
13 August, 2018

July 2018 - The busiest July on record for all London's main airports

The month of July has proved to be a busy month for London's main airports, breaking all previous records.  

London Stanstead airport in Essex saw passenger number rise up 7.4 percent on last years July figures to a whopping 2.8 million passengers.  The airports CEO, Ken O’Toole said, “As the main summer holiday season firmly gets underway, July is always a very busy month for us and this year we have welcomed a record number of passengers to the airport."

London Luton had the busiest July in its history with 1.67 million passengers passing through its doors, some 3.1 percent more than used the airport in July last year. “July was a milestone month for LLA, as we celebrated 80 years of growth and reached the next stage of our £160 million redevelopment." Nick Barton, chief executive of Luton said.

July 2018 was the busiest ever month for London City Airport, exceeding all existing records since it opened in 1987. In total, 471,519 passengers departed or arrived between 1st and 31st July– up 15.7% year-on-year compared to July 2017. It was also the third consecutive month that the airport has broken existing records, preceded by May (422,593 passengers) and June (441,519).

London Gatwick also recorded its busiest ever July this year, with most increaes in passenger numbers coming from long-haul flights.  The airline reported Asia routes grew by +134.8 percent when compared with July last year. The airport’s US connections continue to prove popular, with New York up 67.5 percent, Boston +58.7 percent and Las Vegas up by 32.5 percent. Tampa saw a more modest increase of 5.3 percent over last July's passenger numbers. Cargo passing through the airport by 28.8 percent mainly due to the soaring long-haul growth.  Stewart Wingate, CEO, Gatwick Airport said, “July’s traffic figures demonstrate that Gatwick’s long-haul network is driving the airport’s growth."

London Heathrow also saw some record numbers of passengers in July, indeed the 29th was the busiest day in Heathrow’s history, on that day the airport welcomed nearly 262,000 passengers in 24 hours. Overall, July reached unprecedented peaks, with over a quarter of a million passengers travelling through the airport on 19 different days in the month. Over 7.8 million passengers travelled through the Heathrow in July, up 3.7 percent on 2017 and was the 21st consecutive record month.  

(Photos London Heathrow Airport, London City Airport, London Gatwick Airport)