06 April, 2022

PLAY issues its 2021 report.....

In June 2021 the new Icelandic airline PLAY launched commercial flight operations and from the very start, the carrier started to build up a strong customer base.  The company is focused on building its corporate culture, organizational structure as well technological infrastructure. 

According to its latest report, the company is right on track to realize its objective of building a profitable company operating a hub-and-spoke network between Europe and North America.  During its first six months of flying, it carried more than 100,000 passengers on more than 1,000 flights. 

Considering the challenging market environment and the performance of other start-up airlines in Europe and North America, the boss of the budget carrier, Birgir Jónsson believes 2021 was very successful for the airline and a clear sign that it is on the right path.  'Our achievement is due to our team, and we are incredibly proud of every single member. What guides us toward continued success is our very strong foundation, our digital infrastructure, and an exceptional team of people. We believe in safety, simplicity, sustainability, and of course playfulness."

The long-term goal is to make PLAY a strong and 
leading brand in the markets we serve, and in our 
opinion, 2021 was a solid step in that direction.

PLAY is an Airbus A320neo Family operator. The A320 Family is the newest generation of narrowbody aircraft with lower fuel consumption and a smaller environmental and noise footprint than older generation aircraft. The A320 Family has size and range flexibility, allowing PLAY to reach small and larger markets close by and far away, so it perfectly fits PLAY’s network.

In December, PLAY opened a new office in Vilnius, Lithuania. Whilst the airline's headquarters and the current flight operations remain in Iceland, including all flight crew and cabin crew. The Vilnius office hosts various support and technical functions and will have up to 20 employees by the end of 2022. The new office location will expand access to a larger talent pool of specialists in digital development, marketing, finance and customer service. The Vilnius office also allows PLAY to develop a more international company culture and create relationships with new suppliers, service providers and in future the office will handle all reservations and customer service operations for the airline, where costs and wages are a fraction of what it costs in Iceland.  

PLAY’s fleet consists of the Airbus A320neo family aircraft, which includes the A319, A320 and A321. All these types are narrowbody aircraft.
The A320neo family, are one of the most successful aircraft ever produced, with passenger seating ranging from 140 to 244 seats and a flight range of up to 7,400 km. Operating a single family of aircraft provides multiple operational and cost advantages: 

• All aircraft in the A320neo family are very similar.  PLAY’s flight and cabin crew only need to learn to operate one to be able to operate them all. A fleet that provides crew commonality enables us to stick to our core value of simplicity.

• Lower maintenance cost due to the similarities within the family and because all aircraft are equipped with the same engine type.

• The new engines in the Airbus A320neo family have nearly 50% less noise footprint. Fuel-Efficient Fleet – the Airbus A320neo family has the newest engine technology. That means fuel consumption per block hour is 15-25% lower than older generation aircraft. The low-cost business model with high seat density, high seat factor, and investment in the latest aircraft technology will help to minimize our the operation's environmental impact, and enables a low emission rate measured in carbon emissions per passenger-km

Read the full report......

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