
13 September, 2022

Aeroflot and UAC sign agreement for purchase of 339 Russian-made aircraft

Sergey Aleksandrovsky, General Director of PJSC Aeroflot and Yury Slyusar, General Director of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC) of Rostec State Corporation, signed an agreement of intent to purchase 339 Russian aircraft at the 7th Eastern Economic Forum.

The agreement provides for the delivery of 210 MC-21 aircraft, 89 SSJ-NEW aircraft, and 40 Tu-214 aircraft to Aeroflot Group under leasing terms from 2023 to 2030. The document states that the Group will receive first two Superjet-NEW aircraft in 2023, and starting from 2024, deliveries of first six MC-21 aircraft and the first seven Tu-214 aircraft are planned.

"Today we signed the biggest agreement on the purchase of Russian-made aircraft in the recent history of Aeroflot. This is an important step that sets the stimulus and influences the future prospects for the development of civil aviation in Russia."   Sergey Aleksandrovsky said.

"Historical changes are coming to civil aviation. Boeing and Airbus aircraft, which are unlikely to ever be delivered to Russia again, will be replaced by Russian-made passenger aircraft. Out of the 339 aircraft, almost 300 are new-generation MC-21 and Superjet aircraft. Tu-214 will become a reliable support" - Sergey Chemezov, Director General of Rostec State Corporation. He also raised the point that the aircraft would be delivered with Russian-made onboard systems and components, which previously was not the case.  Key navigational and avionic systems as well as engines and other components were made in Europe and the U.S.. The airworthiness and effectiveness of Russian-made replacements have yet to be established. 

"Through Aeroflot Group, we are getting a reliable partner for entry into service of new generation Russian-made airliners. Given the unprecedented volume of the contract, its execution becomes one of UAC's top priorities for the coming years". said Yury Slyusar.