
04 June, 2024

RAF Appoints New Provost Marshal

Group Captain Samantha Bunn has been appointed as the new Provost Marshal (RAF) and Commander of the Air Security Force.

As Provost Marshal (RAF) Group Captain Bunn will be Chief of the RAF Police and is responsible to the Chief of the Air Staff and the Air Force Main Board for police investigations and the exercise of police authority. The RAF Police plays a central role in maintaining the security and resilience of the RAF by providing a unique blend of Law Enforcement, Counter Intelligence, Protective Security, which includes Military Working Dogs and, Aviation Security. Our Regular and Reserve military personnel, our civil servants and our contractors work continuously to protect, secure and enable the RAF to carry out successful Air and Space operations in the United Kingdom and across the world.

Group Captain Samantha Bunn said: “My appointment as the Provost Marshal (RAF) and Commander of the Air Security Force is the greatest honour for a member of the RAF Police fraternity. To lead the exceptional personnel of the RAF Police, MPGS, Civil Servants and Reservists within the Air Security Force is something I am incredibly proud of and look forward to the next 2 years where we will continue to enable Air and Space commands in the delivery of operations at home and across the globe."

Group Captain Bunn joined the Royal Auxiliary Air Force Regiment in 1995 prior to entering Regular service in 1998 as a Weapons Technician. Commissioning as a Provost Officer in 2003 she has served in a variety of appointments in the UK and Overseas. As a Special Investigations Branch Officer, she contributed to several high-profile investigations nationally and globally including the Peer Case Review which contributed to the Haddon-Cave Report. More recently, she commanded Number 2 RAF Police and Security Wing where she aligned the Wing to secure and protect 5th generation capabilities.