
24 June, 2024

Air Canada takes 5 categories at the 2024 Skytrax World Airline Awards

Air Canada has been recognized with five awards at the 2024 Skytrax World Airline Awards, including for having the world's Best Business Class Airline Lounge Catering and also the Best Cabin Crew in Canada. The carrier was also named the Most Family Friendly Airline in North America, Best Premium Economy Class Onboard Catering in North America, and Cleanest Airline in North America.

"We are very pleased with the results of this year's Skytrax World Airline Awards due to the number of awards we won and also because they recognize Air Canada's industry leadership in delivering superior products and service across our diverse customer base. This includes our premium customers, to whom we offer the world's Best Business Class Airline Lounge Catering at our Toronto Air Canada Signature Suite and the Best Premium Economy Class catering in North America; families travelling together, who can enjoy the Most Family Friendly Airline in North America; and all customers who are served by the Best Cabin Crew in Canada while flying on the Cleanest Airline in North America," said Michael Rousseau, President and Chief Executive of Air Canada.

"These awards also recognize the dedication, professionalism and hard work of our 40,000 employees worldwide who safely transport our customers to their destinations, and for truly representing what is the best of Canada. I am particularly pleased to see the work of our flight attendants and our cabin services operations teams being recognized. And to our customers, I thank them for their loyalty to Air Canada and for expressing their support by taking part in the 2024 Skytrax awards survey, which had more than 20 million submissions globally."

  • World's Best Business Class Airline Lounge Catering for the Toronto Air Canada Signature Suite
  • Best Cabin Crew in Canada
  • Most Family Friendly Airline in North America
  • Best Premium Economy Class Onboard Catering in North America
  • Cleanest Airline in North America


The World Airline Awards are wholly independent and impartial, introduced in 1999 to provide a customer satisfaction study that is truly global. Travellers across the world vote in the largest airline passenger satisfaction survey to determine the award winners. The awards are referred to by media around the world as "the Oscars of the aviation industry". All costs of the Survey and Awards event are paid by Skytrax, and airlines do not pay any entry or registration fee. There are no charges for use of the Award logos and results. The online customer survey operated from September 2023 to May 2024, together with invitations sent to previous year respondents in the survey database. Over 100 customer nationalities participated in the 2023/2024 survey with 21.42 million eligible entries counted in the results.