
22 October, 2018

VW Campervan, James Corden and rock music make up the perfect road trip....according to British Airways

The UK's British Airways has chosen a novel way to promote its newest South African route, to the coastal city of Durban, with a survey about ...road trips!!

Apparently, British Airways has done a little research, questioning 6000 people to find out that the perfect road trip involves three people and covers a distance or covers 190 miles or more, accompanied by rock music.  They found that it has to last three hours and 42 minutes and the ideal drive should take place in a VW camper van (16%), Range Rover (14%) or Ford Mustang (8%).

The BA research shows that we need at least one toilet stop every 100 miles, good weather and a reliable sat nav, yet one in three Brits (33%) said getting lost is the fun part of a road trip. The study also found that the music played on a road trip is more important than the destination, but your road trip companions topped the list as the most important factor with 62 %, closely followed by the scenery outside at 60%.

As part of the survey, travellers were also asked to name the celebrity they would most like to see in the passenger seat, with James Corden topping the poll -11%, followed by Tom Hanks and Stephen Fry both on 9%.  Well fancy that,  I wonder who you'd pick to be your ideal road trip companions.

British folk are ok with driving overseas, 35% would happily drive in a foreign country, even if they hadn’t before, however, almost half 48% worry they won’t be able to get used to driving on the other side of the road and 39% worry they won’t be able to read or understand the road signs.

Here's a little quiz