
09 November, 2020

UK Civil Aviation Authority launches UK General Aviation opportunities after leaving EASA consultation

In preparation for the end of the EU transition period, the CAA has launched UK General Aviation opportunities after leaving EASA
a consultation:

The UK Civil Aviation Authority's General Aviation Unit (GAU) is dedicated to effective regulation that supports and encourages the UK's dynamic GA sector. In preparation for the end of the EU transition period, the CAA has launched UK General Aviation opportunities after leaving EASA - a consultation: This consultation is an opportunity for you to help achieve our ambition of making the UK the best place for general aviation and we would therefore like to understand:
how we can help the GA community (and its associated businesses and industries) to flourish after leaving EASA, and to identify its specific priorities;
how we can engage with and work more efficiently, constructively and collaboratively with the GA communities in delivering our objectives;
the priorities of those who are not part of the GA community when considering the future of General Aviation in the UK.*
Your views will help to develop the direction of future regulation and shape how we work more effectively together with the UK GA community. They will also help guide the CAA's work, helping determine our priority projects for the 2021 GA Change Programme. 

The CAA is inviting all members of the UK GA sector to contribute to this consultation and share their views. The consultation will close on 18 December 2020. 

Link to consultation:

*In this consultation we are not seeking views on: 
technical or operational concepts about how aircraft may fly
aspects of airspace design (this is being reviewed separately)
areas outside of our responsibility e.g. VAT on fuel, VAT on training.


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