests enjoy a completely transformed and extensive in-flight entertainment program. They can watch over 250 movies and 160 series free of charge and in the highest 4K picture quality on their own screens. The new Bluetooth function allows the usage of personal wireless headphones. Guests who would like to stay connected above the clouds can use the high-speed broadband internet. Every seat is also equipped with a USB A/C port or socket.

On long-haul flights, internationally-inspired Taste the World menus with several courses allow all guests on board to get their culinary money's worth. Depending on the booking class, Condor guests are served a Standard, Premium or Gourmet Menu. Special menus, such as lactose- or gluten-free, can be ordered in advance up to 24 hours before departure.

easyJet customers raise over £300,000 to support UNICEF’s Türkiye and Syria earthquake appeal

easyJet customers raise over £300,000 to support UNICEF’s Türkiye and Syria earthquake appeal.

Onboard collections raise over £300,000 in three weeks and have now been extended into March to continue raising vital funds for children and their families affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria

UNICEF is currently working in the region to protect the safety, health and welfare of children
easyJet customers have raised over £300,000 in three weeks to support UNICEF’s emergency appeal. Their donations have helped raise vital funds for the children and their families affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. 

The emergency onboard collection by easyJet’s cabin crew has now been extended into March, providing millions more customers flying with easyJet across 36 countries in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, the opportunity to donate in any currency. 

Donations will go directly towards supporting UNICEF’s round-the-clock emergency response in the region. In Syria, UNICEF is mobilising supplies and services to support the urgent needs of children and families. In Türkiye, UNICEF has mobilised critical emergency supplies and ensured evacuation to safe spaces for children in affected areas.

Michael Brown, Director of Cabin Services, commented:  “I would like to thank all of our customers who have already donated, for their kindness and generosity in raising over £300,000, which will help UNICEF and their volunteers to continue providing a vital lifeline in the region for the children and families who have been affected by the earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria. 

IATA Releases 2022 Airline Safety Performance

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released its 2022 Safety Report for global aviation. The report showed a reduction in the number of fatal accidents and the fatality risk, compared to 2021 and to the five year average (2018-2022). 

From this year, the Safety Report has been re-invented as an online interactive resource rather than in static PDF format.

Report highlights include: 

In 2022, there were five fatal accidents involving loss of life to passengers and crew. This is reduced from seven in 2021 and an improvement on the five year average (2018-2022) which was also seven. 
The fatal accident rate improved to 0.16 per million sectors for 2022, from 0.27 per million sectors in 2021, and also was ahead of the five year fatal accident rate of 0.20. 
The all accident rate was 1.21 per million sectors, a reduction compared to the rate of 1.26 accidents for the five years 2018-2022, but an increase compared to 1.13 accidents per million sectors in 2021. 
The fatality risk declined to 0.11 from 0.23 in 2021 and 0.13 for the five years, 2018-2022. 
IATA member airlines experienced one fatal accident in 2022, with 19 fatalities.

“Accidents are rare in aviation. There were five fatal accidents among 32.2 million flights in 2022. That tells us that flying is among the safest activities in which a person can engage. But even though the risk of flying is exceptionally low, it is not risk-free. Careful analysis of the trends that are emerging even at these very high levels of safety is what will make flying even safer. This year’s report, for example, tells us that we need to make some special efforts on turboprop operations in Africa and Latin America. Safety is aviation’s highest priority, and our goal is to have every flight take off and land safely regardless of region or aircraft type,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General.
