
03 July, 2020

Delta Customer Experience Specialist went above and beyond to make a customer and his family feel comfortable with mask wearing requirements.

When Delta 360 member Jay G. called to make a reservation change in the midst of the pandemic, Sarah Wright, Customer Experience Specialist at the 360 Desk – Salt Lake City, went above and beyond to make his family feel comfortable with the mask-wearing requirements.

“I explained that my son, Crew, has special needs and is very nervous about surgical masks because of his many surgeries over the years,” said Jay G. “She helped me understand that there are options in regard to mask design, so I asked if she had ever seen any with Elmo on them as he is my son’s favourite. She wasn’t sure, but gave me some guidance on where to look.”

Sarah, who has been with Delta for 10 years, had been making and selling masks in her personal time – as they had been difficult to find. Once hearing Jay G.’s concerns, she decided to go the extra mile by sending him and his family handmade masks.

“Our 360 members are like family to us. We get to develop a relationship with them over the course of many years, and they tell us what’s going on in their life,” said Sarah. “Sometimes it really hits you in the guts. It just came from just wanting to do something kind for someone else.”

Following the call, Sarah got to work to receive approval from managers, purchase materials, and sew the masks. About a week later, Jay G. received a special package in the mail containing a note and masks for their family – including an Elmo one for Crew.

“I was floored that she 1) actually made and sent them to us and 2) remembered my son’s name and how important Elmo was to him,” said Jay G. in a note to customer care. “I could go on and on, but I wanted to take a few minutes and make sure that you know the value that Sarah brings to people as well as to a total stranger on the phone. I’m very blessed to have met her."

Even in uncertain times, Delta people continue to make a difference in customers’ lives by remaining kind, truly listening and caring, and prioritizing safety. All of the cleaning checklists and processes in the world wouldn’t matter without the dedication of Delta people – who are the Delta Difference.

“Sarah’s above-and-beyond generosity reminds us that kindness does matter,” said Tori Forbes-Roberts, Senior Vice President – Reservations Sales and Customer Care. “This connection with our customers is what makes our specialists the best in the industry and I am proud to be a part of Sarah’s team.”    

“I wholeheartedly believe that everyone at Delta comes from a place of wanting to help others,” said Sarah. “I’ve never met anyone that doesn’t want to make the world better or help customers to the best of their ability. It’s just the type of character that all Delta people have.”

Delta 360 is an invitation-only program for a small group of the most elite Diamond Medallion Members. The program offers an exclusive suite of benefits and services even beyond Diamond Medallion Status.

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