18 July, 2020

CheapOair Offers Insight into Having a Safe Theme Park Experience

Theme parks and attractions are reopening across the country and CheapOair, the travel experience experts, has a few tips to help travellers have an experience that's not only magical but also safe.

"We're very happy to be seeing the extensive safety measures many of our favourite theme parks are taking as they welcome their guests back. With everything from temperature checks, increased cleanings, and a wide variety of hygienic supplies readily available to customers, anyone ready to explore theme parks should take comfort in the steps being taken," remarked Sam S. Jain, Founder and CEO of Fareportal.

Masks are Essential

Cloth masks are key. According to the CDC, they're the most effective safety tool for guests in the moments where social distancing may be difficult. A cloth face mask will keep others from spreading any germs they may unknowingly be carrying, and full compliance greatly reduces the risk of spreading. Fortunately, if guests forget masks, the bigger theme parks (and several smaller ones) have complimentary ones on hand or for purchase.

It is important to note that masks are strongly not recommended for anyone under the age of two so it may be safer for guests to leave the littlest members of their families at home.

"The safest way to enjoy any theme park is by wearing a mask. You're doing your part to keep fellow guests healthy and minimize any potential spreading that comes with a lot of people in a contained area," added Thomas Spagnola, Vice President of Supplier Relations at Fareportal.

Hand Sanitizer is Your Friend

The CDC recommends using hand sanitizer any time an interaction is made with someone outside your own party or with a foreign surface. While most parks will certainly have sanitizing stations at most entry points, concession stands, bathrooms, and attractions, it's wise to have your own sanitizer handy at all times. Any sanitizer used should also contain at least 60% percent alcohol to be effective in killing germs.

Take Advantage of Virtual Lines and Contactless Payments

The less shared surfaces and touchpoints, the better. Several theme parks, including the Happiest Place on Earth, are allowing visitors to digitally reserve ride times to reduce the amount of time guests need to physically wait on lines where it is usually more challenging to keep six feet of distance. Additionally, contactless payment options are also extremely helpful for customers wanting to buy food, drink, or merchandise.

CheapOair is an online travel agency that specializes in providing cheap flights and great last-minute flight deals for travellers worldwide. Part of Fareportal's family of travel brands, CheapOair bridges the gap between an online travel agency and a traditional agency with certified travel agents available to help find discount flight tickets to global destinations on over 600 airlines, a million hotels, and 100s of car rental companies. 

COVID-19 is Changing Travel and CheapOair has Insight on What to Expect in the Future

As the world of travel is heavily affected by COVID-19, CheapOair has identified several trends in changing consumer behaviour.

"There's no question that the travel industry has had to realign itself at lightning speed these past few months. We are seeing new patterns in customer habits that are reflective of how society has been changed by COVID-19," remarked Sam S. Jain, Founder and CEO of Fareportal.

One of the clearest illustrations of COVID-19's effect on consumer travel is the age of those choosing to take flight during a pandemic. According to CheapOair's data, bookings for individuals 18-24 years old have risen 29% since March while there has been a 27% decrease in the amount of people over the age of 65 planning air travel.

Interestingly, there has also been an uptick in solo travellers, with an 8% increase of people opting to fly alone as compared to the totals of pre-COVID-19 travel data.

"It's clear that anyone who is perceived to be more 'at risk' is erring on the side of caution. We want to see the travel industry invigorated but what's most important is that we all take strides to ensure that passenger health and safety is the number one priority," continued Jain.

With the cost of a domestic airline ticket down an average of $66, more people may be tempted to travel as they adjust to the world amid a pandemic, and airlines are making many adjustments to maximize passenger safety.

"Most airlines have implemented precautionary measures which will increase consumer confidence.  We observe airlines are increasing capacity, which is a signal of growing consumer demand.  We believe leisure travel will rebound more quickly than business, as customers take advantage of lower prices and better deals for travel, and we are anticipating an ongoing increase in the number of people travelling in 2021," said Jain.

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