15 July, 2024

easyJet and UNICEF launch summer collection to help get every child in school and access learning

‘Every Child Can Fly’ campaign is now live onboard easyJet flights to support UNICEF’s aim of achieving quality education for all children by 2030.

Over 29 million customers flying with easyJet across more than 190,000 flights over the summer have the opportunity to help raise vital funds through onboard collections

easyJet customers and crew have raised nearly £17 million since the beginning of their partnership.

easyJet and UNICEF have launched their ‘Every Child Can Fly’ summer onboard collection, to support UNICEF’s goal of ensuring that every child can access learning, including in emergencies.

From today, over 29 million customers set to fly with easyJet this summer can donate through cabin crew collections onboard more than 190,000 flights across 33 countries, and help raise vital funds to help change millions of children’s lives.

An estimated 226 million children worldwide are currently unable to access a quality education, due to conflicts and emergencies. Funds raised through the onboard collections will contribute to UNICEF's target of providing access to learning opportunities and digital education for millions of children around the world. 

easyJet customers’ donations could help UNICEF purchase over 2,000 tents to create safe learning spaces or provide more than 20,000 school-in-a-box kits to help at least 830,000 children continue their education during emergencies and conflicts. This includes children like 10-year-old Mohammad Salem from Abyan in Yemen, who says: "Even though the school is without electricity, I go to school because I learn something new every day. They distributed bags, pens, and colouring pencils for us to draw with,” said Mohammad, adding that these utensils will help realise his dream in the future. “Someday, I will be a pilot,” he said.

Michael Brown, Director of Cabin Services, commented:  “We’re incredibly proud to be launching our ‘Every Child Can Fly’ summer collection onboard today, meaning millions of customers flying with us this summer will have the opportunity to help UNICEF continue making a real difference to children and their families around the world by helping ensure every child has access to a quality education. 

This is of course all made possible by our fantastic crew who are passionate and dedicated in raising money for UNICEF and we are incredibly grateful to all of our customers who have already donated for their kindness and generosity.”

Mohini Raichura-Brown, Chief Partnerships Officer at the UK National Committee for UNICEF (UNICEF UK) said:  “This summer, easyJet customers have a unique opportunity to help UNICEF tackle the global learning crisis. With 226 million children worldwide unable to access quality education due to conflicts and emergencies, the need has never been greater. Today, more than ever, children and their futures must be protected. 

Over the past 12 years, easyJet has supported UNICEF to reach millions of children and families with life-saving support and quality learning opportunities. A massive thank you to all easyJet employees and customers for their incredible support.”

Since 2012, easyJet crew and customers have helped raise nearly £17 million for UNICEF, enabling them to reach millions of children and families worldwide as they tackle issues like polio, COVID-19, and access to quality education, especially in emergencies.

