
19 February, 2020

US Air Force Selects Boeing to Sustain C2 Software Platform for Air Mobility Command

Boeing's subsidiary Tapestry Solutions has secured a five-year U.S. Air Force recompete contract to sustain and modernise the Global Decision Support System, or GDSS – the principal command and control (C2) software platform that supports global Air Mobility Command (AMC) missions.

GDSS helps mobility aircrews successfully plan and execute core missions, ranging from aerial refueling to strategic airlift, while providing a common operational picture for AMC and mission partners on a fully integrated platform. This enables Mobility Air Forces to rapidly move personnel and equipment – anywhere in the world within hours – and sustain troop support or relief operations as long as needed.

“We are honoured to continue as AMC’s trusted partner on their cornerstone C2 program. We look forward to providing GDSS with additional capability to enable AMC to execute their critical mission more effectively and efficiently,” said Debbie Churchill, vice president, Mission Products and Services, Tapestry Solutions.  

Tapestry Solutions, part of Boeing Global Services, has played a key role in the development, sustainment and enhancement of GDSS since 1992. Under the sustainment contract, GDSS will migrate to a cloud-hosted, DevOps environment while delivering uninterrupted services. In addition, next-generation software applications will be integrated with GDSS, capitalizing on the benefits of agile development and service-oriented architecture.

Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading provider of commercial aeroplanes, defence, space and security systems, and global services. A top U.S. exporter, the company supports commercial and government customers in more than 150 countries. Boeing employs more than 160,000 people worldwide and leverages the talents of a global supplier base. Building on a legacy of aerospace leadership, Boeing continues to lead in technology and innovation, deliver for its customers and invest in its people and future growth.

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