
13 July, 2019

Almost 3 million people flew with SAS in June

The number of passengers travelling with SAS increased slightly compared to same month last year and reached the highest reported number for a single month. Unit revenue continues to develop favourably and increased with 4.8%.

Scheduled capacity increased with nearly 1% and the number of passengers increased with 0.5%. Currency adjusted unit revenue and yield increased with 4.8% and 5.2% respectively, reaffirming the positive underlying trend during the year.  

– Strong traffic in June shows that customers value both the business and leisure travel offered by SAS, resulting in a record number of passengers. During the month we announced the routes for the first new Airbus A350, which will enter service in January 2020. The A350 is the most fuel-efficient long-haul aircraft available, emitting 30% less CO2 compared to the previous generation of aircraft. We see a demand for more sustainable air travel and this is an important step on our ambitious path to reduce emissions, says Rickard Gustafson, CEO of SAS.

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