09 January, 2023

Air Cargo Demand Softens in November reports IATA

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released data for November 2022 global air cargo markets showing that demand softened as economic headwinds persist.

Global demand, measured in cargo tonne-kilometers (CTKs*), fell 13.7% compared to November 2021 (-14.2% for international operations).
Capacity (measured in available cargo tonne-kilometers, ACTK) was 1.9% below November 2021. This was the second year-on-year contraction following the first last month (in October) since April 2022. International cargo capacity decreased 0.1% compared to November 2021.
Compared to pre-COVID-19 levels (November 2019), there was a smaller contraction in overall demand (-10.1%), while capacity was down 8.8%.
Several factors in the operating environment should be noted:
Global new export orders, a leading indicator of cargo demand, were stable in October. For major economies, new export orders are shrinking except in Germany, the US, and South Korea, where they grew.  
Global goods trade expanded by 3.3% in October. Given the softening in air cargo demand, this suggests that maritime cargo was the primary beneficiary. 
The US dollar has appreciated sharply, adding cost pressure as many costs are denominated in US dollars. This includes jet fuel, which is already at elevated levels. 
The Consumer Price Index for G7 countries decreased from 7.8% in October to 7.4% in November, the largest month-on-month decline in 2022. Inflation in producer (input) prices reduced to 12.7% in November, its lowest level so far in 2022.   
“Air cargo performance softened in November, the traditional peak season. Resilience in the face of economic uncertainties is demonstrated with demand being relatively stable on a month-to-month basis. But market signals are mixed. November presented several indicators with upside potential: oil prices stabilized, inflation slowed and there was a slight expansion in goods traded globally. But shrinking export orders globally and China’s rising COVID cases are cause for careful monitoring,” said Willie Walsh, IATA’s Director General.

25 December, 2022

Merry Christmas


24 December, 2022

SWISS appoints Léa Wertheimer as its new Head of Corporate Communications

Léa Wertheimer has been named as SWISS’s new Head of Corporate Communications, with responsibility for setting and implementing the company’s communications strategy. She presently serves as Head of Media Relations for Swiss Post in Bern.

Swiss International Air Lines (SWISS) has appointed Léa Wertheimer as its new Head of Corporate Communications. Together with her team, she will be responsible for all of SWISS’s external and internal communications from April 2023 onwards, reporting directly to CEO Dieter Vranckx. Wertheimer succeeds Daniel Bärlocher, who left the company in October to take on a new professional challenge outside the aviation industry.

“With her long and varied experience within the communications sector, Léa Wertheimer is the ideal appointee to this demanding position,” says SWISS CEO Dieter Vranckx. “I am greatly looking forward to working with her, and I wish her every success and satisfaction in her new capacity.”

Léa Wertheimer can draw on a lengthy career within the communications sector. She has held her present position as Head of Media Relations at Swiss Post, with responsibility for all the organization’s media work and interactions, since the beginning of 2017. She also led Swiss Post’s Communications Crisis Task Force during the coronavirus pandemic. Prior to Swiss Post, she was a media spokesperson for the Swiss State Secretariat for Migration in Bern from 2013 to the end of 2016; and from 2006 to 2013 she served as an editor with the Neue Luzerner Zeitung and with the Zürcher Oberland Medien organization. She has previous experience in the aviation sector, too, having been an air transport officer at Swissport and a flight attendant with Swissair.

Léa Wertheimer is a Swiss national, and holds a phil. I secondary school teaching diploma in languages and history from the University of Zurich, a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Crisis Communications from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) and a crisis communications management diploma from the Deutsche Presseakademie Berlin.

Charlotta Wieland named as interim CEO of Star Alliance

Star Alliance is pleased to announce that Charlotta Wieland has been appointed as its Interim CEO with effect from January 1, 2023. She will take over from outgoing CEO Jeffrey Goh, who will be leaving the Alliance at the end of 2022 after six years at its helm.

Ms Wieland will join Star Alliance on interim assignment from founding member carrier SAS – Scandinavian Airlines, where she is currently VP for Alliances & Industry Affairs.  She has served on Star Alliance’s Alliance Management Board for the past six years, and is also a member of the board’s Strategy Committee, which plays a key role in charting the direction of the Alliance.

Ms Wieland has more than 25 years’ experience in the aviation industry, and a strong track record in airline alliances, pricing strategy, business development and distribution. Prior to SAS, she also worked at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.

Belgrade expansion for Wizz Air

Wizz Air is expanding to its base in Belgrade, with one of its Airbus A321ceo aircraft and five new routes as well as increased frequency on 5 routes from Belgrade. The new route can be already booked, with tickets available now at wizzair.com or on the airline's mobile app.

The allocation of one more aircraft to Wizz Air’s Belgrade base will grow the base to four aircraft. The move brings the number of routes from the base to 23, including the launch of flights to from the Serbia’s capital city. Furthermore, the additional capacity allows Wizz Air to increase frequency of its flights from the base to Barcelona, Dortmund, Eindhoven, Paris Beauvaris and Rome – Fiumicino.

"We are delighted to be expanding in Belgrade, demonstrating our commitment to the Serbian market where we are the number one ULCC carrier by both seat and passenger numbers. From July 2023 we will operate 4 aircraft from the airport and with that connect Serbia’s capital with plenty of destinations. The allocation of our latest aircraft in Belgrade allows us to further strengthen our market offer, providing our Serbian customers the opportunity to travel on a total of 23 routes in 13 countries from Belgrade and to another 5 routes from within the country.” comments Evelin Jeckel, Network Officer of Wizz Air.

23 December, 2022

Lift off for projects fuelling jet liners with bin liners......

  • 5 new projects receive share of £165 million to make UK a global leader in sustainable aviation fuels
  • new production facilities will create thousands of green jobs, level up the UK and slash carbon emissions by an average of 200,000 tonnes each year once fully up and running
  • follows publication of the government’s Jet Zero strategy earlier this year, ensuring the UK remains at the centre of green innovation

The UK took another step towards net zero carbon emissions and helping its sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) industry to take flight as the government awarded 5 projects a share of the £165 million Advanced Fuels Fund.

The government has awarded funding to companies turning waste into jet fuel.

The successful projects include SAF plants in Teesside, Immingham and Ellesmere Port which will convert everyday household and commercial waste, such as black bin bags, into sustainable jet fuel.

Other successful projects include a SAF plant in Port Talbot which will convert steel mill off-gases into sustainable jet fuel and the early development of a SAF plant using carbon capture and hydrogen made from renewable electricity.

Building on the success of the green fuels, green skies programme, the 5 projects alone will produce over 300,000 tonnes of SAF a year – enough to fly to the moon and back an estimated 60 times.

The successful projects will also slash CO2 emissions by an average of 200,000 tonnes each year once fully up and running – the equivalent of taking 100,000 cars off the road.

Transport Secretary Mark Harper said:

Using waste or by-products to refuel airliners sounds like a flight of fancy, but thanks to £165 million of government funding it’s going to help us make guilt-free flying a reality.

It’s exactly this kind of innovation that will help us create thousands of green jobs across the country and slash our carbon emissions.

The winners of the Advanced Fuel Fund are based across the UK – from the north of England to south Wales, and will create thousands of skilled, green jobs.

Launched alongside the Jet Zero strategy in July 2022, the Advanced Fuel Fund is designed to support our vision to be a world leader in sustainable aviation fuel by accelerating the development of SAF production plants in the UK, helping the government to achieve its aim of having at least 5 commercial SAF plants under construction in the UK by 2025.

Tim Alderslade, Chief Executive of Airlines UK, said:

The jet zero strategy was a real statement of intent from government that aviation, without the carbon, is an achievable end goal by 2050. This £165 million of funding – alongside the 10% SAF mandate by 2030 shows the government shares our ambition of a home-grown SAF industry here in the UK. This could generate tens of thousands of jobs and huge GVA, levelling-up and exports potential for the UK. It’s a big prize and one we are committed to working with ministers to achieve.

Jennifer Holmgren, Chief Executive officer, LanzaTech, said:

The Advanced Fuels Fund competition from the Department for Transport shows real leadership in validating new technologies that can have an impact globally and we’re excited that Project DRAGON has been recognized for its potential to deliver results and create new jobs while producing the volumes of SAF greatly needed by a sector that has limited options today. We must accelerate deployment of SAF plants in the UK and by working together, we can show the world what is possible, and I thank the UK Department for Transport for its continued support.

Mishal Almutlaq, Chief Investment Officer, alfanar Global Development, said:

alfanar is proud to be part of the UK’s journey to cement itself as a leader in clean aviation, creating quality jobs in its industrial areas as well as developing know-how in this sustainable and innovative industry. Our Lighthouse Green Fuels Waste to SAF project in Teesside is in advanced stages of development with FEED progressing well since July 2022. The Advanced Fuels Fund will positively contribute to the development costs helping enable the project to reach final investment decision and enter construction in 2024. We appreciate the Department for Transport’s continued support and would like to thank them for awarding our project grant funding.

Henrik Wareborn, Chief Executive Officer, Velocys, said:

Velocys is delighted to receive 2 grant awards from the Advanced Fuels Fund, which will help to accelerate the production of SAF at commercial scale in the UK using our technology. The Altalto grant will allow us to begin FEED for our waste-to-SAF plant in Immingham, which already has planning permission. The e-fuels grant allows us to work with our partners to explore the UK based production of power-to-liquid SAF.

Jeff Ovens, Managing Director, Fulcrum BioEnergy said:

Fulcrum is very excited and grateful to have been awarded funding from the UK DfT’s Advanced Fuels Fund, to help develop our ‘Fulcrum NorthPoint’ residual waste to SAF plant, at Stanlow, UK. This funding will help Fulcrum build on the technical knowledge and experience the company has gained from well over a decade of project development and the early operations of its US based, ‘Sierra BioFuels’ plant - the world’s first waste to sustainable hydrocarbon fuels facility. Alongside the operational experience gained from Sierra, this DfT funding will further help de-risk the NorthPoint project and target ‘investor ready’ status, in preparation for construction start in 2025 and operations in 2027.

Today’s announcement comes less than a week after the government announced that Virgin Atlantic has won the race to make the first net zero transatlantic flight next year – powered by SAF.

In 2023, one of Virgin Atlantic’s flagship Boeing 787s, powered by Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines, will take off from London Heathrow and make the journey to New York’s John F Kennedy Airport – a journey made by thousands of people for business, family, and leisure every week.

Made from waste materials or by-products such as household waste, industrial gases or used cooking oil, sustainable aviation fuels can achieve greenhouse gas emissions savings of more than 70% compared to conventional fossil jet fuel.

Alongside the news, the government is also announcing a further £1.2 million for the Zero Emission Flight Infrastructure (ZEFI) project to help develop key airport infrastructure, such as hydrogen re-fuelling technology, for zero emissions aircraft. Launched in 2021 with £3 million, this additional £1.2 million extends the project for another year to support airports prepare to handle new forms of aircraft.

Meanwhile, the UK is also partnering with Kenya to help at least 5 East African countries implement the UN’s global carbon offsetting scheme for aviation, CORSIA. Under the scheme, airlines must purchase offsets to compensate for this growth, such as funding carbon-reducing technologies and initiatives in other sectors. This includes activities such as switching to renewable energy sources, capturing waste gases and avoiding deforestation.

The UK has now also formally joined the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) assistance, capacity building and training programme for sustainable aviation fuels (ACT-SAF). On 14 December, the UK signed the terms and conditions for participating in the programme and will now focus on how it can offer support to other countries to help them develop their own SAF industries.

This follows the landmark ICAO Assembly in October, where with the help of UK leadership a new net zero 2050 goal was adopted for the global aviation sector, putting it in line with the 1.5-degree temperature target set by the Paris Agreement.

ZeroAvia gets CAA green light for next phase of hydrogen-electric test flights

ZeroAvia closes off 2022 by securing Part 21 permit to fly for retrofitted Dornier 228 from the Civil Aviation Authority, following successful groundtesting campaign

Milestone paves the way for pioneering test flights of 19-seat testbed to begin in early 2023


The UK's Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has granted a permit to fly for ZeroAvia's Dornier 228 aircraft, which has been retrofitted with its prototype hydrogen-electric powertrain. ZeroAvia secured the permit to fly following an extensive ground testing campaign and a rigorous review of the full development program.

It means that ZeroAvia, the leader in zero-emission aviation, can now begin the first test flights of its 600kW hydrogen-electric powertrain. The 19-seat twin-engine aircraft has been retrofitted in an engineering testbed configuration to incorporate ZeroAvia's hydrogen-electric engine powering the propellor on its left wing, operating alongside a single Honeywell TPE-331 stock engine on the right for appropriate redundancy to allow the safe testing of the novel propulsion technology.

The test flights are set to be a landmark achievement for ZeroAvia and the HyFlyer II project, a major R&D program backed by the UK Government's ATI Programme, which targets the development of a 600kW hydrogen-electric powertrain for 9-19 seat aircraft. 

For this testing program, ZeroAvia has worked with the CAA in meeting a far more stringent set of requirements when compared to the E-Conditions framework ZeroAvia had used for its 6-seat prototype in 2020. Part 21 is an industry-standard term used to describe the regulatory approval of aircraft design and production organizations, and the certification of products, parts, and appliances for aircraft. Securing this permit to fly is a significant milestone in ZeroAvia's path towards commercialization.

Val Miftakhov, Founder & CEO of ZeroAvia said: "Earning our full Part 21 permit to fly with the CAA is a critical milestone as we develop a zero-emission aviation propulsion system that will be the most environmental and economical solution to the industry's climate impact. We're going to be starting 2023 in the best way possible, by demonstrating through flight that true zero-emission commercial flight is much closer than many think."

It will pave the way for a commercially certifiable configuration for ZA600 to be submitted by the end of 2023, ahead of delivering powertrains for the first commercial routes for 9-19 seat aircraft to commence by 2025. With 1,500 engines under pre-order, partnerships with seven aircraft manufacturers and multiple fuel and airport partnerships, ZeroAvia is well positioned to lead the industry's transformation to a clean future.

When test flights begin in January, ZeroAvia's Dornier 228 testbed is expected to become the largest aircraft to ever fly using a hydrogen-electric powertrain.

Border Force strike - no issues at the moment......

Around 1,000 Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union members who work for the Border Force are currently on strike for 8 days over Christmas at some of the key UK airports, including London Heathrow, London Gatwick, Birmingham, Cardiff, Glasgow and Manchester, 

The dispute over pay and conditions is expected to cause major disruption, mainly to arriving passengers, with the army and staff from the Home Office and other contractors on standby to help out if needed.  However, so far things seem to be running well. 

Gatwick Airport said that the airport is running smoothly, a spokesperson for Heathrow advised  "The morning arrivals peak has started well. Immigration halls are free-flowing at Heathrow with Border Force and the military contingency providing a good service."  Glasgow Airport said regarding the proposed strike dates beginning today: “We do not anticipate any significant challenges for passengers travelling through international arrivals as a result of the industrial action being taken by Border Force staff.  Mitigation measures are in place and additional Glasgow Airport staff will also be on hand to ensure any unlikely disruption is kept to an absolute minimum.”

There were some delays at Birmingham, but Manchester seems to be operating normally with security wait times currently 0-15 mins in all three terminals. 

IAG Cargo customers raise over 20,000 euros for the Bhagat Foundation in India

 IAG Cargo, the cargo division of International Airlines Group (IAG), has raised over 20,000 euros, the equivalent to 1.8 million Indian rupees, from a charity auction held in India this year. The donations will be delivered in phases to the Bhagat Foundation, an NGO supporting underprivileged children in Gurgaon, India.

IAG Cargo customers have raised over 20,000 euros for the Bhagat Foundation, an NGO supporting underprivileged children based in India

IAG Cargo recently hosted its South Asia Listening Forum 2022 in the city of Chandigarh, India, attended by customers from the region. Five customers – Skyways Air Services, Transline Air Cargo Services, TVS SCS Global Freight Solutions, Expo Freight, and Continental Carriers – contributed to the total funding. 


As of 20th December, the Bhagat Foundation has already utilised 1 million rupees to pay the rent of a new school facility for one year, fitted with benches, lights, and fans, which will support the children’s learning and development whilst their existing facility is renovated. Additionally, they have purchased new winter uniforms and shoes for the children, computers, printers, stationery, as well as hiring an additional teacher, and water purifiers to provide clean water.


Ankush Chawla, Area Commercial Manager for South Asia at IAG Cargo commented: “I am beyond proud to support the tremendous efforts of the Bhagat Foundation, a charity very close to my heart. I’ve been raising funds for this NGO for two years now, along with my IAG Cargo colleagues in India, and it has been an honour to see the difference our work makes to the lives of the children. Since our relationship began at the start of 2021, we have raised over €24,000, the equivalent to 2.1 million Indian rupees. I look forward to continuing to support this amazing cause in 2023.”


Founder of Bhagat Foundation, Suresh Kumar, commented: “I cannot express my gratitude to IAG Cargo and Skyways Air Services, Transline Air Cargo Services, TVS SCS Global Freight Solutions, Expo Freight, and Continental Carriers. This amount of money will be extremely valued, with the funds going towards essential equipment to aid the children through these vital years of their lives. IAG Cargo have been a huge support to the children, even through tough times during the pandemic, so we really appreciate the hard work they do. I’m excited to share our future spending plans for the next phases of the donations next year.”    

In 2021, IAG Cargo had a commercial revenue of €1,673 million. It has a combined workforce of more than 2,250 people. Its parent company, International Airlines Group, is one of the world's largest airline groups with 531 aircraft at 31st December 2021. It is the third largest group in Europe and the sixth largest in the world, based on revenue.

22 December, 2022

Alstom’s automated people mover at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport carries first passengers across new extension

PHX Sky Train® uses 42 Alstom Innovia APMs and Cityflo 650 automatic train control
Expanded airport transit provides increased passenger comfort, experience, and connectivity, while reducing passenger wait time and curb side airport congestion  
Alstom operating and maintaining PHX Sky Train® since 2013 with 99.5% availability

Alstom, global leader in smart and sustainable mobility, has successfully delivered the extension to the PHX Sky Train® automated people mover (APM) system at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, providing airport connections to the light rail train system and the rental car centre. This extension to the PHX Sky Train® provides not only increased capacity, but also more multimodal and accessible connections between the city of Phoenix and the airport, and an enhanced overall airport experience for domestic and international travellers.

Under the scope of its contract for the 2.5-mile extension, Alstom delivered a full turnkey solution comprised of electro-mechanical and guideway equipment, expansion of the current maintenance and storage facility, a maintenance recovery vehicle, retrofitted the wayside signalling system and upgraded vehicles already in operation today. In addition, 24 new Innovia APM 200 vehicles allow for 3-car trains, up from 2-car trains, which means being able to move more passengers more comfortably and more quickly in and around the airport facilities. Alstom delivered the extension, while maintaining current operations of the PHX Sky Train® throughout construction and testing, with no impact to availability or reliability of the system.

“Our partnership with Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport is grounded in a shared vision and commitment to improve passenger connectivity,” says Michael Keroullé, President of Alstom Americas. “The complexity of this extension project was tied to the need to maintain airport connectivity services aligned with passenger expectations during construction and especially at the time of integrating the extension to the existing system. What we have achieved today demonstrates the power of a great and collaborative partnership with Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, an important asset as we continue to operate and maintain the expanded Sky Train system for the years to come.”

SAS launches two new routes from Aalborg and Gothenburg to New Jersey, starting April 2023.

Following this route expansion, residents in Aalborg and Gothenburg will be able to fly directly to New York three times weekly with SAS’ latest addition to their fleet - the Airbus A321 Long Range.

“As part of SAS’ strategy to strengthen the regional offering in Scandinavia, we are pleased to add intercontinental routes from Gothenburg and Aalborg. We see a demand from secondary cities and are delighted to connect even more parts of the world. The Airbus A321 Long Range is a slightly smaller long-distance aircraft and perfect in size for servicing the regional markets. Having a comfortable way of travelling with fewer stops to exciting cities such as New York, is something we believe will be highly valued by our travellers,” says Erik Westman, EVP & CCO, Network and Revenue management.  

Gothenburg and Aalborg with its surrounding regions offer a range of activities for leisure travellers as well as being home to many companies with international touchpoints, making the new routes relevant for both business and leisure travellers.

The new routes complement SAS' other four routes to New York and SAS will offer a total of five daily departures from Scandinavia to New York.

Gothenburg - New York  Newark
Frequency: 3x weekly
Outbound Wed/Fri/Sun
inbound Tue/Thu/Sat
starting 27 April

Aalborg - New York Newark 
Frequency: 3x weekly
Outbound Mon/Thu/Sat
Inbound Wed/Fri/Sun
starting 27 April

The flights will operate throughout the summer 2023 season and will return for the summer 2024 program.

Facts about Airbus A321 Long Range (A321LR)

The Airbus A321 Long Range is part of the latest generation of aircraft and is expected to reduce climate-impacting emissions by 15-18 percent compared to similar previous-generation aircraft. This latest addition to the fleet means travellers get access to more intercontinental routes with fewer stopovers, and shorter travel times to and from Scandinavia.

The aircraft has 22 Business, 12 Plus and 123 Go seats, meaning a total of 157 seats in a single-aisle aircraft. The seats are specially chosen for the A321LR to optimize comfort in all three travel classes. Seats in SAS Business are fully flat seat beds and there are different mood light scenarios in the cabins, as well as hi-speed WiFi. Every seat is equipped with IFE screens, PC power and/or hi-power USB. The reduced noise level inside the cabin will further enhance the travel experience on board. The A321LR is part of SAS’ ongoing fleet renewal and will reduce climate-impacting emissions compared to previous generations of similar aircraft.

Jaunt Air Mobility continues to make strides......meeting certification requirements is the cornerstone of success for air taxis

Martin Peryea, EVP, and GM of Electric Air Mobility of the AIRO Group, continues to lead Jaunt toward success in the emerging world of eVTOL players. "The eVTOL [electric vertical takeoff and landing] industry in 2022 has demonstrated that the market for air taxis is indeed coming, and the regulatory community is facing the challenges head-on," says.

In 2022, the FAA redefined the certification rules for eVTOLs to include the powered-lift category. According to the FAA, the revised definitions represented an important step in making commercial air taxi's a reality. In tandem, rules for certifying pilots for powered-lift aircraft and new operational requirements were also defined. More recently, FAA Administrator Billy Nolen stated the agency did not expect operations by eVTOLs until early 2025 and said, "At any rate, it won't happen until the safety piece has been satisfied."

"Entering into this market, having certified several aircraft, the design of the Jaunt Journey was based on bringing the proven SRC [Slowed Rotor Compound] technology to market with a clear certification path as a rotorcraft," said Peryea. The powered lift does not impact Jaunt in certifying as a rotorcraft, as Parts 27 & 29 already address vertical takeoff and landing requirements. Regarding safety, Jaunt's proprietary SRC technology allows the aircraft to land via autorotation or by gliding in a controlled fashion should there be an unexpected total loss of propulsion. The pilot of the Jaunt Journey will be able to choose a safe landing spot and have complete control of the aircraft during descent. No ballistic parachute is required.

"Jaunt is one of the most uniquely positioned companies in the eVTOL world. The fundamental aircraft technologies of the Slowed-Rotor Compound (SRC) have been proven over the past quarter century. The world-class team now has the backing of the highly respected AIRO Group and tie-ups with impressive global partners. Perhaps most importantly, there are already existing rotorcraft airworthiness standards for the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), and Transport Canada (TCCA) under which the Jaunt Journey can be certificated. There's a lot of hard work ahead of Jaunt, but the company is well-positioned to meet its goals," wrote Mike Hirschberg, Executive Director of The Vertical Flight Society.

The company is very confident about the SRC system's technology maturity and its technology partners' ability to meet Part 29 requirements, which will also comply with the EASA Special Condition for VTOL (SC-VTOL) for "Category Enhanced." Compared to the requirements of Part 23 and Part 27, Part 29 requires that flight critical systems meet the requirements of the probability of catastrophic failure of less than 10-9 per flight hour.

Air Canada and Cirque du Soleil renew partnership to bring a World of Wonder to travellers...

This week Air Canada and Cirque du Soleil announced the renewal of their exclusive partnership that will see Air Canada continue as the official airline for Big Top and Arena shows in Canada, the U.S., Europe and Australia through December 2024. The two globally renowned, Quebec-based companies will celebrate bringing Canadian creativity and talent to the world at tonight's Montreal premiere of Corteo by Cirque du Soleil at the Bell Centre.  

"Air Canada and Cirque du Soleil are two iconic Quebec organizations that each deliver best-in-class experiences to customers globally in travel and entertainment, respectively. We are delighted to continue our partnership with Cirque du Soleil as we share the same values and importance of celebrating Canadian innovation and creativity with people at home and worldwide," said Lucie Guillemette, Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer at Air Canada. 

Since January 2020, Air Canada has been the official airline flying Cirque du Soleil's employees and artists to shows in many destinations around the world. The partnership renewal allows Air Canada to continue being a champion of Canadian and global talent in the sky and on the world's stage. As a global airline, Air Canada flies to six continents and close to 200 destinations, including several of Cirque du Soleil's 2023 tours in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Los Angeles, Denver, and London, to name a few. 

More than 125 million spectators have experienced a Cirque du Soleil Big Top or Arena show since 1984 as its wonderous productions remain enduring and relevant in culture internationally. 

"We are thrilled to team up with a world-renowned brand such as Air Canada as our official airline for our touring shows. With our shared values and Canadian roots, we will continue to entertain the world to make it better for all, through the power of creativity and meaningful experiences," added Nickole Tara, Chief Growth Officer at Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group. 

The multi-year agreement includes brand inclusion in Cirque du Soleil's communications campaigns, on-site visibility and promotional privileges, in addition to a robust hospitality package across all territories.  

Since it launched the new Aeroplan loyalty program in November 2020, Air Canada continues to expand its members' benefits and received the 2022 Frequent Traveler People's Award for Best Earning and Redemption Ability. Starting January 2023, Aeroplan Members can redeem their points for prepaid cards on the Aeroplan eStore in denominations of $50, $100 and $200 that can be used to purchase Cirque du Soleil tickets or to enhance their experience at shows anywhere around the world, from KOOZA™, KURIOS™ - Cabinet of Curiosities, LUZIA™, CORTEO™, CRYSTAL™, "O™" and many more.  

Belfast City Airport Announces Arrival of Lufthansa with Route to Germany

Germany’s flag carrier airline, Lufthansa, has announced it will commence operations at Belfast City Airport. The airline, which is one of Europe’s largest, is entering the Northern Irish market for the first time and will operate flights from Belfast City Airport to Frankfurt, Germany, from 23rd April 2023.

This will be the only direct air link between Northern Ireland and Germany.

Katy Best, Commercial Director at Belfast City Airport which is located only five minutes from Belfast City centre, commented:  “Attracting an airline such as Lufthansa to Northern Ireland that will provide the only route from the region to Germany is a major win for, not only the airport, but the wider tourism and business industry. With Germany being the third-largest market for overseas tourism to the island of Ireland, there is a clear demand for direct connectivity.”

Flights to Frankfurt with Lufthansa will operate up to four times a week, giving both leisure and business passengers exceptional choice and convenience when travelling to the global hub.

Katy continued:  “Frankfurt is an important city for commerce, culture, and tourism, and its airport is one of the busiest in Europe.  As a base for Lufthansa, Frankfurt is a key destination in its network and gives passengers an attractive option for connecting flights to markets further afield. Lufthansa’s commitment to excellent customer service and great value makes it a superb fit for Belfast City Airport, and we look forward to welcoming passengers travelling to Frankfurt and beyond to the terminal.”

Dr Frank Wagner, General Manager Sales, UK, Ireland and Iceland for Lufthansa Group, said:  “We are excited to announce the addition of Belfast City Airport to Lufthansa’s global network with the inaugural flight to Frankfurt on 23rd April 2023. This new nonstop connection will bring Northern Ireland much closer to Frankfurt and to the heart of Western Europe. Connecting passengers will enjoy a convenient and full service connection beyond our hub to our vast network of over 200 destinations in summer 2023.”

Exports from Northern Ireland to Germany between July 2021 and July 2022 reached over £333 million, with significant growth in the transport, metal and meat industries.

Speaking of the benefit for businesses, Mel Chittock, Interim CEO of Invest NI said:  “Germany is a powerhouse of the European economy and one which offers tremendous potential for our local businesses to export to as well as being a major source of internationally mobile investment. Its key sectors are well aligned with Northern Ireland’s strengths, particularly in Advanced Manufacturing, Life and Health Sciences, Food and Drink, and Financial Services. In fact, we are currently strengthening our European team to support exporters expand into Germany, Austria and Switzerland and to promote the Northern Ireland investment proposition in the region, with recruitment for a number of key roles currently under way.

Direct air connectivity is an important element of growing our economy and the establishment of this new direct route will make it easier for companies, both here and in the region, to do business together.”

Ann McGregor, Chief Executive, Northern Ireland Chamber of Commerce and Industry added:  “Air connectivity is an important driver of economic growth, so NI Chamber welcomes the introduction of this new route between Belfast and Frankfurt. For business passengers, including those servicing customers in Germany and Europe, it will help improve trade links and make travel to an important export market more accessible.”

In addition to facilitating vital business links, the new route between Northern Ireland and Frankfurt will provide essential connectivity for tourism between the two countries.

Niall Gibbons, Chief Executive of Tourism Ireland, said:    “Today’s announcement by Lufthansa is really good news for tourism to Northern Ireland in 2023.  As an island destination, we know there’s a proven correlation between access and growth in visitor numbers, so this new flight will certainly help boost tourism business from Germany. Tourism Ireland is committed to working with Lufthansa, Belfast City Airport and our other key partners, to drive demand for this new flight, and all other services to Northern Ireland, and help maintain our vital network of routes and services.  Germany is an important market for tourism to Northern Ireland. In 2019, we welcomed almost 65,000 German visitors, whose visits delivered almost £14 million for the economy.”

Welcoming the new route, Gerry Lennon, Chief Executive, Visit Belfast said:  “We’re delighted to welcome Lufthansa to Northern Ireland and this new air service connecting Frankfurt and Belfast.
Connectivity is crucial as we continue to rebuild the city and region's tourism sector. This is a real vote of confidence; and as the gateway city to Northern Ireland, this service will allow us to fully engage with one of our key markets in continental Europe as well as provide onward global connections to and from this important hub airport.   We look forward to working with Lufthansa and Belfast City Airport to promote the Belfast City Region as an exciting, vibrant leisure, business and conference destination.”
With nearly 4,000 German-born residents living in Northern Ireland, the new route will also deliver a much-needed path for visiting friends and family, something which does not currently exist in Northern Ireland.
Marion Lübbeke, Honorary Consul for Germany to Northern Ireland, added:   “Congratulations to Belfast City Airport in securing this new route to Frankfurt International Airport. We are delighted to see Lufthansa, one of the world’s leading airlines, coming to Northern Ireland and opening new opportunities for business and tourism. Northern Ireland is a popular travel destination for visitors from Germany who love the spectacular coastline, the buzzing cities and above all, the warm hospitality of the people.”
Flights to Frankfurt will be operated on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays by an Embraer aircraft and will offer both Business and Economy class services.

Wednesday and Sunday flights depart at 09.45 and arrive Frankfurt at 13.10
Monday and Friday flights depart at 16.45 and arrive Frankfurt 20.10

Indian Carrier Vistara Joins Airline Association BARIG

On January 1, 2023, the Indian carrier Vistara (TATA SIA Airlines Limited), a joint venture between Tata Sons Limited (51 percent) and Singapore Airlines Limited (49 percent), will become a member of the Board of Airline Representatives in Germany (BARIG), which is advocating the interests of national and international airlines operating to and from Germany. With a fleet of over 50 modern aircraft, Vistara operates more than 250 flights daily to more than 40 destinations within India and globally. Vistara, represented by Friends Touristik Marketing GmbH & Co. KG in the German market, serves Germany – India’s largest EU trading partner – with six flights a week between the Indian capital Delhi and Frankfurt am Main.


Michael Hoppe, BARIG Chairman and Executive Director: “With Vistara, an airline joins BARIG that has been able to grow very dynamically since its first flight in October 2013. We are looking forward to the professional exchange and the joint work in our association’s various committees.”


Jai Prakash Tiwari, Country Manager Germany at Vistara: “The work of an airline association such as BARIG at the interface with, for example, politics or the authorities and airport operators is of great value to air traffic. Important, forward-looking topics are advanced here. As a member of BARIG, we want to participate in this and look forward to working with other airline representatives and association partners.”


Since the start of operations in 2013, more than 35 million passengers have already travelled with Vistara. A fleet expansion by more than 20 narrow- and wide-body aircraft to over 70 airplanes is planned for 2023. By now, the airline is already operating one of Asia’s youngest fleets. At the Skytrax World Airline Awards 2022, Vistara was named ‘Best Airline in India and South Asia’ for the second time in a row. Moreover, Vistara was also ranked first in other categories, such as ‘Best Business Class in India and South Asia’ as well as ‘Best Airline Staff Service’ and ‘Best Cabin Crew’ in the region.
