
19 February, 2020

Mid-air collision kills four in Australia.

A Mid-air collision between two light aircraft has left four people dead in Mangalore, just north of Melbourne, Australia today. 

According to local media,  the two aircraft collided at about 4000ft above sea level, before crashing to the ground in a popular area for recreational flying.  All four people, whose bodies were found among the wreckage, are yet to be formally identified.

Victoria Police said in a statement. “Two occupants in each aircraft have died at the scenes, - One plane almost certainly crashed immediately and the other plane crashed about two kilometres north from here and both were extensively damaged prior to colliding with the ground,” 

The police have also said that one flight was a training flight “It is a big tragedy for both families, I know it is a training flight, it is very upsetting for everyone including emergency services who have attended this scene today,”

Local media is reporting that a Piper-Seminole operated Moorabbin Aviation Services, a local flying school was one of the aircraft involved in the collision and that it had recently departed from Moorabbin. The othr aircraft is said to have been flying out of  Tyabb and was a privately registered Beechcraft plane.  

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