
29 October, 2021

Air Canada to Support the Development of Sustainable Fuel and Decarbonization Technology through a new Industry Group

Air Canada has announced it is a founding member of, and the first Canadian carrier to join, the Aviation Climate Taskforce (ACT), formed to tackle the challenge of rising CO2 emissions from commercial aviation. The new, non-profit organization, made up of ten global airlines and the Boston Consulting Group, was established to accelerate research and advance innovation related to emerging decarbonization technologies, including through the development of sustainable aviation fuels.

"Air Canada is highly focused on its environmental performance and has committed to reduce its footprint further by setting a target of net zero emissions by 2050. Combatting global warming requires a global response, and we are pleased to be the first Canadian airline to join the Aviation Climate Taskforce. As a founding member, we will work with other global carriers and invest in emerging technologies to advance the decarbonization of our sector and build a long-term, sustainable aviation industry," said Michael Rousseau, President and Chief Executive Officer at Air Canada.

As part of its climate targets to reach a goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions throughout its global operations by 2050, Air Canada has committed to invest up to $50 million in alternative fuels and carbon reductions, a portion of which will be invested through ACT. 

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