21 January, 2020

WestJet issues a statement in 737 Max

WestJet statement on Boeing 737 MAX

                      Following Boeing's announcement regarding the 737-MAX aircraft, WestJet today announced it will be updating its schedule to remove the aircraft through to June 24, 2020. Any affected guests will be proactively contacted once work is complete.

"We thank our guests for their patience and our WestJetters for their commitment to keeping our airline moving safely and on time as we continue to adjust our schedule," said Ed Sims, WestJet President and CEO. "We remain confident in the regulatory process undertaken by the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) and Transport Canada to ensure the safe return of the aircraft."

WestJet has completed more than 98 per cent of its planned departures even while its 13 MAX aircraft remain on the ground.

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