06 September, 2024

Removal of Swedish ticket tax is good news for consumers and aviation decarbonisation

The Swedish government’s decision to abolish its airline ticket tax from June 2025 is a win for both consumers and the decarbonisation of aviation. A4E welcomes this move, acknowledging the Swedish government’s recognition that the tax undermined the competitiveness and connectivity of Swedish aviation. The tax did little to advance decarbonisation; it was a blunt instrument that ignored factors like aircraft fuel efficiency, passenger numbers, and load factor, offering no incentives to improve environmental performance. The revenues from the tax were also not reinvested in the decarbonisation of aviation. Instead, it increased costs for consumers and weakened the competitiveness of Swedish aviation.

Ourania Georgoutsakou, Managing Director of A4E, said, “Too often, governments impose additional taxes on aviation that do little to advance decarbonisation, fragment the European single aviation market, and weaken Europe’s aviation competitiveness. The Swedish government deserves praise for recognising this and taking a step that will boost Swedish aviation and enhance Sweden’s competitiveness. Only by ensuring we have a strong and competitive airline industry in Europe can we accelerate the sector’s transition to a more sustainable future.”
