
08 February, 2020

1.9 million passengers traveled with SAS in January

The number of customers travelling with SAS increased by 3.2% compared to last year. Punctuality showed a sharp increase by nearly 14 percentage points and regularity remained at high levels.

Total capacity (ASK) and revenue passenger kilometres (RPK) increased by 1.5% and 2.8%, respectively, compared to the same month last year. The growth was driven by increased demand on Intrascandinavian, European and Domestic routes. The increase in demand is reflected in an improved passenger load factor (+0.8 percentage points). Preliminary unit revenue and passenger yield were in line with same period last year at 0.64 SEK and 0.98 SEK respectively.

- It is satisfactory to note that our improved operational quality, customer offering and introduction of new fuel-efficient aircraft, enables SAS to strengthen its position and gain market share in our home markets. We are also encouraged by the increased interest among our customers to voluntarily add Sustainable Aviation Fuel (i.e. biofuel) to their SAS-tickets. Since the introduction of this option, almost 10,000 travellers have chosen to buy biofuel to their journeys. This shows that a growing number of customers share our view on the importance of contributing toward more sustainable air travel, says Rickard Gustafson, CEO of SAS.

After evaluating the Coronavirus situation in China, SAS has decided to close sales until March 15 and suspended all flights to and from Shanghai and Beijing from 31 January until 29 February. The safety of passengers and employees is our highest priority and SAS continues to monitor the situation in close dialogue with relevant authorities.

SAS scheduled trafficJan20Change1Nov19- Jan20Change1
ASK (Mill.)3 4901.5%10 7590.8%
RPK (Mill.)2 2922.7%7 3652.0%
Passenger load factor65.7%+0.8 p.p.68.5%+0.8 p.p.
No. of passengers (000)1,8893.1%6,1191.4%
Geographical development, scheduleJan20 vs. Jan19Nov19- Jan20 vs. Nov18-Jan19
SAS charter trafficJan20Change1Nov19-Jan20Change1
ASK (Mill.)1641,7%4993.6%
RPK (Mill.)1522,9%4614.4%
Load factor92.7%+1.1 p.p.92.4%+0.7 p.p.
No. of passengers (000)0,0535.9%0,1416.8%
SAS total traffic (scheduled and charter)Jan20Change1Nov19- Jan20Change1
ASK (Mill.)3 6541.5%11 2580.9%
RPK (Mill.)2 4442.8%7 8262.2%
Load factor66.9%+0.8 p.p.69.5%+0.8 p.p.
No. of passengers (000)1,9423.2%6,2601.5%
1 Change compared to same period last year.p.p. = percentage points
Preliminary yield and PASKJan20Nominal changeFX adjusted change
Yield, SEK0.98-0.6%-2.8%
PASK, SEK0.64+0.6%-1.6%
Punctuality (arrival 15 min)88.7%
Change in total COemissions, rolling 12 months-2.8%
Change in COemissions per available seat kilometer-2.6%
Carbon offsetting of passenger related emissions45%
RPK – Revenue passenger kilometers
ASK – Available seat kilometers
Load factor – RPK/ASK
Yield – Passenger revenues/RPK (scheduled)
PASK – Passenger revenues/ASK (scheduled)
Change in COemissions per available seat kilometers – SAS passenger related carbon emissions divided with total available seat kilometers (incl. non-revenue and EuroBonus), rolling 12 months
Carbon offsetting of passenger related emissions – Share of SAS passenger related carbon emissions compensated by SAS (EuroBonus members, youth tickets and SAS' staff travel)
From fiscal year 2020 we report change in CO2 emissions in total and per Available Seat Kilometers (ASK) to align with our overall goal to reduce our total CO2 emissions by 25% by 2030, compared to 2005.

SAS, Scandinavia’s leading airline, carries 30 million passengers annually to, from and within Scandinavia. The airline connects three main hubs – Copenhagen, Oslo and Stockholm - with over 125 destinations in Europe, the US and Asia. Spurred by a Scandinavian heritage and sustainable values, SAS will reduce total carbon emissions by 25% and operate with biofuel equivalent to equal the total consumption of fuel used to operate all domestic SAS flights, by 2030. In addition to airline operations, SAS offers ground handling services. technical maintenance and air cargoservices. SAS is a founding member of Star Alliance™ and together with partner airlines offers almost 19.000 daily flights to more than 1.300 destinations around the world.

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