
25 October, 2018

First Asian woman to fly solo around the world is inspiring women to pursue their dreams.........

Award-Winning documentary on Silver Airways pilot Julie Wang to be featured at two major film festivals

An award-winning documentary entitled “FLYING SOLO: Around the World with Julie Wang,” is scheduled to be featured during the 33rd annual Fort Lauderdale International Film Festival (FLIFF) taking place in Fort Lauderdale between 2nd and 18th November. It will also be at the Chinese American Film Festival (CAFF) taking place 27th October through to 30th November in Los Angeles.

The documentary, produced and directed by Ed Moy, is the inspiring story of pilot and flight instructor Julie Wang and her around-the-world solo flight. Wang is the first Asian woman and first Chinese person to pilot an aircraft around-the-world solo. She is only the ninth woman to fly solo around the world, along with three Americans, four British and an Australian preceding her. Wang, a married mother of one child, is an Airline Transport Pilot, certified flight instructor, an FAA-designated chief flight instructor for the Part 141 courses offered by Zulutime Pilot at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport, and a pilot for Silver Airways based in Fort Lauderdale.
First Asian woman to fly solo around the world is inspiring women to pursue their dreams

Wang’s circumnavigation journey departed Addison, Texas on 17th August 2016, and returned to Addison on 19th September 2016, and included 155 hours of flying over 18 flight days. Her route covered over 38,500 kilometres in a single piston-engine propeller aircraft, mostly over open ocean, overflying or landing in 24 countries. Her longest leg was from Merced, California to Honolulu, Hawaii, covering 2,160 nautical miles nonstop in 13.8 hours.

Since 2016, Wang has served as a pilot for Silver Airways where she continues her love and passion for over-water flying on the airline’s routes to Key West, and between Florida and the Bahamas.

Today, Julie is inspiring women with her accomplishments and motivating them to pursue their passions. “I want to share my love for aviation, encourage girls and women to pursue their passions, and break that border of limiting yourself to stereotypical gender roles,” says Wang. “If you have a dream, go forward in pursuing that dream no matter what. You can do it.”

“It is an honour for us to have a pilot of Julie’s calibre flying for Silver Airways,” said Silver Airways Chief Pilot Brandon Press. “Julie’s passion for flying and her achievements are a tremendous asset to our flight operations team and we look forward to her being upgraded to our Captain ranks very soon as she continues to be an excellent flight instructor and leader for the Silver Airways team and our customers.”

Following the successful completion of her journey, Wang received praise from many throughout the international aviation community for her accomplishment:

“I am totally impressed with Julie's solo flight around the world,” said Mr Wei Chen, a member of the Board of Directors of AOPA China (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association of China). “Over 60 percent of her flight was over the oceans and therefore the challenge and risk were much greater compared to more conventional coastline-based routes. Above all, flying the entire trip solo in a single-engine aeroplane is the biggest challenge even with all the technology aviation has to offer today. Her flight is historic and inspirational to everyone who loves flying. She is a true aviator!”

Angela Guo, Deputy Chairman of AOPA China, praised Wang’s achievement, “As the first Chinese woman to fly around the world, Wang Zheng’s accomplishment is amazing. She is setting aviation world-records not only with demonstrated piloting skill but with strength of character, physical stamina and courage. She flew these 40,000 kilometres around the world completely alone, completely solo, in the real sense of the words 'solo flight,' accompanied by no one. No other Chinese person has ever attempted such a flight. She is the epitome of what we strive for in human achievement, and fully represents the best of the Chinese spirit. She has my deepest admiration and respect.”

(Photos Flying Solo)