
08 November, 2019

American Airlines says Boeing 737 Max will return to service on 5th March 2020

Boeing 737 MAX expected to return to scheduled service 
March 5, 2020

American Airlines remains in continuous contact with the Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation and Boeing over the grounding of the Boeing 737 Max aircraft.  Now, despite no aviation safety agency in the world lifting its ban on the aircraft flying,  no airworthiness certificates being granted, American is gambling with passenger safety and saying it will put the type back in the air on 5th March 2020.

Based on the latest guidance, the airline says it anticipates that the resumption of scheduled commercial service on American's fleet of Boeing 737 MAX aircraft will occur March 5, 2020. Once the aircraft is certified, American expects to run exhibition flights, or flights for American team members and invited guests only, prior to March 5.

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