31 March, 2022

Emirates will continue to service and support Russia until its told not to...

Emirates Airlines will continue to support the Russian Authorities and operate flights to Russia until it is told not to, the President of the carrier said this week. 

Tim Clark said during the World Government Summit in Dubai "The ownership has not directed us to do otherwise and so long as we are not told to operate to Russia we will continue to do so."

Clark also claimed the airline was flying humanitarian aid, NGO workers, diplomats in and out of Russia, "A lot of the developing world, which is not part of the sanctions regime need to deal with Russia in their own way, so all we are doing is being an enabler facilitator,"  The airline has not put a block on members of the Russian Government or Russian military personnel from travelling on its flights, nor has it put any additional restrictions on belly cargo being carried on its flights to Russia. 

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