07 October, 2024

More than 900 designs submitted for the next Belgian Icon: the vote is open!

An internal jury selected 15 designs, and everybody is now able to vote for their favourite.

Brussels Airlines will launch a new Belgian Icon soon. After a call for designs, the Belgian airline received over 900 submissions from the Belgian public. An internal jury selected 15 of those designs. The public voting was launched to select the final top five.

Brussels Airlines is proud to see that many Belgians and people living in Belgium were eager to design the next Belgian Icon. From professional artists to students in art schools: the people who submitted designs were as diverse as the designs themselves. The most popular categories for designs were cycling, art nouveau, Folon and Adolphe Sax but also Lucky Luke and Marsupilami.

An internal jury had to process all these designs to come to a top 15.

“We evaluated the designs based on several key criteria: the new Belgian Icon had to be distinct from any previous Icons, represent something that makes all Belgians proud, and be recognized across the border. Of-course, the design also needed to meet certain standards of quality. We try to avoid clichés, as a Belgian Icon should invite people to explore and experience the richness of what Belgium has to offer.”
​- Michel Moriaux, Head of Marketing, Brussels Airlines

The top 15 is now available on the Brussels Airlines’ website, where everyone can vote for their favorite design. This contest will be open for the public until October 11. The five designs with the most votes, will be presented to an external jury. This jury consists of various meritorious Belgians such as Alex Callier (Hooverphonic), Philippe Geluck (designer of ‘Le Chat’), Gabrielle Szwarcenberg (designer of the Brussels Airlines uniform) and many others. The jury will come together in Brussels on October 14 to choose the final design. However, this will remain secret until the aircraft will be revealed in spring 2025.

“We're very happy with the overwhelming response to our call for designs, with over 900 creative submissions. We could make at least 100 new Belgian Icons with the ideas we received. The number of outstanding entries highlights the talent and creativity in Belgium and the many reasons we Belgians can take pride in our heritage. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who submitted a design."
​- Michel Moriaux, Head of Marketing, Brussels Airlines
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