21 August, 2024

Airside place to pray has opened at East Midlands Airport.......

A new multi-faith room has been opened in East Midlands Airport’s departure lounge, providing a space for customers and staff for prayer and quiet reflection.

It is the first such facility in the ‘airside’ part of the airport terminal beyond security checks – joining an existing prayer room located in the ‘landside’ check-in hall.

The new multi-faith room opens as the chaplaincy team based at EMA marks its 25th anniversary of providing support for staff and passengers of all faiths or none. Located upstairs in the departure lounge, it adds to other improvements in this part of the airport, including a refurbished Castle Rock Bar and Kitchen and new toilet and baby changing facilities.

Like the existing room in the check-in hall, the new room can be divided, enabling two groups to use it at the same time if necessary, as well as containing wash facilities for those who use water in their religious practices.  A variety of helpful religious material is also available.

The airport chaplains will oversee both facilities ensuring that they are cared for and used appropriately. The chaplaincy team is on hand to provide support, friendly advice, practical help, a listening ear and prayers for customers and staff. They take part in special events such as marking religious festivals and Remembrance Day, as well as supporting charities at home and abroad.

Members of the team took part in an opening event on Monday 19 August, involving prayers, speeches and readings and placing of candles.

Senior Chaplain Rev Roy Monks said: “East Midlands Airport has always been a place where faiths of all kinds have been able to work together and this new room will help to solidify those friendships and provide a space of solace for all.

“It comes at a time when events in the country show us the importance of mutual respect for each other’s differences and remind us that all faiths share values of love and tolerance which will triumph over hatred and violence.”

EMA’s Managing Director Steve Griffiths said: “We’re really proud of our chaplaincy team who have been providing a caring support service at the airport for 25 years. The existing prayer room provides a calm refuge for anyone who may be struggling in some way while at the airport.

“The new multi faith room will provide the same amenity for customers and colleagues in the airside part of the terminal. It is another example of our investment in facilities which improve the experience for people at the airport.”

