
16 September, 2024

OX1 Plant Achieves 40% Higher Conversion


OXCCU’s OX1 plant, the world’s first demonstration of the direct conversion of CO2 and H2 into deoxygenated long-chain hydrocarbons, is now fully operational. Since going live in September, OX1 has consistently produced liquid fuel (OXEFUEL™), and OXCCU is now ready to supply its first customers.  The plant's performance has exceeded expectations, marking a significant milestone in OXCCU's journey to develop the world’s lowest-cost PtL pathway.

OXCCU’s Co-Founder and CEO, Andrew Symes has provided a comment that can be used for any upcoming article narratives:  "Our OX1 plant, the world’s first demonstration of the direct conversion of CO2 and H2 into deoxygenated long-chain hydrocarbons, is now live. CO2 and H2 in, liquid fuel out—this low-cost, single-step method makes achieving SAF targets possible. Since going live in September, OX1 has been consistently producing liquid fuel for more than a week, and we're now ready to supply our first customers. The results have exceeded expectations, with conversion increasing by over 40% and a significantly higher SAF selectivity than anticipated.

In May 2023, we committed to delivering OX1, a 1,000-times scale-up from the lab, and it’s now operating as planned at Oxford Airport, thanks to the incredible efforts of the OXCCU team. We are passionate about developing the world's lowest-cost PtL pathway, and the next step is OX2 in Saltend, Humber, where we will further scale this world-leading Oxford University IP. Our focus is on reducing e-fuel costs and helping the UK meet its SAF targets, with rapid scale-up from demo to commercial scale being fully achievable with this technology.

The SAF mandate, passed into law this week alongside the Refuel EU mandates, sets serious targets for the industry. PtL SAF will play a crucial role in meeting these targets. Greg Smith MP discussed this in parliament this week, referencing OXCCU's contribution to the sector. However, the primary challenge for PtL SAF remains cost, and OXCCU is tackling this directly with our one-step process.

As momentum in the e-fuels industry grows, so do expectations. Infinium's recent $1.1bn funding announcement demonstrates this. At OXCCU, we remain focused on scaling our patented one-step pathway, which is key to reducing the cost of PtL SAF and hitting the SAF mandates."