
28 August, 2024

Iberia increases capacity to the Dominican Republic by more than 20% for the winter season

Iberia defined its schedule for the next winter season on the route with the Dominican Republic, which will register a significant growth in its capacity between Madrid and Santo Domingo.

In this period, which runs from the end of October 2024 to March next year, Iberia will progressively increase its flights to 8 weekly frequencies in November, 10 in December and 11 in January. In February and March it will also have 10 weekly frequencies.

This will mean an increase in the total capacity of seats that Iberia will have on this route. In the winter season alone in Europe, there will be almost 125,000 seats connecting Europe with the Caribbean island, which represents a growth of more than 20% compared to last year and 50% compared to the figures before the pandemic, in 2019.

In fact, Iberia also presents an advance in the total capacity it has deployed during 2024 as a whole, with around 230,000 seats available between Europe and the Dominican Republic in the year. This is an increase of 11% compared to last year and a figure similar to that before the pandemic.

More capacity with the Premium Economy cabin

Beyond the general increase in seat capacity between Spain and the Dominican Republic, another novelty during the upcoming winter season is that it will introduce to a greater extent on this route the use of the A330-300, a state-of-the-art aircraft that offers a reduction of around 15% in fuel consumption compared to its predecessors.

The main change it generates with respect to the A330-200 with which this route is commonly operated is that it has more seats and offers customers in the Dominican Republic the Premium Economy seats, a totally differentiated cabin that, for a small difference in price, has wider and more comfortable seats, larger screens, more recline and legroom capacity and a differentiated onboard experience. with another menu served on tableware, among other aspects.

Iberia will operate the route between Madrid and Santo Domingo up to five times a week with the A330-300.
