06 June, 2024

Aberdeen and Glasgow airport workers reject pay offer and head for strike action...

Approximately 300 airport workers based in Glasgow and Aberdeen have rejected the latest pay offer and are looking to the possibility of strike action this summer. 

The ICTS Central Search workers at Aberdeen and Glasgow airports have rejected a basic pay increase of four per cent backdated to January 2024, plus a £500 one-off payment. Therefore, the union Unite has confirmed that it now has “no option” but to move towards initiating industrial action ballots ahead of the summer holiday rush.

Unite general secretary Sharon Graham said: “Workers at Aberdeen and Glasgow airports have emphatically rejected ICTS’ miserable pay offer. The company is extremely profitable, and it can easily afford to make a far better offer to our members.  Unite will fully back our ICTS Central Search members in their fight for better jobs, pay and conditions.”

ICTS Central Search employs around 220 workers at Glasgow Airport and around 100 workers at Aberdeen Airport. The workers deal with passengers directly in the security search areas and process them for flights. The workers also cover mobile patrols, control access posts, screen all deliveries and deal with emergency services.

A spokesperson for ICTS Central Search stated: "Generous pay proposals have been tabled that would give staff a minimum of 4% increase as well as a lump sum payment.  This is in addition to the 15-28% increases our staff have received over the last two years. We would like to reassure the travelling public that their security is our priority and there will be no disruptions.”

Temporary security officers in Glasgow Temporary security officers in Glasgow positions are currently advertised at earning £12.78 per hour, based on a minimum 20-hour-per-week contract. That's 78p an hour more than a comparable position at Edinburgh Airport comparable position at Edinburgh Airport.

