
25 October, 2018

Second security breach on British Airways website uncovered

A second security breach on the British Airways website has been uncovered during the investigation of a previous security hack that affected more than 380,000 transactions in September.

This latest data breach affects more than 185,000 customers, of which 77,000 have had their name, address, email address and detailed payment information was taken. A further 108,000 people lost personal details apart from the CVV number for their payment cards. 

The parent company of British Airways, IAG said both attacks seemed to have been carried out by the same group or gang and passengers .could have been caught out by a website compromise that had gone undetected for months.

The airline advised that it would contact the customers to let them know that their information had been accessed and potentially stolen.  

This is the latest in a series of data hacks on airlines around the world, Cathay Pacific, Air Canad and Delta have all recently experienced data hacks that have compromised passengers personal details.