26 September, 2024

Cabin pressure issue forces Delta plane to divert as passengers bleed from their ears....

A Delta aircraft operating flight Flight 1203 from Salt Lake City to Portland on Sunday was forced to return to the airport after passengers reported nosebleeds and burst eardrums, believed to be caused by a pressure issue. 

Local media have reported at least 10 passengers needed medical treatment after they were left with blood coming from their noses and ears. One passenger said she felt her ear drum burst, she then grabbed her ear and saw blood. Another passenger reported nosebleeds and ear issues.

The aircraft was tracked on the premier aviation site, flightradar24, that showed it returning to Salt Lake City. 

The carrier confirmed there had been an incident with the Boeing 737-900ER, in a statement it said "We sincerely apologize to our customers for their experience on flight 1203 on Sept. 15. The flight crew followed procedures to return to SLC where our teams on the ground supported our customers with their immediate needs.

Medical personnel met the flight at the gate and identified 10 individuals as needing evaluation or treatment.

Delta offered to cover transportation for these customers to medical facilities.

Delta technicians worked the pressurization issue on the aircraft successfully. It was taken out of service on the morning of Sept. 15 and went back into service on Sept. 16"

The exact cause of the problem has not been disclosed, however, the FAA has launched an investigation into the incident. 

