23 June, 2021

UK travel industry protests take place in key locations.

It is rare that the UK travel industry is coordinated or even attempts to work together, however, things were different today as various spokespeople and staff consulted and conspired to take part in organised demonstrations in key locations.

In a show of strength, people from various travel companies, airlines and airports protested against the UK governments stance on travel. Campaigned for more countries being added to the UK's green list of safe destinations, demanded more money for the industry.

The day of action had the backing of many in the industry, including the Association of British Travel Agents, ABTA - its chief executive Mark Tanzer telling the BBC: "The industry is going to need support to get through these critical months, particularly the summer season which is where most of the cash would normally come in."

Gay Labour MP Ben Bradshaw even spoke to a leading travel publication saying the UK population was incarcerated and living in a prison. Speaking to TTG editor Sophie Griffiths outside parliament in London, Bradshaw said “It is now pursuing a totally non-evidence approach to travel. While Europe is opening and Europeans are free to travel, and America has opened up and Americans are free to travel, we are still incarcerated in Boris Johnson’s prison island.”

Both didn't wear masks and were clearly within 1.5 - 2 metres distance, thereby putting themselves and others at risk during the 3-minute interview. Leading some to call condemn the political stunt and raise it as more lies from the labour party who stand accused of playing politics with peoples lives. Bradshaw's comments are also completely false as the UK isn't a prison,  the population are not locked up and are indeed free to travel to almost all nations in the world. However, they just might have to take tests and go into 10-day isolation or quarantine period upon their return to the UK.

Virgin staff, usually forbidden to make political statements whilst in uniform were in London, happy to pose for photos, with or without masks and complaining about the lack of flights and money, despite getting furlough pay.

The government stuck to its line that it follows science and Grant Shapps, The Transport Secretary said he was  "massively concerned... which is why we've provided £7bn of support just for the aviation sector alone".

A change to the green list of countries is expected tomorrow, based on data already collected and following advice from various public health panels.  The government is understood to be ready to relax some restrictions for those who have had both doses of the vaccine. 

Whilst I agree there should be a more balanced and logical approach to which countries would and should be on the green list, with perhaps more transparency into the methodology. I also agree it should be easier to have tests in the resort and upon arrival back in the UK at a more reasonable cost. Plus I feel it would be greatly beneficial to have a single and globally trusted and recognised travel app confirming a persons vaccine status and test results. 

I also feel it doesn't really make sense for those with both vaccine doses to be exempt from quarantine, as they can still contract and pass on the virus, yet with two negative tests, such isolation times should be reduced to five days. 

Like most industries in the UK, the aviation industry has been artificially kept alive, albeit in semi-hibernation, by the rates reductions, government-backed loans, generous furlough scheme and other such support, so it is hard to see what more they should get or indeed deserve. Most in the travel industry have benefited from the furlough scheme and I'm sure there are many in the caring professions, civil service, emergency services that have had to carry on working day in and day out during the pandemic would have loved to have had even a fraction of the time others have been paid to stay at home.

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