
18 September, 2019

Passenger growth reaches +28% in August for airBaltic

Photo airBaltic
The Latvian airline airBaltic is celebrating a passenger growth rate of 28% in SAugust the carrier has revealed today.  The airline carried 566 093 passengers during August 2019 up 28% from the same month last year.  During August 2019, airBaltic has operated 6 088 flights or 14% more than in August 2019. During the first eight months of the 2019 airBaltic has operated 42 023 flights.

During the first eight months of 2019, airBaltic has transported a total of 3 373 718 passengers to its network spanning Europe, Scandinavia, Russia, CIS and the Middle East.

Martin Gauss, Chief Executive Officer of airBaltic: “Summer season is the peak of the year for us. We had a busy summer season and we are delighted to see a stable growth. airBaltic consistently improves its service and expands its route. We are happy that our passengers appreciate our offer and choose to travel with us more often.”

The airline’s load factor was a respectful 85% in August 2019, although for the first eight months of 2019, it was an average of just 76%.

Photo airBaltic
August, 2019August, 2018Changes
Number of passengers566093440562+28%
Number of flights60885341+14%
Load factor85%84%1 percentage points
15-minute flight punctuality indicator79%84%-5 percentage points
January – August, 2019January – August, 2018Changes
Number of passengers3 373 7182 770 047+22%
Number of flights42 02337 186+13%
Load factor76%77%-1 percentage points
15-minute flight punctuality indicator86%86%0 percentage points

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