21 May, 2021

“Mon engagement citoyen”, the new solidarity movement for Air France staff

In 2021, Air France is continuing to promote staff commitment to solidarity. A vast movement dedicated to this approach was launched at the end of April, called “Mon engagement citoyen” (my civic commitment). Adapted to the health crisis and the current context, it allows staff to take on volunteer assignments throughout the year for the benefit of Air France partner associations that support social or environmental causes. This commitment offers everyone the opportunity to use their part-time working hours to get involved in solidarity actions outside their working hours.

To implement “mon engagement citoyen”, Air France has entered into a partnership with the social impact start-up “Vendredi”. Its corporate civic commitment platform puts company employees in touch with a network of over 1,000 associations. On this platform, in a section dedicated to Air France, assignments will be offered throughout the year for the benefit of partner associations, based on the 6 fields of action dear to the company and its Foundation: Children, Education - Training - Employment, Disability - Health, Fight against poverty and insecurity, Intergenerational sharing and the Environment.

Close to 160 solidarity actions are already available, either in person, in respect of the basic hygiene rules, or remotely, in and around Paris and in the French regions, with for example:

Leading online activities for sick children with the association “L’Envol”;
 Coaching young people in civic service with “Unis-Cité”;
 Accompanying scientists in the analysis of biodiversity at airports with “Aéro Biodiversité”;
Becoming a mentor for young people entering the world of work with “NQT”;
Creating content (articles, white papers) on agro ecology with “Fermes d’avenir”;
Taking part in the Race of Heroes with Handicap International;
Fighting the digital divide with “Apprentis d’Auteuil”;
Helping a vulnerable young person to reveal their potential with “Parrains par mille”;
Conducting mock interviews with young people with “Sport dans la ville”.
“I am delighted with the partnership with Vendredi, which will make it easier for our staff to get in touch with associations looking for volunteers for assignments that are close to our hearts, in terms of solidarity action and the preservation of our planet. I would like to thank all the Air France employees who I am sure will want to contribute with energy and passion to taking action in line with our values of solidarity,” said Air France CEO, Anne Rigail.

Since its launch, more than 1,800 Air France employees have already signed up on the platform, with 141 registrations scheduled.

With “mon engagement citoyen”, Air France is following up on its “citizen solidarity days” which were a great success over the past three years. These have already enabled the company’s employees to take part in solidarity actions by contributing during their working hours to associations whose values Air France shares.

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