
08 March, 2019

KLM striving for more women in leading positions

KLM President & CEO Pieter Elbers today signed the Talent at the Top Charter. At a special Talent at the Top breakfast, marking International Women’s Day, KLM committed itself to objectives that will see more talented women appointed to top positions at KLM.

With the signing of the charter, KLM commits itself to actively seeking to appoint more women to top posts within the company and confirms that it will focus on promoting diversity and inclusion. KLM is convinced that diversity is of great importance and that there are currently too few women in leading positions at the airline. A company-wide plan has therefore now been launched to bring about change.

"The Talent at the Top Charter contributes to achieving a good working climate and the proper focus on diversity policy. It is also a strong signal to our current and future employees that KLM takes diversity and inclusion seriously. We need to become more diverse and inclusive in order to attract and retain talent. This is broader than just gender diversity, but that is where we will begin. Our initial efforts to appoint more women to leading positions will serve as a catalyst for other target groups.” Said, Pieter Elbers, KLM President & CEO