
17 July, 2018

Air Lease Corporation orders 23 aircraft from Boeing

Boeing and Air Lease Corporation today announced orders and commitments for up to 78 Boeing aircraft at the 2018 Farnborough International Airshow. That's the headline news from the American manufacturer, but the small print indicates that only the first 23 aircraft are actually firm commitments. 

This order is for up to 75 737 MAX 8s and 3 787-9 Dreamliners and has a list price value of over $9.6 billion, but will be much much lower in reality. However, don't be fooled by the Boeing hype, as they try to portray domance on the world aircraft market, the 75 air frames isn't a confirmed order. Only 23 aircraft are confirmed orders made up of 20 737 MAX planes and 3 787-9's.

The remaining 55 737 Max aircraft are listed as 'commitments', but no deal on them has been signed or confirmed at this stage.  "Demand for reliable, fuel-efficient aeroplanes is at an all-time high. The capabilities of these new aeroplanes continue to meet the high expectations of our growing airline customer base," said Steven Udvar-Házy, Executive Chairman of Air Lease Corporation.

John Plueger, CEO and President of Air Lease Corporation added, "The economic and operating advantages of the 737 MAX and 787 Dreamliner will provide our airline customers with the competitive advantage they need."