
21 February, 2020

NCD Channel Sales Now Represent 20% of Iberia’s Sales in the Spanish Market

Iberia is making great strides in implementing IATA’s new standardised NDC data transmission system for its sales, and 20% of those in the Spanish market are already made via this channel, meeting IATA’s recommended target for the end of the year.

A total of some 3,600 travel agencies are now using the Iberia NDC channel, first introduced in 2017.

Lleego Travel Market and Grupo Iris are preferred partners and 100% NDC-certified

Iberia offers travel agents a variety of ways to connect to NDC and its comprehensive listing of fares.

Iberia and British Airways have just signed an agreement with the best NDC content aggregators in the Spanish market,  Lleego Travel Market and Grupo Iris, now 100% NDC certified, meaning they can both offer travel agencies all exclusive NDC content and whatever additional content or functionality the airlines may put on the channel, simultaneously.

Starting in the second quarter of 2020, the two aggregators can begin to list the corporate products of the two airlines, both of them holding 17.2 NDC certification. Both Lleego Travel Market and Grupo Iris possess date capture solutions that don’t require a passive segment in a passenger name record (PNR) thus permitting the complete integration of travel agencies’ mid- and back-office processes.

Advances in marketing with NDC

In addition, as announced in November, Iberia is expanding the exclusive content it makes available on the new channel.

Starting today Iberia’s cheapest fares –classes O and A– on more than 20 domestic routes will be available to NDC-connected agencies.

The addition of the O and A fares on these routes represent the second stage of the NDC implementation process, which began on 17 December and will continue in March with the incorporation of 150 European routes.

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