
15 May, 2020

Long Island MacArthur Airport Becomes the First Airport to Implement CASPR’s Disinfection Technology

Long Island MacArthur Airport recently became the first airport in the world to install continuous pathogen reduction technology to reduce viruses and other microbes in the air and on surfaces.

The airport installed multiple CASPR Mobile units on May 7 at ticketing counters, security checkpoints, gate areas and baggage claims. This will provide continuous pathogen reduction in every key area of the airport in an effort to protect the 1.6 million passengers it serves each year.

‘’As a result of the heightened health concern in this present environment, we are taking the necessary steps based on science and fact to ensure our travelling public’s health and safety through the use of this air purifying technology,” said Town of Islip Supervisor Angie Carpenter.

While most cleaning solutions in the aviation industry focus on episodic treatment with ultraviolet (UV) light or chemicals, CASPR’s technology offers a continuous reduction of viruses and bacteria in a way that is safe for use in occupied spaces, and with no need to modify existing custodial processes.

The CASPR Mobile unit uses a natural catalytic converter process to extract oxygen and moisture from ambient air and then produce and deliver trace levels of hydrogen peroxide to indoor spaces.

Once in the air — at levels deemed by OSHA to be safe to people, pets, plants, and equipment — the hydrogen peroxide seeks and destroys microbes in the air and on surfaces. With a kill rate of up to 99.96%, CASPR is effective against bacteria, viruses, moulds, VOCs, odours, and more.

“As airline passengers and employees return to our airport, we are committed to providing the highest level of comfort and confidence,” said Shelley LaRose-Arken, Commissioner at Long Island MacArthur Airport.

MacArthur Airport’s evaluation team researched several pathogen reduction options including enhanced chemical methods, hydrostatic misters, ultraviolet light, and natural catalytic conversion.

“While all the methods we evaluated have proven pathogen reduction properties, almost all require additional staffing or operating costs, do not allow for continuous operation in occupied spaces, and treat surfaces but not the air. CASPR met all four criteria,” LaRose-Arken said.

“We had previously focused only on applying our technology to the medical field, which has been so hard hit as of late,” said Dr Christophe Suchy, President of CASPR Group. “But as the COVID-19 crisis continues to evolve and affect every industry, we saw a need to bring this technology to other markets, including aviation. With CASPR in place, airline passengers and airport employees can receive additional protection and reassurances that these public spaces are safer as they return to more normal levels of commercial aviation.”

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