
02 August, 2020

Iberia reflects on new in flight safety precautions

Commercial aviation has certainly changed significantly as a result of the pandemic that has seized the world since this past spring, and Iberia has been changing with it; not only are we carrying passengers, but we’ve also undertaken a number of initiatives such as the opening of a special route with China for the transfer of medical supplies; the donation of thousands of items to hospitals; and the conduct of some 30 repatriation flights to get more than 8,000 people back home.

In addition, we’ve restarted our summer route schedule with a robust series of prevention and hygiene measures designed by Spanish and European aviation authorities to safeguard your health and wellbeing when you fly with us, whilst providing as pleasant a flying experience as possible, in addition to those already in place since the beginning of the pandemic.  These measure apply to every aspect of your trip, from even before you arrive at your depature airport to arrival at your destination.


It goes without saying that the mask requirement holds once on board, as well, with the exception of eating and drinking, and that it must be changed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. 

We have reinforced and enhanced our hygiene protocols even further, increasing the frequency of cleaning as well as using products specially indicated as effective against the coronavirus, particularly with regards to all surfaces, washrooms, and crew areas. Cabin air is renewed every three minutes, and our aircraft are equipped with HEPA filters which eliminate 99.99 percent of all airborne viruses and bacteria.

In addition, inflight service has been simplified; for example we have switched over to single-use utensils for meal service, and the availability of special meals has been temporarily suspended (be assured that we are working to restart it as soon as possible). Inflight sales of duty-free items have also been suspended, and we have discontinued all paper magazines and newspapers (instead, we encourage you to take advantage of our selection of digital publications, accessed via our seat-back entertainment system)

Passengers are offered moist desinfectant wipes – upon boarding as well as before each meal service on flights of more than four hours and 30 minutes – as well as individual bags for disposal of used face masks. On long-haul flights, amenities will continue to include sterilised blankets and pillows in hygienically sealed packages; on short- and medium-haul routes, however, these have been discontinued.

In addition to being outfitted with PPE, our cabin crews have received special training in prevention protocols developed by public-health authorities, as well as in how to spot any passengers who may be presenting COVID-19 symptoms.

More details at Ibera. 

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