
28 June, 2020

British Airways continues its race to the bottom according to the Sun

The UK's British Airways continues to be a national disgrace, according to politicians who have greeted the report published in The Sun on Sunday, that the flag carrier has sacked 350 pilots, with only 300 put forward to be to a possible selection for rehiring on lower wages and weaker terms and conditions.

The Sun on Sunday has reported that captains and first officers placed in the pool of potential rehirees don't have aircraft to fly yet and will only get half-pay, whilst those that do get rehired will be forced to accept a 15% pay drop.

According to the newspaper, the majority of pilots being ‘pooled’ are from the Boeing 747 fleet which is being phased out currently, predominantly first officers. Whilst others are understood to come from the A380 fleet, which according to staff at Waterside is set to be reduced from 12 to 9 aircraft, however, this has yet to be confirmed. 

The newspaper also reported that the pilots union BALPA had already done a deal with the airline over the proposal,  however, BALPA flatly refutes the claim, saying "Today’s report in The Sun that BALPA has done a deal with BA is false. Talks are continuing. We made that clear to newspaper."

The airline is already under fire for its treatment of cabin crew, who can expect, on average a 20% pay cut if they are to continue to work for the carrier.    According to a report in the Evening Standard, Amy James, head of inflight customer experience at BA, sent an email to all those on the "legacy fleets" working the European and Worldwide route network to detail a "pay protection proposal". The paper says the plan is to effectively merge all cabin crew into one new unit. "Our proposal would guarantee that if you secure a corresponding role in our new team, we will safeguard your basic pay at at least 80% of your current rate." the email reads.

"This pay protection proposal provides a 'soft landing' into a new aviation industry that's very different to what any of us have known in the past, and enables you to adjust to the changes we need to make if we are to compete effectively and be fit for a different future."

A British Airways spokesperson said "We are acting now to protect as many jobs as possible. The airline is facing the deepest structural change in its history, as well as facing a severely weakened global economy. We call on Unite and GMB to consult with us on our proposals as our pilot union Balpa is doing."

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