
20 October, 2018

Air France staff win 4% pay rise......

In a major concession to staff, the board of Air France have signed an agreement with the main French unions CFDT, CFE-CGC/UNAC, FO/SNPNC, SPAF and UNSA aĆ©rien Air France (Who combined represent over 76% of Air France staff) regarding staff compensation. 

The key provisions of the agreement include a general pay increase of 2%, retroactive to January 1, 2018, and a general pay increase of 2% on January 1, 2019. A major step forward in the ongoing unsettled relations between staff and the airline that has cost the carrier millions in lost revenue over recent times.

The next round of annual salary negotiations (NAO) will begin between the company and the representative unions in October 2019. These discussions will be based on the global economic environment, the present situation of the Air France-KLM Group, as well as the company's economic performance.

"I would like to thank everyone involved at Air France for the quality of our discussions over the past few weeks, and for the trust that has prevailed throughout," said Benjamin Smith, CEO of Air France-KLM and Air France. "This way of working between all parties provides Air France and the Air France-KLM Group with a new perspective going forward, and it is my hope that it will ensure the future success of our airlines."