
30 April, 2020

The Lufthansa Group become the latest airline company to require passengers to wear masks......

It was only a matter of time before European airlines followed the lead of Asian and American carriers in demanding passengers now wear masks. From Monday, 4 May all of the airlines that form the Lufthansa Group will be "asking" all passengers to wear a mouth-nose cover onboard their flights. In addition, the company recommends that passengers wear them throughout the entire journey, i.e. also before or after the flight at the airport, whenever the required minimum distance cannot be guaranteed without restriction. Despite numerous adjustments to service procedures, it is not always possible to maintain the required distance on a flight. Therefore, this measure serves as additional protection for all passengers. All flight attendants on Lufthansa Group flights in direct contact with customers will also wear a corresponding mask.

The Lufthansa Group is thus complying with the official regulations of numerous European countries in which the wearing of a mouth and nose cover is now mandatory in public places. 

All passengers are requested to bring their own mouth and nose cover. A reusable fabric mask is recommended, but all other types of coverings such as simple disposable masks or scarves are also possible. The airlines will inform their passengers in advance by SMS or e-mail and on their websites about the new regulation. 

The obligation to wear the mask will preliminarily apply until 31.08.2020.

However,  many see the "request" and "asking" as a demand from the airline as passengers will be denied boarding if they do not have a mask. Whilst others have cynically suggested the requirement of having a mask is less to do with safety. As passengers wear a mask - regardless of its effectiveness, the Lufthansa Group will relax its current regulation and no longer keep the neighbouring seat free in Economy and Premium Economy Class.  

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