
26 April, 2020

Job losses to come at Air France warns boss just hours after getting the green light on £6 billion of government aid.

Photo Air France

The boss of the Air France-KLM group, Ben Smith is has been warning of job losses to come at the airline group, just hours after being given the green light on a massive €7 billion, £6.13 billion cash injection of money from the government.

The Canadian has been quoted in the French media that voluntary redundancies are going to be part of a massive cost-cutting exercise in all areas of the French airline.  It is also being reported that costs at ‘HOP’ were not viable as things stand at the moment.

It would take the airline up to two years, maybe even a bit longer to rover from the coronavirus COVID-19 crisis and for the aviation industry as a whole to recover. 

Since 14 March 2020, Air France and Transavia have operated more than 1,800 flights from 132 airports in 82 countries, enabling the repatriation of more than 270,000 passengers, including 150,000 French nationals. In a severely deteriorated economic context and at a time when most aircraft had to leave Paris empty, Air France and Transavia have introduced special capped fares for repatriation passengers.

These repatriation operations are now coming to an end in most regions, with the exception of certain areas such as North Africa where demand remains high, despite more than 200 flights already operated.

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