
14 July, 2019

Passenger numbers expected to rise for Lufthansa..

The German mega-airline Lufthansa says it expects its passenger numbers will rise about 4% this year, despite the movement spearheaded by teenager Greta Thunberg to curb air travel. 

Carsten Spohr the firms CEO told German newspaper NZZ am Sonntag, “At this time we don’t see restraint - in fact, the opposite. In comparison to last year, already a record year, we’re expecting passenger growth of about 4% (Lufthansa unit) Swiss International Air Lines is also showing growth. The discussion of climate change is not leading to restraint with bookings. People want to fly.”

There has been widespread media speculation that a supposed “Greta effect”  would curb the demand for air travel, as people follow the 16-year-old environmental evangelist's efforts to reduce carbon emitting activities - including flying. Indeed a 'Flight-strike' by environmental protestors targeted Swiss International at Zurich Airport on Saturday, chanting, handing out flyers trying to convince people not to fly in 2020, according to news agency Reuters. 

In the newspaper article, published at the weekend, Sphor indicates he is frustrated that airlines are on the defensive over climate-changing emissions.  “We haven’t succeeded in explaining that air travel influences the world positively: We connect countries, economies and societies together, Moreover, for years we’ve been able to reduce our per-passenger CO2 emissions.”

Spohr also believes that the plethora of low-cost-carriers currently swarming European skies are, at least in part, responsible for the aviation industries poor reputation.  "They’re making our industry the target of criticism and clogging up the airspace because an artificial demand is being stimulated that wouldn’t exist if there were realistic prices,” he said.

“There should not be flights under 10 euros.”
Carsten Spohr 

However, the boss of one of the biggest airline groups in Europe has defended his budget operation,  Eurowings over offering flights for under €35 because it needed to defend its home market.

Photo Lufhansa

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