
14 July, 2019

Cute Panda flash mob promotes Chengdu to people in Pompeii.

Photo Business Wire
On Friday, July 12th, the city of Pompeii, not very far from Naples in Italy played host to visitors from around the world as usual. However, something was different on Friday, as suddenly, several charmingly naive pandas with white and black patches appeared in the crowd and danced lovely “Panda Swing Dancing”, attracting a lot of visitors to stop and watch their performance.

The dancing pandas were greeted by loud cheers from the visitors and then accompanying the rhythm of famous Italian singer Jovanotti’s Il Più Grande Spettacolo Dopo Il Big Bang, these “baby pandas” passionately hugged the friends from all over the world and sent a warm travel invitation from the “hometown of pandas” to all visitors on behalf of Chengdu, the next city to hold the 31st Summer Universiade.

Apart from Panda Flash Mob, the organizer of the event also presented the mysterious, amazing online event of “31st Summer Universiade · Chengdu Gift Box”. Three lucky users would be selected and awarded a free trip to Chengdu, the city to hold the 31st Summer Universiade, on July 15, after participants uploaded the videos or photos of pandas shot on site to their personal Twitter account and @Trip. The organizer would provide a round-trip air ticket and accommodation for free from Roma to Chengdu, China. This was really a great, pleasant surprise, attracting many visitors on the site to participate in it.

In addition, if the viewers who hugged and shot photos of the baby pandas took part in the online event, they would receive an invitation letter from Chengdu, and can take a cup of panda coffee for free at the China · Chengdu Panda Café in Naples on July 13, to sample characteristic Chengdu flavor. While enjoying the coffee, viewers can personally experience the passion of Chengdu, China and the happy time full of panda-oriented, distinctive culture elements.

The baby pandas will also show up in other landmarks of Naples following the Panda Flash Mob at the city of Pompeii, to perform the lovely “Panda Swing Dance” for friends around the world, bringing pleasant feelings like time travel.

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