
08 October, 2018

Air France - KLM September results

The Air France KLM group released its September results this week, which showed the group increased the number of passengers it carried by some 2.7% during September, whilst overall the load factor remained pretty stable.

KLM continued to see modest improvements in both revenue and the number of passengers it took for a ride during last month according to the latest figures,. These also showed that year to date the Royal Dutch Airline is over % up on 2017 results.

September saw the passenger load factor drop slightly to 89.7% (-0.4%pts). This was due to higher capacity in available seat kilometres (+2.0% ASKs) compared to lower traffic growth in revenue passenger kilometres (+1.5% RPKs).

This slight drop had a number of causes combined with a fall in load factor in Europe. There was robust growth in passenger traffic on North and South American routes, while capacity and traffic to African and Asian destinations decreased.

The load factor for KLM Cargo rose to 66.4% (+1.3%pts), because capacity decreased (-4.3% ATKs) more than traffic (-2.4% RTKs).

At Transavia, while capacity remained more or less the same, traffic grew somewhat, resulting in a higher load factor.