
03 August, 2018

Jet Airways 737-800 aborts takeoff following obstruction on runway.

The lucky 142 passengers on a Jet Airways flight to Mumbai from Riyadh had a lucky escape when the Boeing 737-800 they were on skidded off the runway in a dramatic aborted take off today.

The pilot of the modern jet spotted an object or obstruction on the tarmac of the runway and decided to abort the takeoff, breaking hardand had to run off the paved surface.The passengers and crew all evacuated the aircraft via the emergency slides and there are no reports of any casualties. “All 142 guests and seven crew members aboard the Boeing 737-800 aircraft were safely evacuated with no injuries,” a spokesperson for Jet Airways said.  

Jet Airways said it was working on alternative arrangements for passengers affected by flight 9W523's runway excursion. “A predominant number of guests from the 142 have either returned to their residences or have been accommodated in hotels. Our local team is offering complete support to 41 guests, who together with the airline’s crew members, are currently in the airport lounge, as they await recovery of their travel documents,” the spokesperson said earlier.

It is more bad news for Jet Airways which is struggling with financial difficulties and recently approached pilots and staff with proposed pay cuts and denied reports that it only had enough cash to operate for the next sixty days. 