04 October, 2024

KLM presents key measures to improve operational and financial performance....job losses expected

KLM announces set of measures aimed at improving the airline’s operational and financial performance

Earlier this year, Air France-KLM announced that measures would be implemented at KLM to structurally improve the airline’s operational and financial performance.

These measures are required to address rising costs at KLM and to secure Air France-KLM’s ability to meet its medium-term profitability targets.

KLM has presented the outlines of these measures, which notably include a focus on productivity, cost-cutting initiatives notably through simplification of the organization, and the postponement of all non-essential investments.

In parallel, KLM will explore new revenue streams and seek to achieve more synergies.

KLM expects these measures to result in a 450m€ improvement of its operating results in the short term.

"We want to maintain KLM's 105-year pioneering role in aviation and continue to connect the Netherlands with the rest of the world. However, just as many other airlines, KLM is suffering from high costs and shortages of staff and equipment. Our aircraft are full, but our capacity is still not back to pre-corona levels. We want to remain at the forefront of customer and employee satisfaction as well as sustainability. To continue doing this effectively, we must make clear and decisive choices now. This is painful for every KLM colleague, but it is necessary, and it has to be done now."

Marjan Rintel, President & CEO KLM

With the total package of measures, KLM aims to improve its operating result by €450m in the short term.  In line with Air France-KLM's group ambition, this should lead to a structural profit margin above 8% by 2026-2028.  

KLM is taking these and other measures to maintain its network and services for customers and to protect jobs across the company as much as possible. The Works Council and trade unions have been informed by KLM of the (proposed) measures and objectives. They will continue to be engaged through the standard consultation process to reach final decisions. Specifically, this involvement includes: 

Increasing labour productivity by at least 5% by 2025, including through automation, mechanisation and reducing absenteeism, 
Measures to resolve the impact of the pilot shortage and ensure that we can operate all flights with our pilots, with a better balance between intercontinental and European flights, 
Due to the shortage of technicians and ongoing supply problems of parts, KLM can operate fewer flights. Measures are being taken at Engineering & Maintenance to reduce the number of cancellations. If this does not yield sufficient results, options to partly outsource maintenance will be examined, 
All investments (except those in (occupational) safety and compliance) will be reconsidered and postponed, such as the new headquarters and Engineering & Maintenance buildings. We will strive to maintain our fleet investments as much as possible, 
Improvement of existing, and introduction of new products on board. Trials are underway with an expanded catering offer and optimisation of aircraft layout, aimed at increasing revenues by at least €100 million a year, 
Measures to simplify the organisation, achieve more synergy, get rid of overlap and overhead. One example is the planned reorganisation of flight services and training organisations, 
Finally, KLM will explore options for outsourcing, divesting or discontinuing activities that do not directly contribute to flight operations. 

"The measures we are announcing today contribute to increasing our revenues and lowering our costs. This will strengthen our cash position and improve our financial management. This will enable us to realise the planned billion-dollar investments in fleet renewal and customer experience improvement. In the coming years, KLM will replace older aircraft with a quieter, cleaner and more fuel-efficient fleet. In doing so, we will also meet the agreements with the government and reduce noise pollution for Schiphol’s local residents."

Bas Brouns, Chief Financial Officer KLM


A key phrase in KLM's published measures that is causing concern among the carrier's workforce is the threat of outsourcing all jobs not relating to flight operations.  They believe this will lead to more than 1000 job losses in The Netherlands. The company already is expecting staff to work longer and harder for no extra money, say some in the head office, as productivity improvements and targets are set. 

The airline is looking at making more money from ancillary product sales, one of the ways the airline is expected to do this is by ditching all free food and drink for economy passengers and introducing a pay-to-eat menu. Adopting a more low-cost-carrier approach to economy class will raise part of the required amount the group is chasing. 
