
20 June, 2018

Two US airlines say no to US officials over transporting separated children

Two of the biggest US air carriers, American Airlines and United have asked the US federal government not to fly immigrant children separated from their parents'  on their aircraft following  US President Trump's “zero tolerance” on illegal immigrants. 

The two leading airlines say they have no idea if  US officials had previously used their flights to transport separated children. American Airlines said, “We would be extremely disappointed to learn that is the case.” adding “We have no desire to be associated with separating families, or worse, to profit from it."

United said, "Based on our serious concerns about this policy and how it’s in deep conflict with our company’s values, we have contacted federal officials to inform them that they should not transport immigrant children on United aircraft who have been separated from their parents," 

The Trump supporting, Delta Air Lines said it would continue working with the US immigration officials.

Following global condemnation of the policy, Trump said on Wednesday that he would sign an order to halt the enforced separation of the families but vowed to remain strong on illegal immigrants which he says are infesting the US.