
09 August, 2018

The Lufthansa group's July results

14.2 Million people flew with Lufthansa group in July 

In July 2018, the Lufthansa Group of airlines welcomed around 14.2 million passengers across its vast network, that's an 8.2 percent increase over July 2017. The available seat kilometres were up 7.0 percent sales were up 7.0 percent and the load fact was pretty stable at 86.3 percent. 

The Network Airlines Lufthansa German Airlines, SWISS and Austrian Airlines carried 10.2 million passengers in July - 5.2 percent, more than in the prior-year period. Compared to the previous year, the available seat kilometres increased by 4.1 percent in June. The sales volume was up 3.7 percent over the same period, decreasing seat load factor by 0.3 percentage points to 86.3 percent.

In July, the strongest passenger growth of the network airlines was recorded at the Munich hub, where the number of passengers increased by 9.0 percent compared to the same month last year. The number of passengers increased by 4.5 percent in Zurich, 4.0 percent in Vienna and 3.8 percent in Frankfurt. The underlying offer also increased to varying degrees: in Munich by 11.7 percent, in Zurich by 7.3 percent, and in Vienna by 4.3 percent. The number of seat kilometres available in Frankfurt fell slightly by 0.3 percent.

Lufthansa German Airlines transported 6.8 million passengers in July, a 5.8 percent increase compared to the same month last year. A 3.1 percent increase in seat kilometres in July corresponds to a 2.2 percent increase in sales. Furthermore, the seat load factor was 86.0 percent, therefore 0.8 percentage points below last year’s level.


Eurowings (including Brussels Airlines) carried around 3.9 million passengers in July. Among this total, 3.6 million passengers were on short-haul flights and 225,000 flew long-haul. This amounts to an increase of 16.9 percent in comparison to the previous year. July capacity was 21.4 percent above its prior-year level, while its sales volume was up 23.3 percent, resulting in an increase of seat load factor by 1.3 percentage points to 86.0 pecent.

On short-haul services the airlines raised capacity 17.2 percent and increased sales volume by 20.6 percent, resulting in a 2.5 percentage points increased seat load factor of 86.8 percent, compared to July 2017. The seat load factor for the long-haul services decreased by 1.3 percentage points to 84.4 percent during the same period, following a 31.2 percent increase in capacity and a 29.3 percent rise in sales volume, compared to the previous year.